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Aerosol Fire Suppression System for Bank ATM Machine

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Aerosol Fire Suppression System for Bank ATM Machine

Mei 4, 2017

aërosol onderdrukking toestel geïnstalleer word in OTM masjienFM200, Koolstofdioksied, Inerte gas, and aerosol all belong to the gasagtige vuur onderdrukking stelsel, volgens die standaarde wat in die wêreld gepubliseer is, mense sal vrae hê, about why aerosol also belongs to one of the number of gas fire suppression systems, To answer this question, ons sal hiermee 'n kort verduideliking gee:

  • Die aërosolstelsel is 'n innoverende tegnologie, en sy middel is 'n vaste stof met chemikalieë van strontiumnitraat en kaliumnitraat as die hoofkomponente.
  • Onder normale omstandighede, the aerosol agent is stored in the container as solid powder, maar na bespuiting, dit sal uiters fyn deeltjies wees.
  • Hierdie klein deeltjies is op die nanometervlak, en mense kan hulle nie met die blote oog sien nie. Hulle kan enige hindernis omseil en die hele spasie vul.
  • Mense noem dit gewoonlik hierdie verskynsel “gasvormige aërosol”, want as jy met jou oë daarna kyk, sy vrystellingsproses is soos die vrystelling van rook of gas.
  • Volgens internasionale standaarde soos UL2775 en NFPA 2010, aërosols word tans as gasbrandblus geklassifiseer.

Aerosol Fire Suppression System and ATMS

Ons weet dat aërosol-tegnologie afkomstig is van Rusland se militêre tegnologie, and later developed in Europe, Asië, Australië, and other countries and regions, and then developed in China.

Aërosols in Europa, Amerika, Australië, and other countries use potassium nitrate as the main oxidant, terwyl Chinese agente strontiumnitraat op hul basis byvoeg; Dit maak die formulering van die middel verbeter, and China’s aerosol technology more environmentally friendly, duursaam, and safe.

In terme van ontwerpdigtheid, 100 g/m3 vir China en 50-70 g/m3 vir ander, hoewel die ontwerpdigtheid van aërosolmiddels in China nie so hoog is soos dié in ander lande nie, hulle is meer omgewingsvriendelik.

In Sjina, we have a Minisol aerosol fire extinguisher with 304 stainless cylinders as the loader, which the product can install in narrow enclosure spaces like electrical panels, OTM'e, ens.

Die ATMS machine, skoonmaak kamer, and Monitoring Room all are important places where easy to get a fire in the banking systems.

Our mini aerosol fire extinguisher and its system are the innovative fire fighting and protection products in the world and offer a versatile, smart, and economical fire protection solution.

The Mini Aerosol fire extinguisher and suppression system include all the elements that detect the fire a device, and an installation bracket.
For the device in the banking system ATM fire protection, we suggest better use thermo bulb as an actuator, and the rated temperature can be 68℃ or 93℃(the one installed inside the ATM 93℃, and the one installed in the cleaning room and monitoring room should be 68℃).

The Process of Aerosol Fire Suppression Devices acting on ATMs

For a better understanding of how to install, hereby there are two of our installation photos for ATMs for your reference:

Wanneer die omgewing temperatuur kom by die gegradeerde temperatuur, the aerosol device will start to work.

Die Aerosol toestel silinder is die ingeslote 304 vlekvrye silinder, binne die silinder sonder enige druk (nie onder druk nie), anti-hoë temperatuur, or anti-vibration.

Wanneer die vuur gebeur, it will be discharging out the nanoparticles of aerosol agents and inert gas to extinguish the fire rapidly. the fire extinguishing ability is much better than other conventional fire extinguishing devices.

Advantages and Other Details

The aerosol device has no piping and can work stand-alone, just need to use an installation bracket to install it inside the ATM or use several small magnets to adhere the device inside the ATM. En net gebruik maak van die installasie bracket aan die toestel te installeer op die muur.

Die aerosol toestel is betroubaar en duursame in prestasie, mode in voorkoms, and low in maintenance, so saves operating costs; nadat die nakoming nie skadelik oorskot, nie nodig om skoon te maak van die beskermde gebied.

Dit is slim en klein in grootte, so can be installed in the narrow space of ATMs, waar ander soorte gas, water, skuim, and dry chemical suppression systems not reach.

In praktiese toepassing, daar is baie tegniese besonderhede, parameters installation environment requirements, and other factors which may affect the installation and use of aerosols.

Kontak asseblief ons tegniese personeel of na-verkope dienspersoneel vir verdere bespreking oor hierdie kwessie.


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