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Kompakte aërosol-brandweerstelsel in afloskamer

» ons Blog » Compact Aerosol Fire defense System in Relay Room

Kompakte aërosol-brandweerstelsel in afloskamer

September 14, 2017

Our compact type of aerosol fire defense system ranges from 20 gram te 3000 grams and with small size to install in small spaces, such as the control panel box, lugverkoeler, motor enjin, elektriese kabinet, and relay box.

A aflos is an electrically operated switch and many relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operate a switch, en waar kom die aflosse gebruik? relais gebruik waar dit nodig is om 'n baan te beheer deur 'n aparte lae-krag sein en / of waar verskeie kringe moet beheer word deur een sein.

The relay box has a plastic casing for protection and insulation purposes.

Soos ons weet, a relay is a small piece of electricity equipment, so when working for a long period and in a high-temperature environment, it will easily catch fire, so hereby we must say a relay or relay box needs a good fire suppression system to make fire protection.

A small relay or relay box with a small volume requires the fire suppression device or fire extinguisher small in size perfect in function and smart enough, so obviously for the relay box we recommend using our hot sale Mini Aerosol Fire Defense System for Control Panels.

Activation Modes of Aerosol Fire Defense System

We use many activation modes to start our aerosol fire defense systems, But the five startup modes we use the most are as follows:

  • Elektriese aktivering.
  • Termiese koordaktivering.
  • Thermo Bol Activation.
  • Gekombineerde Elektriese en termiese Cord.
  • Gekombineerde elektriese en termo gloeilamp.

We choose different activation modes based on customer-specific requirements and actual installation application scenarios.

If you are not sure how to choose the right activation method, please contact our specialised technicians or sales staff, who will be able to advise you on which activation method is more efficient.

Why we recommend this product for the relay box because:

  • Aerosol fire extinguishers can be installed in a flexible manner, either for total flood protection or direct-to-source local protection.
  • Dit is klein in grootte, volmaak in funksie, veelsydig en kompak, and cost-effective.
  • It is a green product with ODP=0, Alt = 0, GWP = 0
  • Dit is nie-giftig, nie-korrosiewe, and non-conductive.
  • It has no residue after discharging.
  • » Aerosol Generators Brandblustoestel vir Batterykamer, and its lifetime is 10 jaar.
  • It is easy to install and does not need a pipeline network.
  • The composition of the fire extinguishing agent is non-corrosive and will not damage the electrical components inside the relay box after spraying.

If you are looking at this article and if you have a project about a relay box that needs a fire suppression system to help, please feel free to discuss it with us, Ons sal voldoen aan jou vereiste en maak 'n goeie oplossing vir jou navraag.

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