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Aerosol for IT Room Fire Suppression Systems

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Aerosol for IT Room Fire Suppression Systems

June 26, 2017


The IT room (normally means computer room) generally refers to the place where the servers are stored and IT services are provided for users and employees in telecom, Netcom, mobile, dual-line, power, and government or enterprises.

The small IT room has dozens of square meters, and generally places 20 or 30 sets of electrical cabinets, Large IT rooms can reach tens of thousands of square meters to place thousands of cabinets.

Various servers and minicomputers are usually placed in the IT room, such as IBM minicomputer, HP minicomputer, and SUN minicomputer.

The server in the computer room runs many data services, such as mobile multimedia messages, short messages, and call services. The computer room is very important.

Without the computer room, work and life will be greatly affected, so each computer room should not only be managed by professionals to ensure the normal operation of business; In addition, fire protection measures should be taken.


As an IT room(computer learning room and data center), its physical environment is strictly controlled, mainly divided into several aspects: temperature, power supply, floor, and fire protection system.

IT room fire suppression system


Speaking of temperature, we will think of air conditioning. Air conditioning is used to control the temperature and humidity of the data center.

The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering Association recommends that the temperature range is 20-25 ℃ (68-75 ℉), the humidity range is 40-55%, and the maximum dew point temperature suitable for the data center environment is 17 ℃.

The power supply in the data center will heat the air. Unless the heat is removed, the ambient temperature will rise, leading to electronic equipment failure.

By controlling the air temperature, the server components can be maintained within the temperature/humidity range specified by the manufacturer.

The air conditioning system helps control the humidity by cooling the indoor air to the dew point. If the humidity is too high, the water may start to condense on the internal components.

If in a dry environment, the auxiliary humidification system can add water vapor, because if the humidity is too low, it may cause electrostatic discharge problems, may damage components, and may also cause fire.

Power Supply

The power supply of the IT room consists of one or more uninterruptible power supplies and/or diesel generators. To avoid single-point failure, all power systems, including standby power supply, are fully redundant.

Key servers, need to connect to two power supplies at the same time to achieve the reliability of the N+1 redundant system.

Static switches are sometimes used to ensure instant switching from one power supply to another in case of power failure.

The Floor

The floor of the IT room should be raised 80-100 meters from the tile floor to provide better air distribution.

In this way, the air conditioning system can also pour cold air under the floor, and also provide more space for underground power line wiring.

In this way, the IT room will be more secure.

Computer cabinets are often organized into a hot channel to maximize air circulation efficiency and prevent from thermal runaway.

Fire Protection System

The fire protection system of the computer room includes passive and active design and a fire protection implementation plan.

Smoke detectors are usually installed, so that the staff can find the fire alarm in advance before burning to produce an open fire, then cut off the power supply before the fire increases, and use the fire extinguisher to put out the fire manually.

We can not use automatic water fire sprinkler systems in the data center, because electronic components often fail when exposed to water, especially when the power supply is not cut off.

Therefore, it is better to install a clean gas fire extinguishing system or aerosol fire suppression system in the IT Room.

An Aerosol system is strongly recommended because it not only has the same advantages as a clean gas system but also has the additional advantages of simple installation and no need to arrange a pipe network. Aerosol agents can be operated and stored under no pressure.

The specific method is to install large aerosol equipment in the main IT room connect it to the alarm system, and install small automatic aerosol equipment in the cabinet.

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