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Konvensionele Fire Alarm Configuratiescherm CFP-2166

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Konvensionele Fire Alarm Configuratiescherm CFP-2166

KATEGORIE en etikette:
Gasbrandalarmstelsel, produkte

Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel CFP-2166 is a fire alarm systems that is applied everywhere and work together with vuur onderdrukking stelsels to make us safe from fire.

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  • naam: Konvensionele Fire Alarm Configuratiescherm AW(bewus)-CFP-2166.
  • Model nommer: AW-CFP-2166.

Fire Alarm Control Panel Data Sheet

Below the datasheet are the main parameters of this product, jy kan van daar af meer inligting daaroor sien:

  • Model nommer: AW-CFP-2166-01/32.
  • Hooftoevoerspanning: 110 VAC of 240 VAC.
  • Interne kragtoevoer: 27.2 VDC.
  • Totale Uitsetstroom Beperk: 500@mA 240 VAC (3'n @ 240 VAC).
  • Hooftoevoermonitor vir fout: Ja.
  • Batterybeskerming vir lae spanning: Ja.
  • Batterye (Verstek konfigurasie): 12V2AH*2.
  • Number of Circuits: 1 om 32.
  • Lynfoutmonitor vir oop kring: Ja.
  • Lynfoutmonitor vir kortsluiting: Ja.
  • Lynfoutmonitor vir detektorverwydering: Ja, if the end-of-line monitor unit is fitted in place of the line resistor.
  • End-of-Line Device: 6.8KΩ, 5% verdraagsaamheid, 0.25W(kleurkode-blou, Grys, rooi, goud).
  • Detektor kontinuïteitsdiodes: Silikon IN 4001(required if end-of-line monitor unit fitted to give detector removal fault).
  • Oproeppuntweerstandwaarde: 470 tot 680Ω, 0.225 of 0.5 watts.
  • Maximum Number of Heat Detectors or Smoke Detectors Per Zone: 20 (gebaseer op 'n totale detektorstroom van 2mA, elke detektor verbruik 100μA).
  • Maksimum aantal bande @20mA van elke sirene-uitset: 20.
  • Maximum number of manual call points per zone: No Limits.
  • Number of general circuits: 2.
  • Battery Sekering: 1.5A F 20 mm.
  • Sounder Uitsette: 50mA F 20 mm.
  • Uitset tipe: NC and NO Relay.
  • maksimum stroom: 100 mA.
  • dimensies: 272*200*70 mm, 320*231*90 mm, 395*502*124 mm, 362*565*124mm.
  • Netto gewig (sonder battery): 4.0 om 8.0 kilogram.
  • Totale gewig (sonder battery): 5.8 om 12.5 kilogram.

Role of the Conventional Fire Controller

A fire alarm control panel is equivalent to a central processing unit, commanding the working status of accessories such as smoke sensors, temperature sensors, start buttons, and alarm bells.

As long as you have a fire extinguishing controller, you have the heart of a fire extinguishing system.

Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel

The main features of this product are listed below:

  • AW-CFP2166 series of conventional fire alarm panels are designed based on EN54 part 2&4 standards.
  • It is a modular design, die paneel kan strek vanaf 1 sone na 32 zones easily.
  • Dit het 2 2-level control mode with a lock.
  • Dit het 24VDC en 5VDC kragtoevoer uitset.
  • Dit het "FIRE" en "FOUT" sein uitset.
  • Dit het 2 algemene Sounders uitset.
  • Elke / elke sone het 1 circuit detector input.
  • Easy zone can be disabled by a button.
  • It has a "RESET" knoppie om die paneel te herstel.
  • It has a "SIRENCE" knoppie om te stop sirene en Sounders.
  • It has an "ontruim" knoppie om 'n handleiding brandalarm onmiddellik begin.
  • It has a battery low protection function, when the battery voltage is lower than 21VDC, the battery will be cut off automatically until the mains power is on.
  • It has an optional GSM module for fire alarm by SMS.
  • It is economical, omgewingsvriendelik, and easy to maintain.
  • Die kantoor.
  • The bank.
  • Versekeringsmaatskappy.
  • Hoë opkoms gebou.
  • The school.
  • Die Universiteit.
  • The supermarket.
  • The shopping mall.
  • The commercial and residential buildings.
  • Die kragverspreidingskamer.
  • Die rekenaarlokaal.
  • Die generator kamer.
  • The wind turbine.
  • Solar energy.
  • The mining.
  • transportation Fields.
  • The marine.
  • The workshops and warehouse.
  • die argiewe, biblioteek, museums,
  • Die regering fasiliteite.

This conventional fire control panel could be used for gaseous fire suppression systems, skuim, ABC dry chemical and aerosol fire extinguishing systems, ens.

Voor projek aanvaarding, die tegnikus moet eers stelselontfouting doen.

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