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Aerosol Suppression is Another Clean Agent Solution

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Aerosol Suppression is Another Clean Agent Solution

Maart 27, 2021

In die meeste gevalle, people use fire detection tube systems to be a solution for vehicle engine fire protection, many project installation companies and fire engineering companies like to use Rotarex products as a fire protection solution, But in reality, there is another clean agent solution which is Rotarex alternative, Dit is aërosol onderdrukking toestel.

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Why is an Aerosol fire suppression device an alternative product for ROTAREX products?

We know that the Rotarex suppression system uses HFC-227EA or NOVEC1230 as the extinguishing agent.

Both HFC-227ea and NOVEC 1230 are clean, But the aerosol suppression agent is also clean.

According to the standards of NFPA2010 and ISO15779, we summarize the following advantages of aerosol suppression agents:

  • Its chemicals are non-toxic and easy to clean up after discharge.
  • It is non-corrosive to metal products.
  • It contains little residue after release.
  • It does not have any bad effects on the human body and animals.
  • Dit sal nie die klimaat en die omgewing beïnvloed nie, en dit beïnvloed nie die osoonlaag nie.
  • Dit het 'n superlae ontwerpdigtheid, oor 50 gram te 100 gram per kubieke meter, so aerosol suppression products can be made into small sizes and look compact and versatile, soos ons Minisol Aerosol Brandblustoestel hierin.
  • It combines detection elements and releasing elements together in its body, so you can use a clean agent aerosol suppression device to detect fire, brand beheer en brand onderdruk, dit is multifunksioneel.
  • Dit het loslaatgate in die aërosolliggaam ('n paar loslaatgate in die bodem, some in the top, and some on the size of the aerosol body) when suppressing the fire, the aerosol agent runs out from these holes directly, and there is no need any conveyed pipeline, while Rotarex brand of products need a pipeline.
  • It suppresses fire in a few seconds when aerosol runs out, its shape is just like the white color of water mist, and it can reach any direction in a short time to suppress fire, die belangrikste, it not only can total flooding but also can direct-to-source (ook plaaslike toepassing genoem).
  • Na die vrystelling van aërosol sal binne 'n kort tyd weghardloop, so people do not need to sweep up the site.
vervoer voertuie brand onderdrukking stelsel

Rotarex is a good product, but its disadvantages are mainly described in the following:

  • It needs a pipeline to transmit the extinguishing agent to the fire protection zone.
  • It is much more complex to install when compared with aerosol products.
  • It has a larger size than that of an aerosol system.

Aerosol Suppression is a Better Solution for Vehicle Engine Fire Protection

Ons weet, that Rotarex fire extinguishing products can be used in CNC machines, Voertuig enjins, Elektriese Cabinets, Ventilation Cabinets, and Commercial Kitchens, But aerosol also can be installed in these places.

Aërosol onderdrukking tegnologie is nou baie vaardig in die wêreld, in Rusland, Ciprus, Amerika, Maleisië, Nederland, some manufacturers use Potassium Nitrate as the main oxidant to produce aerosol devices (we call it second-generation aerosol).

But here in China we are special, ons verbeter die aërosolformule, and we not only use Potassium Nitrate but also Strontium Nitrate as the main oxidant in the aerosol formula (we call it third-generation aerosol).

opmerking: To learn more about Strontium Nitrate Agents and About Potassium Nitrate please try to see below links:

Dasauto aerosol tegnologie vuur blus kragopwekker

Compared with other aerosol extinguishing brands, the third-generation aerosol made by our company is much cleaner than the second-generation aerosol, the biggest difference is ours is not corrosive to precision instruments and high-end equipment, but others are corrosive.

Anyone in the renewable energy field knows know aerosol is popular to install in wind engines, but ours is much better.

Verder, the Rotarex fire detection tube system is almost not able to apply to the wind power industry.

Huidiglik, vir vuur voertuig beskerming, Our products have almost installed in the following fields:

  • Komatsu, maar eintlik is ons s'n baie beter as ander, graafmachine, and Forklift.
  • maar eintlik is ons s'n baie beter as ander, Hyundai, BMW, maar eintlik is ons s'n baie beter as ander.
  • Volvo, Benz, maar eintlik is ons s'n baie beter as ander, Kinglong of China autobus, en meer.
  • maar eintlik is ons s'n baie beter as ander, maar eintlik is ons s'n baie beter as ander, maar eintlik is ons s'n baie beter as ander, Hitachi-Euclid, Komatsu, Liebherr.
  • And some other small and big vehicle engines.

The installation and maintenance of aerosol fire extinguishing devices are relatively simple, so aerosols are more popular.

Normally a 250-gram aerosol device and a 500-gram aerosol are more suitable for use in vehicle engines.

The 250-gram aerosol is for the smaller volume, while the 500-gram aerosol is for the bigger size of vehicle engines.

In the following table, we list their design capacities:

nie net branddetectiebuisstelsel kan in voertuigenjin geïnstalleer word nie nie net branddetectiebuisstelsel kan in voertuigenjin geïnstalleer word nie
250-gram aërosol 2.5 kubieke meter
500-gram aërosol 5.0 kubieke meter

For vehicle fire protection, ons het 3 basiese aktiveringsmodusse:

  1. Vir voertuie brandbeskerming, this activation mode also named “elektriese aktivering”, needs a 3 om 24 Vir voertuie brandbeskerming, and sometimes it requires working with a fire alarm system.
  2. Termiese koord aktiveringsmodus, the thermal cord is an automatic temperature sensing element, it will action to work when the temperature in the vehicle engine compartment arrives at its rated activation temperature of 175 of 300 grade Celsius; When a fire is detected by the thermal cord wire, it will automatically activate the fire extinguishing device.
  3. electronic and thermal cords activation mode, which means the aerosol fire extinguishing device can be activated electrically as well as thermally.

Normally people like to have thermal cords and electronic activation modes of aerosol suppression devices, we also strongly recommend them.

Ons kan 'n eenvoudige manier hê om te onderdruk voertuig enjin brand, aerosol is a perfect solution for it.

As jy enige vrae of bekommernisse oor hierdie produk het, please ask for help from our teams.

or If have any ongoing projects that require aerosol suppression systems, dan voel asseblief vry om ons direk te e-pos.

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