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Kabinet Tipe FM200-brandonderdrukkingstelsel pyploos

» produkte » FM200 brandbestrydingstelsels » Kabinet Tipe FM200 Brandonderdrukkingstelsel Pyploos
  • Kabinet Tipe FM200-brandonderdrukkingstelsel pyploos

    KATEGORIE en etikette:
    FM200 brandbestrydingstelsels, produkte

    Die FM200 vuur onderdrukking stelsel also named HFC-227ea fire suppression system, is the most popular fire suppression system in the world and fast-acting to extinguish a fire within 10 sekondes, our cabinet type of FM200 fire suppression system is recommended to you.

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    The FM200 fire suppression system (also known as HFC-227ea) uses the cleaning agent HFC-227ea as the extinguishing agent.

    FM200 is the most popular fire extinguishing system in the world, and most fire engineering companies consider it as their first fire protection solution.

    It is mainly suitable for Class A, klas B, and Class C fires.

    Dit is skoon met ODP = 0, Alt = 0, GWP = 0, and halon-alternative products, Dit is reukloos, nie-korrosiewe, and non-conductive.

    So it is safe to apply in occupied spaces, and people do not worry about oxygen deprivation.

    The HFC-227ea extinguished the fire very quickly and effectively.

    The HFC-227ea fire suppression system is easy to install and maintain and works with fire alarm systems together.

    daarom, we suggest applying the HFC-227ea cabinet fire extinguishing system in data centers, where the data center is a facility used to accommodate computer systems and related components, such as telecommunications and storage systems.

    The cabinet type of FM200 fire suppression system is a fast-acting fire suppression solution to protect critical assets and safeguard business continuity.

    Our FM200 system is safe for data centers and helps protect against risk and downtime.

    In vergelyking met die vloertipe aërosolbeskermingstelsel, the FM200 system is faster to suppress fire.

    For the datasheet of the FM200 fire suppression system, verwys asseblief na die Installasie handleiding.

    automatic fire protection system hfc-227ea

    When we talk about HFC-227ea suppression systems, we will discuss their unique advantages:

    • Dit bespeur brand in sy vroeë stadium.
    • Skoon middel produk, dit is halon 1301 alternatiewe brandonderdrukkingstelsel.
    • the zone-depleting potential is zero.
    • Die potensiaal vir aardverwarming is nul.
    • Die atmosferiese lewensduur is nul.
    • It leaves no residue after release.
    • Require minimal container storage space.
    • veilig vir besette gebiede.
    • Nie-bytende, nie-geleidende, reuklose, and colorless.
    • It can work with a fire alarm system.
    • Most popular in the world.
    • Laat geen residu agter nie en benodig nie duur skoonmaak nie.
    • Beste waarborg in die brandbeskermingsbedryf.
    • Uitgebreide lyn van vuur bykomstighede beskerming.
    • Eenvoudige en maklik om te installeer.
    • ISO 9001 gesertifiseer.

    Brandbeskermingsprodukte word wyd gebruik, en heptafluoropropaan is die gewildste produk ter wêreld. sien asseblief die volgende items:

    • Die dataverwerkingskamer en -sentrum.
    • Die IT-kamer.
    • Telekommunikasie fasiliteite en sentrums.
    • UPS-kamers.
    • Mediese fasiliteite en laboratoriums.
    • Skakel toerusting kamer.
    • Militêre basisstasie en voertuie.
    • Selwebwerwe.
    • Hoëtegniese mediese kamer.
    • Archives room.
    • Biblioteekkamer.
    • Museumkamer.
    • Gastehuis en restaurant.
    • Kombuis en kookhuis.
    • Skoon kamers.
    • Beheerkamers.
    • Stoor vlambare vloeistof.
    • Vervaardigingswerkswinkel en fabriek.
    • Stoorkamers en pakhuisplek.
    • Art, artefakte, historiese versamelings.
    • Die buiteboorboorinstallasie.
    • Die Robotiese toerusting.
    • Die hoë en kommersiële gebou.

    Kontak ons ​​gerus vir meer dokumente hieronder:

    • Catalog and flyer.
    • Tegniese data blad.
    • MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet.
    • Promotional advertising, display racks.
    • Vergelykingslys met ander brandonderdrukkingstelsels.

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