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Hoë druk CO2 brandbestrydingstelsel

» produkte » CO2 -koolstofdioksied -brandvoorkomingstelsel » High Pressure CO2 Fire Suppression System
  • Hoë druk CO2 brandbestrydingstelsel

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    CO2 -koolstofdioksied -brandvoorkomingstelsel, produkte

    High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System is safe, betroubaar, fast, and effective.

    It is particularly suitable for flammable and combustible materials.

    • spesifikasies
    • Kenmerke
    • aansoek
    • Meer inligting

    Unlike the HFC-227EA-stelsel, the CO2 fire suppression system is divided into high-pressure and low-pressure types, hereby our products mainly belong to high-pressure CO2 fire suppression systems, so we recommend and describe them.

    Soos ons weet, the co2 is a gas that has characteristics of colorless, reuklose, and non-conductive, en dit word as 'n brandonderdrukkingsmiddel gebruik.

    Carbon Dioxide fire suppression systems work together with the fire control systems will make it quick to extinguish a fire from the start, when used for fire protection, the CO2 agents provide a heavy blanket of gas which reduces the oxygen level to a point where the combustion can not be able to occur.

    CO2 vuur onderdrukking stelsel, together with the FM200 fire suppression system and IG541 fire suppression system are the world’s 3 bekendste gasagtige brandonderdrukkingsisteme, All of them can extinguish class A, B, and C fires.

    Koolstofdioksied -blusstelsel is 'n algemene oorstroming en plaaslike toepassing, en dit geld ook vir 'n wye verskeidenheid brandgevare.

    Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System


    Main Parameters of the CO2 Fire Suppression System

    The Following Are The Main Parameters of this high-pressure of co2 fire protection system:

    • Model nommer.: qme (volume van die opgaarsilinder).
    • Storage Cylinder Volume: 70L, and as requested we can make 80L.
    • Blus agent berging Druk: 5.7 MPa by 20 grade Celsius.
    • Maximum Operation Voltage: 12.4 MPa.
    • Agent hervullingskonsentrasie: ≤0,60 kg / l.
    • Aktivering Electric Power: Friends krag by DC24V, 3A, Main Power by 220V, 50 hertz.
    • Fire Extinguishing Style: Totale vloede stelsel.
    • Time for Fire Suppression: 60 sekondes.
    • aktivering Tipe: elektriese, Meganies, and Manual.
    • Pilot Gas: Gas van stikstof.
    • Pilot Gas Refilling Pressure: 6 MPA (20 grade Celsius).
    • werkstemperatuur: 0 om 50 grade Celsius.
      Relatiewe humiditeit: 92% om 98%.
    • Nakoming van Delay Time: 30 sekondes (dit is verstelbaar).

    The Co2 system also needs a pressure relief damper to help release the pressure in the defense area, dit is baie belangrik.

    Similar to the FM200 system, the carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system also belongs to the gas fire extinguishing type; Maar, koolstofdioksied is meer vriendelik vir presisie-instrumente en elektriese toerusting. Dit het ook die volgende voordele:

    • It is clean without pollution to the environment.
    • Veelsydig in toepassing, sowel totale oorstromings as plaaslike toedienings.
    • Vinnig om die brand te blus.
    • No need to clean up after discharge.
    • Reukloos, kleurlose, and non-conductive.
    • Nie-geleidende.
    • Do not have residue after spraying.
    • For fire classes A, B, en C.
    • Word wyd gebruik in baie nywerhede.
    • It can be applied for total flooding and local application.

    The main applications of carbon dioxide flooding systems are listed below:

    • Vloeibare stoorkamer.
    • Blus tenk.
    • Meng operasies.
    • Spuitkas.
    • Turbine kragopwekker.
    • Beheerkamer.
    • Rekenaarkamer.
    • Stofversamelaars.
    • Olie stoorkamer.
    • Toerusting kamer.
    • Enjinkamer.
    • Waterbehandelingsaanlegte.
    • Vulstasies.
    • Farmaseutiese fabriek.
    • Pulverized coal silo.
    • Vessel Engine Room.
    • verf Kamer.
    • Dust-removing equipment.
    • Dry-cleaning equipment.
    • Drying equipment.
    • Industrial clear equipment.

    Die stelsel is hoofsaaklik van toepassing op vure soos volg:

    • 1. Fires that are on the solid surface.
    • 2. vloeistowwe Vuur.
    • 3. Gas fire if the gas source can be cut off before being extinguished.
    • 4. elektriese vuur.

    The system is not able to applicable to fires as follows:

    • 1. Lewendige metaalvuur van kalium, natrium, magnesium, titaan, and zirconium.
    • 2. Metaaloksiedvuur van kaliumhidroksied, and sodium hydroxide.
    • 3. Chemiese vuur van nitrocellulose, kruit.

    For this carbon dioxide fire suppression system, ons produseer nie net nie 70 liters with 42 extinguishing agent capacity but also produce 80 liters which can fill in 48 kilograms of extinguishing agent.

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