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Our blog is a platform dedicated to sharing fire knowledge, technology, and industry trends, and exchanging experiences. Through blogs, buyers of firefighting equipment, practitioners and researchers in the firefighting industry, as well as those concerned about firefighting safety, we can learn about the latest developments in firefighting technology, policies, and regulations, as well as the performance characteristics of our firefighting equipment. Op dieselfde tyd, we can also exchange firefighting work experience, and enhance firefighting safety awareness and emergency response capabilities.
In the fire industry blog, there is a wealth of content that can be covered. Byvoorbeeld, the composition and working principle of the fire protection system can be introduced, including the functions and roles of various parts such as the automatic fire alarm system, fire extinguishing system, evacuation system, ens. We can also explore the development trends and innovative directions of the fire protection industry, such as the development and application of emerging fields such as smart fire protection and industrial fire protection.
Daarbenewens, the fire industry blog can also pay attention to the popularization and promotion of fire safety knowledge. By publishing fire safety knowledge articles, case studies, and other content, we aim to enhance the public’s awareness of fire safety self-protection and self-rescue capabilities. Op dieselfde tyd, successful cases and advanced experiences in the fire industry can also be shared, providing opportunities for other fire professionals to learn and learn from.
For practitioners in the fire protection industry, blogs are also a platform to showcase the professional abilities and technical level of companies and individuals. By writing professional articles, participating in discussions, and sharing experiences, one can showcase professional competence and practical experience, and enhance the visibility and influence of construction sites and individuals in the fire industry.
By following the content of our blog, you can continuously understand and learn about the latest developments in the fire protection industry, our company’s latest achievements, as well as installation cases, ens.
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Engine Bay Brand Protection Systems is die brandonderdrukkingstelsels wat gebruik word vir enjinbaai-brandbeskerming. Enjinkamer ook genoem “enjin kompartement “of” enjinkamer”, ons het nou baie soorte voertuie, insluitend motors, busse, afrigters, vragmotors, graaf, stootskrapers, ens, hierdie voertuie het 'n gemeenskaplike ruimte, dit is: enjin baai (enjinkompartement of enjinkamer). In the engine room there …
Basic Description With the rapid development of industrial production, the Power supply system plays an increasingly important role in industrial production, dus word die brandveiligheidsvoorkomingswerk van hierdie stelsel meer en meer prominent. Die hele kragtoevoerstelsel bestaan uit kabels om die dele as 'n geheel te verbind, So when a fire breaks out in one …
Inleiding tot kabelslote “Waarom aërosolbrandblusgenerators op kabelslote toegepas kan word?”, om hierdie vraag te beantwoord, ons moet eers die kabelputte verstaan. 'n Kabelsloot is 'n ondergrondse pyp wat vroeër krag- of telekommunikasiekabelfasiliteite aangelê en vervang is, soms noem ons dit ook “kabel goed”, of “kabel tonnel”, it has several …
In die meeste gevalle, people use fire detection tube systems to be a solution for vehicle engine fire protection, many project installation companies and fire engineering companies like to use Rotarex products as a fire protection solution, But in reality, there is another clean agent solution which is Rotarex alternative, Dit is aërosol onderdrukking toestel. Why is an Aerosol fire suppression …
Met die uitputting van petroleum- en oliehulpbronne en die vereistes van wêreldwye omgewingsbeskerming, now-days research institutes and production enterprises are committed to researching, developing, and producing alternative products, so renewable energy vehicles have become popular and automobile manufacturers have begun to produce them, and as the new energy vehicles use electric power as main driving power, dus dienooreenkomstig …
When we discuss gas fire extinguishing systems, we can generally count some of the following types: The FM200 system. The IG541 system. The IG55 system. Die NOVEC 1230 stelsel. and The Carbon dioxide system. No matter what extinguishing agent is used, there is one common point: all these suppression systems have a pipeline network. For them, their disadvantage is very …
Gevaarlike chemiese pakhuise is 'n professionele pakhuis wat stoor, stuur en ontvang chemiese grondstowwe wat ontvlambaar is, plofbare, bytende, giftige, en stoor plaagdoders, kunsmis, Chemiese reagens en chemikalieë. Dit is tipe word gesorteer volgens aard en omvang, verdeel word in oordrag pakhuis, Produksie filiaal pakhuis en stoor pakhuis; daar is duisende stoor gevaarlike goedere in die pakhuis vir gevaarlike chemikalieë, en …
CNC machines short for “rekenaar numeriese beheer masjiene, are automated milling devices that make industrial components without direct human assistance. Daar is baie verskillende tipes van CNC masjiene, but the most common ones are milling machines, lathes, and grinders. Maar, the CNC machines are not only very expensive for each device, but also work every 7/24 hours in operation very …
Background and Necessity to Install Automatic Fire Extinguishing Device in Cable Tunnel The cable tunnel is the main lifeline for the entry power plant to operate, die kabel is warm tydens sy operasie, and after running at high temperatures for a long time, it is easy to make cable insulation age and damage, sodat 'n brand ontstaan. Daar is …
Why recommend Minisol fire protection device for contained energy storage system In the new energy industry now there is a new thing appeared, we call a “vervat(behouerde) Stoor van energie”, so now a container is not only used to load cargo but also use for energy storage and energy saving. vervat(behouerde) energy storage system is made up of an energy …
We Have Three Series of Aerosol Device Many customers after having a look at our condensed aerosol fire suppression system, showed a lot of interest, but they did even not know how to choose our different models and types because for aerosol products we have three basic series, daar is: vloer staan reeks, muur gemonteer reeks en minisol vaste reeks. …
Voorwoord Die FM200 brandonderdrukkingstelsel is 'n brandblusstelsel wat met hoë doeltreffendheid in brandblus, its agent is HFC-227ea which is an odorless, kleurlose, nie-giftige,nie-korrosiewe brandblusmiddel en is 'n sintetiese brandonderdrukkingsmiddel, wat ook omgewingsvriendelik is met ODP = 0, Alt = 0, GWP = 0, goeie in isolasie, geen besoedeling vir die omgewing nie en duursaam en betroubaar …