Basic Description
Factory space is with cargo and has workers working over there, en met allerhande masjiene loop elke dag daar, so dit lyk nie baie geskik om 'n vuur te blus toestel op die vloer sit, some gas fire extinguishing systems are also not very appropriate to install in factory because the factory is normally not a confined space. Instead, a ceiling-mount dry chemical suppression device is a good solution for a food factory.
We need a fire extinguishing device to install in the factory which has the functions of:
- 1. Can be installed on the ceiling or the wall.
- 2. Vinnig Uitwissing die vuur.
- 3. Can be applied as a local application, direct-to-source, and total flooding.
- 4. Can suppress fire in open areas.
Verder, many other factories like garment factories, cement factories, chemical factories, furniture factories, and many others also need fire extinguishing devices with similar functions above described.
So we recommend our ABC droë chemiese poeier Vuur Onderdrukking System ceiling mount fire suppression device for factories including food factories, and beverage factories.
Model Numbers of the Ceiling-Mount Dry Chemical Suppression Device
Model Nommers met onder beskikbaar:
FZX-Act1 (druk 1.2 MPA) BEDEKKING 8.3 Cubic meters or 4.2 vierkante meter.
FZX-Wet 2 (druk 1.2 MPA) BEDEKKING 16.67 Cubic meters or 8.3 vierkante meter.
FZX-WET 3 (druk 1.2 MPA) BEDEKKING 25 Cubic meters or 12.5 vierkante meter.
FZX-, Wet 4 (druk 1.2 MPA) BEDEKKING 33.33 Cubic meters or 16.6 vierkante meter.
FZX-ACT5 (druk 1.2 MPA)BEDEKKING 41.67 Cubic meters or 20.8 vierkante meter.
FZX-ACT6 (druk 1.2 MPA) BEDEKKING 50 Cubic meters or 25 vierkante meter.
FZX-ACT7 (druk 1.2 MPA) BEDEKKING 58.33 Cubic meters or 29.2 vierkante meter.
FZX-ACT8 (druk 1.2 MPA) BEDEKKING 66.67 Cubic meters or 33.3 vierkante meter.
FZX-ACT9 (druk 1.2 MPA) BEDEKKING 75 Cubic meters or 38 vierkante meter.
FZX-act10 (druk 1.2 MPA) BEDEKKING 83.33 Cubic meters or 41.7 vierkante meter.
A food factory always has some open area, so it is not suitable to install gas and aerosol fire suppression systems, but able to install dry chemical, skuim, and water systems, verder, soos skuim- en waterstelsels altyd kos in die werkswinkel vernietig, so dit blyk dat die droë chemiese stelsel die beste oplossing vir voedselfabriekbrandbeskerming is.
We have many installation cases for this product installed in food factories in China and overseas markets, Except for China, ons het baie installasie werke in ander lande, daar is:
- In Myanmar.
- In the Philippines.
- In Indonesië.
- In Suid-Afrika.
- In Chili.
- In Brasilië.
- In Koeweit.
- In Dubai.
- In Sri-Lanka.
- In Korea.
- In Mexiko.
- In Viëtnam.