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Aktiewe aërosolbrandbestrydingstelsel vir mynboutoerusting

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  • Aktiewe aërosolbrandbestrydingstelsel vir mynboutoerusting

    KATEGORIE en etikette:
    Minisol -spuitblusser, produkte

    Soos ander vuur onderdrukking stelsels are difficult to apply in mining equipment, so we kindly recommend clean agent aerosol fire extinguishing systems.


    • spesifikasies
    • Focused Features
    • aansoek
    • Meer inligting

    Mining Environment and Fire Fighting System

    The mining environment is relatively harsh, and usually, a fire extinguishing system is needed to protect the safety of mining equipment. Aerosol fire fighting system is a good product for mining equipment fires.

    Die mynbou toerusting has many styles, such as Coal mining machines, padrigting masjinerie, shaft boring machines, drift boring machines, drill loaders, buckets, bucket loaders, conveying machines, pit tubs, shuttle cars, specialty cars, rack track cars, en so aan.

    Mining Equipment Fire Protection System

    Mining equipment always easily catches fire during long time operation, Experience tells us that aerosol fire extinguishers are suitable for use in mining equipment.

    Hereby we recommend a 1000-gram aerosol fire fighting system.

    Specifications of The Aerosol Fire Fighting System

    The following are the primary specifications of the electrical activation aerosol fire-fighting system:

    • Reeksnommer: 1000E.
    • Product Specification: Phi 167* 234 mm.
    • beskerming Deel: 10 kubieke meter.
    • Quality of Aerosol Compound: 1000 gram.
    • Design Concentration: Minder as 100 gram per kubieke meter.
    • Snellermodus: Electrical activation Power Supply 3 om 24 Volts.
    • Plug-in Material: waterproof bronze.
    • Material of Inner Cylinder and Outer Cylinder: 304 vleklose staal.
    • Totale gewig: 6500 gram.
    • Netto gewig: 1000 gram.
    • Suppression Time: 18 sekondes.
    • Lewensduur: 10 jaar volgens ons verouderingstoets.

    The structure of mine fire protection systems is generally relatively simple, but usually, some accessories are also required. The following are the three basic accessories required:

    • Accessory one is the Activation button, the function is to start the fire extinguisher manually, It is mounted in the cab.
    • Accessory two is the 3-24 volt kragtoevoer, to start the fire extinguisher we need the power supply, the vehicle’s power supply can work with the fire extinguisher.
    • Accessory three is the fire-rated connection cables, generally 2-core or 4-core cables.

    The above three accessories, combined with a fire extinguishing system, can form a simple and complete mine fire protection system.

    If you need more information on fire protection for mining equipment, asseblief Kontak Ons on time.

    mini aërosol brandblusstelsel

    The Focused Features of this active aerosol fire-fighting system are as follows:

    • Mining equipment always works in harsh environments, and only an aerosol fire extinguishing system can offer useful help.
    • Aerosol behoort skoon blusmiddel, after release, its residue does not cause any damage to the environment and the human body.
    • Ons minisol aërosol brandblustoestel is baie klein en kompak, dit kan in enige nou of beperkte ruimte geïnstalleer word.
    • Aerosol fire extinguishing devices do not require yearly maintenance and inspection.
    • Die konsentrasie daarvan is ontwerp by 100 gram per kubieke meter, dit is hoogs effektief en halon-alternatief.

    Dit het 'n wye reeks toepassings, hereby we list some below:

    • Geen breekkamer nie.
    • HV kamer.
    • Beheerpaneelkamer.
    • Elektriese kamer.
    • Mariene enjinkamers.
    • Warehouse, en stoorkamer.
    • Hoë geboue, argiewe, libraries and museums.
    • Kragsentrale.
    • Windturbines.
    • Automobiles.
    • Substasie basis.
    • Nut tonnel, kabel goed.
    • Rekenaar data kamer.
    • Bedienerkamer.
    • Landbou masjiene.
    • The ATM.
    • CNC masjiene.
    • Mobiele toestelle.

    Please be cautious about the following matters:

    • Do not enter the room when the aerosol generator is released.
    • Na vrylating, moenie aan die silinder raak nie, want dit is te warm.
    • Do not disassemble the fire-extinguishing device privately.
    • Installeer hierdie toestel volgens ons Installasie handleiding.

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