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Aerosol extinguishment 7 gram suppress fire

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  • Aerosol extinguishment 7 gram suppress fire

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    Mikro-aërosolvuurplakker, produkte

    7-gram aerosol extinguishment, one of the smallest fixed-type suppression systems in the world.

    It can cover about 0.10 cubic meters of space and is an ideal solution for narrow enclosed space fire suppression.

    • spesifikasies
    • Kenmerke
    • aansoek
    • Meer inligting

    7-gram aerosol extinguishment is almost the world’s smallest fire suppression unit in the world, its size is only a diameter of 40 millimeter, and its height is no more than 20 millimeter, such a small product almost can be installed in any small and narrow space.

    Ons het baie installasie gevalle, soos electric meter boxes, small electrical cabinets, lithium battery cylinders, battery compartments for power exchange cabinets, small switchboards, and high-voltage cable explosion-proof connectors.

    This aerosol extinguishment is an innovative technology in the fire suppression industry because of the following advantages:

    • Dit werk outomaties.
    • It has a very stylish appearance, its cylinder is specially made by one of our skilled technicians who has over 40 years of design experience.
    • The cylinder itself does not carry any pressure.
    • It is a small size, and it can make protection for every small space.
    • Its extinguishing agent is made up of the main oxidants of potassium nitrate and strontium nitrate, wat groen materiaal is.

    pyrosol lithium battery aerosol suppression system generator

    Below are the main parameters and datasheet:

    • Item nommer: QRR0.007G / S / SA.
    • Spesifikasie: φ40*H20 mm (so groot soos QRR0.012G / S / SA)
    • Mount Hole Spacing: φ4*54 millimeter.
    • Produk Konsentrasie: Minder as 60 om 100 gram per m3.
    • Suppression Volume: ≤0,1 kubieke meter.
    • The rated Temperature of the Thermal Sensing Line is 175℃.
    • Tyd vrystel: ≤4 sekondes.
    • Actuator Current: More than 700mA (Gelykstroom).
    • veilige Huidige: ≤150mA (Gelykstroom).
    • Electric Start-up Time: Minder as 1 sekondes.
    • Ambient Temperature Range: Minimum -50 ℃, Maksimum +95℃.
    • Service Time: ten to fifteen years.
    • Warranty Period: een jaar.
    • Verenigbaarheid: It can work standalone can work with fire alarm devices, en kan voldoen aan Thermal Activation Devices.

    The price of aerosol fire extinguishing systems varies according to different order requirements.

    In terms of price, some other competitive products have appeared on the market, soos FM200, Vuur Detection Tube, Dry Chemical, ens.

    Maar, compared to others, aerosols have unique advantages and their fire extinguishing principles are also different, daarom, Aerosol fire extinguishers remain a hot seller on the market.

    There are some other manufacturers of aerosol extinguishing systems on the world market. but we are the only manufacturer that produces generation four (4G) advanced aerosol products based on the newest and innovative aerosol technology.

    We produce an S-type strontium nitrate aerosol extinguishment system, while others produce K-type potassium nitrate aerosol. S-type aerosols are better than K-type aerosols in all aspects.

    This product is becoming more and more popular and some lithium battery suppliers are very interested in it because it has the following features and characteristics:

    • Klein grootte.
    • Lightweight.
    • Ruimtebesparend.
    • Groot kapasiteit.
    • Vinnig om vuur te onderdruk.
    • Silinder sonder druk.
    • Maklik om te bedryf en te installeer.
    • Lang lewensduur.
    • Die belangrikste, dit is CLEAN AGENT, after releasing the smoke-like gas runs out from the nozzle without leaving any residue.

    However aerosol systems also have their disadvantages, dit is: na vrylating, the cylinder is very hot.

    daarom, please handle it carefully after spraying and wait until its cylinder has cooled down before moving it.


    Since it is a popular fire extinguishing product, we can imagine that it can be applied in a lot of places, here we list some application places, but not limited to these places:

    • Elektriese paneel.
    • Beheerkas.
    • Meterkaste.
    • the battery compartment, especially lithium-ion batteries.
    • Wind turbine beheer toerusting.
    • Motorvoertuie beheer toestel.
    • Sonpanele.

    Aerosol fire extinguishers are classified as Class 9.1 Hazardous Goods and therefore need to be handled with care.

    When handling, storing, installing, and debugging, please pay attention to the following matters:

    • Enigiemand (behalwe ou mense en kinders) can install this product, but should be as per the INSTALLASIE HANDLEIDING.
    • Moenie hierdie toestel te eniger tyd uitmekaar haal nie, ons maatskappy is nie verantwoordelik vir enige ongeluk nie because of this matter.
    • Please do not touch the hot cylinder immediately after the extinguishing unit is sprayed.
    • Berg dit in 'n droë en geventileerde plek, vermy reën en son.
    • If you accidentally come into contact with an aerosol compound, was dan dadelik jou hande met water.
    • Wanneer jy stelselontfouting doen, maak seker die krag is af, to avoid activation by mistake.

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