Aerosol-onderdrukkingstoestel is 'n slim voertuigbrandbeskerming
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Aerosol-onderdrukkingstoestel is 'n slim voertuigbrandbeskerming
Desember 23, 2017
The safety of passengers and operator of vehicles is the most important factor when we consider choosing a reasonable fire protection device, as die gevaar van vuur voertuig is konstant omdat alle voertuie dra 'n kombinasie van hoogs vlambaar vloeistowwe insluitend brandstof, olie, smeermiddels, hidrouliese vloeistof, vet en ontsteking elemente insluitend elektriese stroombane, batterye, uitlaat manifoldsets en so aan.
Dit benodig dus 'n redelike brandonderdrukkingstelsel vir voertuigbrandbeskerming.
WAT IS die hoofoorsaak van VOERTUIG FIRE?
Normally the following is the main cause of vehicle fire not limited to:
Short Circuits that make electrical wires or cables broken and worn.
We have a Minisolaerosol Suppression Device wat is klein, kompakte, and space-saving with high fire suppression ability, and it is very suitable to install anywhere in vehicle tools
And as the aerosol compound has the followingKENMERKE:
Omgewingsvriendelike met ODP = 0, Alt = 0, GWP = 0.
Verhoogde doeltreffendheid op 'n gewig en volume basis.
Lae onderhoud.
High-efficiency and space-saving.
Easy to install with bracket accompanying the device, and no piping network and no pressure.
Maklik om tred te vee na die nakoming van, with no residue after extinguishing.
nie roes.
Do not harm the engine or sensitive electronic equipment.
10-15 jaar lewensduur.
3 Aktivering metodes te ondersteun: Elektriese, termiese Cord, and Thermo Bulb. electrical activation is actuated by an electrical power supply at DC3-24V or AC3-220V; thermal cord activation is actuated by a thermal cord line with temperature or rated at 175℃ or 300℃, Thermo Bol Aktivering is bedien deur thermo gloeilamp kragopwekker genoem DANat the temperature of rated at 57℃, 68℃, 79℃, 93℃ en OEM ontwerp.