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Gas Suppression Alternative Micro-sized Pyrosol Aerosol

» produkte » Mikro-aërosolvuurplakker » Gas Suppression Alternative Micro-sized Pyrosol Aerosol
  • Gas Suppression Alternative Micro-sized Pyrosol Aerosol

    KATEGORIE en etikette:
    Mikro-aërosolvuurplakker, produkte

    QRR0.012G-S-SA is a micro-sized aerosol fire system, which is a gas suppression alternative, and for special narrow enclosure space, dit kan in klein elektriese toerusting toegepas word, litium batterye, meter bokse, coffers,s and any other small spaces.

    • spesifikasies
    • Kenmerke
    • aansoeke
    • Meer inligting

    QRR0.012G/S/SA is another micro-sized pyrosol aerosol gas suppression system that is made up of iron steel with red paint, it is a very very small automatic fire sticker special for narrow enclosed spaces, such as an electrical panel, Litium battery, Koffer, Meter boxes and so on.

    tot nou toe, we have installed many quantities of this product in many small spaces for fire protection across various industries.

    Our cooperators are SCHNEIDER, SIMENS, DELIXI, VESTAS, TESLA, CHINA MOBIEL, CHINA TELEKOM, State Grid Cooperation of China, ens.

    wind Turbines, New Energy Vehicles, and Electric Equipment are 3 hoofvelde waarop dit toegepas kan word.

    Its basic parameters are as follows:

    • Name of This Product: Aerosol gas suppression for small space protection.
    • Model nommer: QRR0.012G / S / SA.
    • Grootte en afmetings: φ40*H20 mm (Verwys na ons Installasiehandleiding QRR0.012G-S-SA).
    • Installasiegatspasiëring: φ4*54 mm.
    • Ontwerpdigtheid: ≤100 grams per cubic meter.
    • beskerming Deel: ≤0.12m³.
    • Termiese koord gegradeerde temperatuur: 175 ± 5℃.
    • Operasionele ontslagtyd: ≤4 sekondes.
    • aktivering Huidige: ≥700 mA (DC).
    • veilige Huidige: ≤150mA (Gelykstroom).
    • Elektriese aktiveringstyd: ≤1 Second.
    • Omgewingstemperatuur: -50℃ tot +95 ℃.
    • Lewensduur: 10 jaar.
    • Waarborg Tyd: 1 om 2 jaar.
    • Verenigbaarheid: it can work with fire alarm systems and gas fire control panels.

    opmerking: daar is 'n kleiner kapasiteit van 7 Gram Aerosol vir 0.07 m3 mall space.

    pyrosol lithium battery aerosol suppression system generator

    The main Features of this product are below:

    • 2 Aktiveringsmetodes, een met Elektriese aanskakeling deur insette 3 tot 24VDC of 3 om 220 VAC krag; another with Temperature sensing by using a rated 175℃ thermal cord.
    • High grade of carbon steel as the cylinder, en met rooi verf.
    • Klein grootte, slegs deursnee 40 mm, slegs hoogte 20 mm.
    • Kan in enige nou spasie toegedien word.
    • The clean aerosol agent with a long life span, lifetime can reach 10 meer jare.
    • It can be compatible with vuur alarmstelsels.

    It is a new product in a variety of industries, you can use it in the meter box, in the password box, ens, but you will mostly install it in the below fields

    • Elektriese panele in baie nywerhede.
    • Windturbines vir nuwe energie kragopwekking.
    • Litium battery vir nuwe energie voertuie.
    • Huishoudelike veld.
    • Elektriese motor.
    • Elektriese gholfkarretjie.
    • Laaipaal.
    • UPS sentrum.
    • Buitelugverspreidingskaste.
    • Elektriese vurkhyser.
    • Elektriese logistieke vragmotor.
    • Elektriese motors.
    • Petrol brandstofvuller

    Attention to Transportation, Winkel, and Installation

    • Do not get close to the heat source when it is being in transportation, storage, and installation, vermy asseblief sonlig en reën.
    • Moenie die produk gebruik wanneer die aërosol toestel se buitenste dop beskadig is nie.
    • Moenie die toestel uitmekaar haal sonder die toestemming van die vervaardiger nie.
    • People who enter the site must wear gas masks, in case the aerosol device is being in discharging.

    Installasie en Onderhoud

    • Haal die installasiebeugel van die aërosoltoestel uit en maak dit reg, daar moet geen hindernisse tussen die aërosoltoestel en die beskermende doelwitte wees nie. Indien nodig, die installeerder kan ook die hulpsteun installeer, die hulpsteun moet ten minste kan dra 5 times the weight of the aerosol device, om seker te maak die aërosol toestel is stewig geïnstalleer.
    • By die installering, you need to consider avoiding high-temperature areas above 95℃. daar moet geen hindernisse binne 0.1m in deursnee van die aërosoltoestel wees nie.
    • Moenie die toestel uitmekaar haal sonder die toestemming van die vervaardiger nie. The thermal cord should be arranged along where the fire perhaps will occur; it is forbidden to install it at the high-temperature pipelines, in case of is activated by mistake.
    • Na vrylating, the shell/cylinder of the aerosol device is super hot with high temperature, so it is forbidden to touch it and wait until it cools down before you can handle it.
    • Gedurende sy geldige tyd, there is no need to hold yearly quality inspections; Die dop/silinder van die aërosol toestel moet gereeld skoongemaak word van stof en vuil volgens die werklike situasies; indien gevind word dat dit vervorm of beskadig is, dit moet betyds vervang word; Kontroleer gereeld bedrading vir oop stroombaan, kortsluiting en weerstandswaarde van die ontstekingstoestel en hou rekords.
    • Die verwante verliese veroorsaak deur abnormale installasie, onderhoud, and use are not within the scope of the company’s warranty.

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