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Groen Halon-alternatiewe brandonderdrukkingstelsels wat in China gemaak word

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Groen Halon-alternatiewe brandonderdrukkingstelsels wat in China gemaak word

Oktober 19, 2017

Halon Fire Suppression products are forbidden to be used by 《Montreal Protocol》which signed in the year 1987, and from then on seldom manufacturers and suppliers produced halon fire extinguishing systems, instead many manufacturers began to produce more clean halon-alternative fire suppression systems.

Maar, to replace halon products, baie innoverende ondernemings het eerder 'n paar meer groen brandonderdrukkingstelsels geskep, these systems protect our lives and property, Hier onder wil ons sommige daarvan lys en 'n kort inleiding gee:


This system is with the hfc-227ea agent, ook genoem HFC-227ea brandonderdrukkingstelsels, it leaves no residue and is easy to clean up, it extinguishes a fire within about 10 seconds so rapidly and effectively.
It is one of the world’s most famous fire suppression systems.
This is applied in communication rooms, dataverwerking kamers, switch gear rooms, elektriese kas, kabel putte, en kragverspreidingskamers, vir TOFAL FLOODING.


This is taken as the most efficient fire suppression system on the market nowadays, it extinguishes and suppresses a fire by cooling and asphyxiating the fire, en verwyder die suurstof en die hitte wat dit benodig.
Koolstofdioksied (CO2) is 'n kleurlose, reuklose, and chemically inert gas that is non-conductive, has no residue, and is cost-effective.
It can be both a local application and a TOTAL FLOODING.
Die belangrikste toepassing van hierdie stelsel is:

  • Drukperse.
  • Kluise
  • Maak kuile ​​oop.
  • Dompel tenks.
  • Spuit hokkies.
  • Oonde.
  • Ontvlambare gas- of vloeistofopbergareas.
  • Enjinkamers.
  • Bedekkingsmasjiene.
  • Proses toerusting.
  • CNC masjiene.
  • Kappies en buise.

Inerte gas brand onderdrukking SYSTEMS

The inert gas fire suppression system family also has many types including:

  • IG541 Onderdrukking.
  • IG01 Vuur.
  • IG55 blus.
  • IG100 Beskerming.

Hiermee het ons veral voer die IG541 gas brand onderdrukking stelsel, hierdie stelsel is 'n mengsel van stikstof, argon, en koolstofdioksied, it suppresses a fire by reducing the oxygen level in a room to below 15%, dit is nie-geleidende, with no residue, and non-toxic, furthermore it is ODP=0, Alt = 0, GWP = 0, maklik versprei en veilig vir besette gebiede.
It is applications are mainly as follows:

  • Kunsgalery.
  • Museums
  • biblioteke
  • Argief berging.
  • Rekenaarbeheerkamers.
  • Elektroniese dataverwerking.
  • skakel kamers.
  • militêre installasies.
  • Farmaseutiese medies.

FOAM brand onderdrukking SYSTEMS

Foam fire suppression systems have 3 tipes: lae uitbreiding, media expansion, and high expansion.
Low Expansion Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems apply to special hazards, gewoonlik met vlambare of brandbare vloeistowwe, soos opgaartenks
Media and High Expansion foam systems apply to areas where it might be desirable to fill the space with foam to exclude air and smother the fire

It is applications are mainly as follows but not limited to:

  • lughawens
  • Museums
  • biblioteke
  • raffinaderye
  • Vervaardiging Factory werkswinkel of plante.
  • Big pakhuis.
  • kelders
  • Other operations involve the transportation, verwerking, of hantering van vlambare vloeistowwe.


Die water mis stelsel gebruik 'n baie fyn water bespuitings, die water mis is om die water mis te beheer, suppress, or extinguish fires by:

  • koel beide die vlam en omliggende gasse deur verdamping.
  • verplaas suurstof deur verdamping.
  • verzachtende hitte deur die klein druppels hulself.

It has the advantages of immediate activation, hoë doeltreffendheid in die vuur onderdrukking, geminimaliseer water skade, nie-giftige, beter koel effek, geen skade vir mense, no-prep waarsku keer, korter stilstand, and minimum space requirements.

  • hoë geboue.
  • argiewe, restaurante, museums, biblioteke, historiese geboue.
  • masjinerie kamers.
  • Olie en gas proses plante en produksie modules.
  • Gas en stoom turbines.
  • Brandstof hantering eenhede.
  • flare snuffing.
  • Enjin toets selle.
  • Spesiale gevaar masjien kamers.
  • Toevallige opberging van vlambare vloeistowwe.
  • Nood diesel enjin kragopwekkers.

Droë chemiese poeier ONDERDRUKKING SYSTEMS

This system uses dry powder chemicals as a fire extinguishing agent and it is high in fire extinguishing and has types of ABC dry chemical, BC droë chemiese, and Pure K chemical, It has the advantages of:

  • Zero Osoonlaag uitputting Potensiële.
  • Zero Globale Waarskuwing Potensiële.
  • Nie-Geleidende.
  • nie roes.
  • High efficiency in fire extinguishing and cost-effectiveness.

But this system has a little white residue after discharging, it doesn’t matter you can sweep it up very easily after discharging

The Applications of this system are:

  • Rekenaarkamer.
  • Dataverwerking Kamer.
  • telekommunikasie kamer.
  • kabel Tunnels.
  • Kabel Tray kabel goed.
  • Ondergrondse pypleidingnetwerk.
  • Kragopwekker Kamer.
  • werkswinkel
  • Warehouse

Special Halon-Alternative Fire Suppression System – NOVEC 1230 Stelsel

The NOVEC 1230 fire extinguishing system is similar to the FM200 fire extinguishing system, and its application scope is also similar.

The advantage of the NOVEC 1230 fire extinguishing system is that it is cleaner than FM200 and has higher fire extinguishing efficiency. It is a new type of fire extinguishing system that has only been developed in recent years
This fire extinguishing system is becoming increasingly popular and may replace the heptafluoropropane system in the future.

aerosol SystemHalon-Alternative Fire Suppression for Special Fields

Aerosol systems are applied in some special fields, such as small enclosed spaces such as distribution cabinets and battery boxes. The released fire extinguishing agents are clean and are also recognized as halon substitutes worldwide.

For aerosol systems, we have covered more, so we will not provide a detailed description in this article.


Vuur Onderdruk HFC-227ea Skoon Agent


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