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Gasbrandblusstelsel Kabinet Tipe FM200 Besonderhede

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Gasbrandblusstelsel Kabinet Tipe FM200 Besonderhede

November 5, 2019

When we discuss gas fire extinguishing systems, we can generally count some of the following types:

  • The FM200 system.
  • The IG541 system.
  • The IG55 system.
  • Die NOVEC 1230 stelsel.
  • and The Carbon dioxide system.

No matter what extinguishing agent is used, there is one common point: all these suppression systems have a pipeline network.

For them, their disadvantage is very complex to install, and need many pipes to install the devices furthermore, it takes up a lot of space and is not space-saving.
Considering of above factors, in Sjina, our engineers developed a new style of FM200 suppression device, we called it a “Kabinet tipe FM200 brandonderdrukkingsapparaat”, in another words is a “FM200-blusapparaat sonder pyp”, wat beteken dit? It means the cylinder which is full of HFC-227ea fire extinguishing agent is put into a special design of the cabinet, the cabinet together set with extinguishing nozzles, and the device is installed directly anywhere in the protection room.

The cabinet is with material of quality iron steel with silver-white paint so by using it as protection from HFC-227ea cylinder agent, it has the following advantages but no limits:

  • In die eerste plek, good look with a good appearance, it is a cabinet so makes the extinguishing device look good, it is just like people have to wear beautiful clothing.
  • In die tweede plek, to make HFC-227ea gas inside the cylinder safer, we know HFC-227ea is colorless, odorless clean gaseous chemicals and as the HFC-227ea gas is refilled inside a storage cylinder, en die stoorsilinder word in die muur van die kas geplaas en stewig vasgemaak, so even during transportation or system debugging it is safer to operate.
  • Derdens, to make the system more space-saving, as we know cabinet type of fm200 device works without any pipeline network, dus in vergelyking met die gasonderdrukkingstelsels van die pypleidingnetwerk, this cabinet makes the installation space-saving, and makes the installation job more easy to do.

All around the world, most gas suppression systems are piping systems including FM200, Koolstofdioksied, and IG541; maar in China, amper 80% of fire protection projects use pipe-less, so a cabinet-type HFC-227ea system is so particular for people once we export to overseas market.

Why do so many people like this FM200 system, Because it is highly efficient in extinguishing fires and easy to install.

Byvoorbeeld, a power generator room needs to use FM200 as a fire protection solution; if we use cabinet type then we just use several cabinet devices inside the room and place them an average distance in the room, sodra 'n brand ontstaan, die blusmiddel kan opraak uit die kabinetspuitkop (wat bo-op die kas sit) direk en onderdruk vuur, dit is maklik om te installeer; as ons 'n leidingsoort gebruik, moet ons 'n gassilinder stoorkamer hê, plaas dan hierdie gassilinders in die silinderstoorkamer, en gebruik dan die pypleidingnetwerk om hulle tot by die plafon van die kamer te bedraad, en ook met tien spuitpunte bo die kamer op die plafon geplaas.

Cabinet types have their advantages which the piping systems do not have.

In Sjina, cabinet type has been recognized by the market and has been strongly recommended by the China Brandbeskermingsvereniging, ons dink ook gouer in die wêreldmark sal dit binnekort erken en aanbeveel word.

tot nou toe, some clients from Bangladesh, Suid-Afrika, Nigerië, Brasilië, VAE, Vietnam, Myanmar, etc used cabinet type of HFC-227ea fire extinguishing systems for their project, Na die installasie sê almal hoog met hierdie soort toestelle en hulle dink dit is 'n innovasie.

Uitvoerende hoof Mnr. Manna from Bangladesh who is a core partner of a national telecommunications company says: “Our end user is very happy with the installation job after we install this pipe-less FM200 suppression devices in their computer rooms”.
Project Manager John says: “Nadat ons die kabinettipe HFC-227ea-stelsel binne die kragverspreidingskamers geïnstalleer het, we find it is space saving and have saved a lot of our time to install them, sodat ons meer vrye tyd kan hê om ons lewe in hierdie installasiedag te geniet”.
Sales Manager Sam from Brazil saysWe have found a good HFC-227ea fire protection product to install inside a small museum room, we never do complex installation jobs again”.

Nou kan jy sien hoe mense daarvan hou, en dit hou nie net van jou nie, dit is omdat dit die moeite werd is dat jy daarvan hou, we know no person will like to spend a day doing a complex installation job, maar hulle spandeer graag net 'n paar minute om dit maklik te installeer en spandeer dan die vrye tyd om te doen wat hulle wil.

Wanneer u hierdie produk installeer, the installers feel at ease so they love it.

So when people inquire from us our first choice is to recommend them with cabinet type of fire suppression system FM200, ons het die volgende reekse beskikbaar.
1st, Enkelsilinderkas een, ons het modelle van GQQ40 met 'n kapasiteit van 40 liter, GQQ70 met 'n kapasiteit van 70 liter, GQQ90 met 'n kapasiteit van 90 liter, GQQ120 met 'n kapasiteit van 120 liter, GQQ150 met 'n kapasiteit van 150 liter en GQQ180 met 'n inhoud van 180 liter.
2nd, Dubbelsilinder kas een, ons het modelle van GQQ90 * 2 met 'n kapasiteit van 180 liter, GQQ120 * 2 met kapasiteit van 240 liter en GQQ150 * 2 met 'n inhoud van 300 liter.

Choosing which model is better depends on the actual situation and calculation formula.

We also design drukverligtingsdempers accompanied by suppression systems, werk ook met gasbrand alarmstelsels, They form an entire and complete gas extinguishing system as a total flooding gaseous system.

Opmerkings: gas brand alarm stelsels insluit: a gas fire control panel, rookmelder, hitte detector, gas vry aanwyser, handoproep of breek glas, onderhoud skakelaar, brandalarm klok, and ventilation equipment.

dit is aan China styl fm200 vuur onderdrukking toestel te beskryf

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