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Addressable Fire Alarm Panel AW-AFP2188

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Addressable Fire Alarm Panel AW-AFP2188

Gas Fire Alarm System, Products

We have addressable fire alarm control systems and conventional fire systems, the addressable fire alarm control systems are most popular now.

  • Specifications
  • Features
  • Application
  • More Information

The addressable fire alarm panel is the central controller of the fire protection system, It plays a very important role in the field of fire protection and is the small heart of fire control.

We have 3 addressable fire alarm control panels that comply with international standards ISO7240-14-2013:

  • 1. AFP2188-100: 100 addresses
  • 2. AFP2188-200: 200 addresses.
  • 3. AFP2188-324: 324 addresses.

The 2188 series addressable fire control panel and its systems have the below detectors and accessories:

  • 1. ASD2188: addressable photoelectric smoke detector.
  • 2. ATD2188: addressable fixed temperature heat detector.
  • 3. ASH2188: addressable smoke and heat combined detector.
  • 4. AMC2188: addressable manual call point.
  • 5. ASS2188: addressable hooter and horn.
  • 6. AIO2188-IN: addressable input module.
  • 7. AIO2188-OUT: addressable out module.
  • 8. CODERF900E: coder for setting address.
  • 9. RP2188: repeater.

The 2188 series of fire alarm control systems is an economical, reliable, durable, steady, and user-friendly system.

An addressable fire alarm system uses sophisticated technology to pinpoint a fire’s exact location, while the common fire alarm panel does not have this function

It is compatible with many fire protection systems, including water mist, water spray, foam, super-fine ABC dry chemical powder, wet chemical, Novec 1230, FM200, and aerosol suppression systems.

According to the specific needs of the customer, we can also add other related functions to the addressable fire alarm panel.



The AW-AFP2188 is a new type of analog fire alarm control panel that has 324 alarm controls.
points (detectors and modules that are characterized by fully mixed coding, non-polarity, and two buses). It complies with the provisions of both Fire Alarm Control Units (GB4717-2005) and
Automatic Control System for Fire Protection (GB16806-2006).
Its characteristics are as follows:
The intelligent detectors and the intelligent modules have internal microprocessors to realize digital filtering and auto-compensation functions; the data collection is true and reliable; the AW-AFP2188 control panel can carry out data processing based on fuzzy control theory and modern fire alarm theory to fundamentally avoid missing alarms and to reduce false alarms, to improve reliability.
The detectors have a sensitivity setup function and can adjust the alarm sensitivity according to the specific environment and its influences.
The detecting bus and the control bus share a two-wire structure and have non-polarity and fully mixed coding of the detectors and modules, and the intelligent detectors and the intelligent modules can be directly connected to them, which greatly simplifies the system wiring, and engineering installation, and circuit maintenance.
The system uses an AC-DC master-standby power supply system which will automatically change between the master and standby power supplies in the event of a power failure of either of the two power supplies to ensure uninterrupted operation of the system.
The AW-AFP2188 can be connected to a special mini-printer to realize real-time printing.
The AW-AFP2188 can be connected to floor fire display panels to display fire alarms by standard RS-485.
The AW-AFP2188 can be connected to ten multi-line linkage control/monitoring points to control and monitor important equipment.
The AW-AFP2188 is equipped with eight bus manual control points, which makes it very easy for the user to control related equipment.

  • Parameters:
    AW-AFP2188 system capacity: 324 points (non-polarity, two-wire bus, fully mixed coding).
  • AC input voltage: AC 220V±20% 50Hz.
  • AC input power: 120W.
  • DC power: DC24V 5.0Ah, two fully sealed maintenance-free DC12V 5.0Ah storage batteries.
  • Wire connection: connected in series
  • The 24V DC power has a long-term constant output current of 6A.
  • The 5V DC power has a long-term constant output current of 4A.
  • Circuit bus: two-wire system; total length: ≤1500m.
  • Voltage UL of the circuit bus:
    +20V≤UL≤+26V(when the DC power is operating).
    +24V≤UL≤+26V(when the AC power is operating).

System working conditions

  • 1. Temperature: -20 to +55℃.
  • 2. Humidity: ≤98%.
  • 3. Power supply: AC 220V 50HZ; DC 24V 6A.
  • 4. Output contact capacity: AC 220V 1A; DC 27.6V 3A.
    See the specifications of detectors and modules for the specific technical parameters of the detectors, the interface module, the monitoring module, and the control module.

Supermarkets, Shopping malls, Banks, Insurance Company, Archives, Library, Museums, Underground Pipe Gallery, Railway, Road, Transportation industry, mining industry, offshore industry, commercial and industrial, business, power supply, new energy, logistics warehouses, workshop, factories etc.

The Addressable fire control panel can work with below fire suppression systems:

  • Aerosol Suppression System.
  • FM200 System.
  • NOVEC 1230 System.
  • IG541 System.
  • IG55 System.
  • IG100 System.
  • Foam Suppression System.
  • Super-fine ABC dry chemical powder fire suppression system.
  • Water-mist system.
  • Water spray system.

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