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Many customers after having a look at our condensed aerosol fire suppression system, showed a lot of interest, but they did even not know how to choose our different models and types because for aerosol products we have three basic series, daar is: vloer staan reeks, muur gemonteer reeks en minisol vaste reeks.
The standing series is square and could be red color painted or silver-white color painted, hul grootte is gewoonlik 400 * 300 * 680mm en 600 * 300 * 680mm, or another special design size, met 2.5 kilogram na 10 kilogram van aerosol blus mengsel vul die binnekant, die belangrikste modelle is soos volg:
. AW-QRR2.5LW/S.
. AW-QRR5LW / S.
. AW-QRR7.5LW/S.
Soos ons kan sien, it just needs to be put in the ground to install, it is large and filled with a large quality aerosol compound in kilograms, so it is suitable to install in some spaces with a volume of more than several tens of cubic meters or for some large projects, and also there must be some leftover space to put the device on corner of the ground, soos:
. rekenaarlokale.
. telekommunikasie kamers.
. Dataverwerking kamers.
. Krag transformator substasies.
. kabel kluis, kabel sloot, and cable well.
. National Library.
. Museums.
. Argiewe.
. The large size of low and high-voltage power distribution rooms.
. Groot kragopwekker kamers ens.
It is recommended to install it in a bigger space because it is more economical in pricing, Veral die krag verspreiding kamer, rekenaarkamer, biblioteek, museum, etc are more suitable to use this style.
Wall mounted series is cylindrical and could be red color painted or silver white color painted, hul grootte is gewoonlik deursnee 300 * 700mm of deursnee 300 * 800mm, or other special design sizes, met 2.5 kilogram na 10 kilogram van aerosol blus mengsel vul die binnekant, die belangrikste modelle is soos volg:
. AW-QRR7.5GW/S.
Soos ons kan sien, it needs to be installed on the wall or the top ceiling, dit is in mediaan grootte en groot aerosol saamgestelde gehalte in kilogram, it is also suitable for installation in some spaces with a volume of more than several tens of cubic meters or a large project, it better to install in the site that requires to install on the wall or the ceiling, soos:
. Rekenaarkamer.
. telekommunikasie kamer.
. Krag transformator kamer.
. Ondergrondse pyp galery.
. Power verspreiding kamer.
. Krag genereer kamer.
. Dataverwerking kamer ens.
It is recommended to install in the median size of space and install where there is little space left on the ground to put a fire extinguishing device because it is more economical in pricing and space-saving by installing it on the ceiling or the wall.
Especially the underground pipe gallery and wind power energy industry are better to use this kind of.
Minisol vaste reeks aerosol is also in cylindrical size, dit is 304 stainless cylinders in silver white color (vlekvrye staal kleur), die grootte is baie klein of kleiner, the minimum size is the diameter of 51*95mm and the maximum size is the diameter of 219*295mm, met 0.03 kilogram na 3 kilogram van aerosol blus mengsel vul die binnekant, die belangrikste modelle is soos volg:
. AW-QRR0.03GW / S (30 gram).
. AW-QRR0.06GW / S (60 gram).
. AW-QRR0.1GW / S (100 gram).
. AW-QRR0.15GW / S (150 gram).
. AW-QRR0.2GW/S (200 gram).
. AW-QRR0.25GW/S (250 gram).
. AW-ARR0.3GW / S (300 gram).
. AW-QRR0.5GW/S (500 gram).
. AW-QRR0.75GW/S (750 gram).
. AW-QRR1GW / S (1000 gram).
. AW-QRR1.5GW/S (1500 gram).
. AW-QRR2GW / S (2000 gram).
. AW-QRR2.5GW/S (2500 gram).
. AW-QRR3GW / S (3000 gram).
As dit is veelsydig, flexible, en klein in grootte, people can install it everywhere inside and outside the protection room (beskerming voorwerp), soos:
. telekommunikasie kamers.
. Power transformer rooms.
. Distributing rooms.
. Power-generating rooms.
. Dataverwerking kamers.
. Elektriese kas ruimte.
. Elektriese kontrole boks en raad.
. Vehicle auto engine compartments, like buses, motors, afrigters, and trucks.
. Windkrag energie kompartement.
. CNC masjiene, printing machines, OTM'e, en so aan.
For some projects it is very complicated, not only does the room need to be protected but also the electrical cabinet or machines need to be protected as well, in this condition both Floor standing Aerosol (or wall-mounted aerosol) and mini fixed aerosol fire extinguishing devices are required to install.
Byvoorbeeld, a computer server room is 20 meter in lengte, 15 meter in breedte, en 4 meter in hoogte, daar is 60 sets of cabinets inside the room and their size are 60 sentimeter in lengte, 50 centimeters in width, en 2 meter in hoogte, we are planning to design aerosol fire extinguishing device as a fire solution, then we install wall-mounting or floor standing aerosol for the whole room and the Minisol aerosol fire extinguisher for the cabinet, ontwerp besonderhede soos hieronder:
aerosol fire suppression system for the electrical cabinet control panel and switch box
Goed, wanneer mense installeer ons aerosol produkte vir hul deurlopende projek, hulle sal altyd vra: “Do you also have a fire alarm system?”, “How can we connect a fire alarm system with your products?”, “do we need to design a fire alarm system together with your aerosol products?” ens.
For these questions, our answer is “Ja”, we can provide fire alarm systems as per clients’ vereistes, but how to design and connect a fire alarm system with our aerosol systems is divided into 2 dele:
Sien hieronder artikels:
Litium battery brandbeskermingsvereniging mini aerosol stelsel vir nuwe energie voertuie
Outomatiese aerosol blus toestel vir elektriese kas en hok
Aerosol fire extinguisher and suppression system for bank OTMSpesiale gevaar aerosol brandbeskermingstelsel vir Kritieke aansoek
In these articles, there are many installation photos you can see, that all the installed mini aerosol devices work standalone without any power supply and without connecting and designing with fire alarm systems together. (opmerking: in some vehicle engine rooms if customers have special requirements for installing fire alarm systems, Ons kan dit ontwerp om hulle ook te gebruik, for this issue if there is any doubt please contact us for a further discussion).
Some people will say “I just want to have a fire detection to work with your aerosol device, hoe kan ons vervul hierdie funksie?”, okay this is easy we have a special fire detection product called “Termiese Aktivering Generator”, and it can detect out fire at its rated temperature 45℃, 70℃, 93℃, 110℃ after detecting out a fire it can activate the Minisol aerosol automatically by sending out a small current, dit is die produk skakels:
And here is an article to tell you how it connects with aerosol:
Can we make the aerosol fire extinguisher work standalone without any outer power supply
See from the above description we can see that aerosol fire extinguishing systems now is widely used in many industries and have a great marketing prospect all over the world, floor standing aerosol and wall-mounted aerosol are mainly for some projects, and Minisol fixed aerosol is for some small project or some particular special hazard fire protection.
Goed, this article is to tell you about aerosol installation in different places.
If you like this but don’t know how to do it, then contact us we will communicate with you and offer help.
Hereby are some international standards/regulations/rules for aerosol fire extinguishing systems:
Standaard vir Vaste Aerosol Vuur-Blus Systems: NFPA 2010
Verkorte aerosol vuur blus stelsels – Vereistes en toets metodes vir komponente en stelsel ontwerp, installasie, and maintenance – algemene vereistes