Similar to the CO2-onderdrukkingstelsel, Die inergen IG541 vuur onderdrukking stelsel is a clean agent fire protection and extinguishing system which is a mixture of argon, stikstof, and CO2, contains 52% stikstof, 40% argon, en 8% koolstofdioksied; so hierby genoem ons die inergen as “IG541”.
It uses inert gas to dilute the concentration of oxygen in the combustion reaction zone.
Inergen is perfek in prestasie, koste-effektief, en omgewingsvriendelik.
Inergen IG-541 is kleurloos, reuklose, and electrically non-conductive with a density approximately the same as air.
It is used for fire classes A, B, C brand, and E.
Onderstaande lys HIER is die basiese parameters van IG541 SYSTEM:
- Model nommer.: QMH15 (volume van die opgaarsilinder).
- Blusmiddel: stikstof 52%, Argon 40%, Koolstofdioksied 8%.
- Volume of the Storage cylinder: 70l, 80L, 90L.
- IG541 Agent berging Druk: 15MPa(20 grade celsius).
- Max Operation Voltage: 17.2 MPa.
- IG541 Agent Refilling Concentration: 0.2115kg / L. (die digtheid).
- Aktivering Electric Power: Friends krag by DC24V,3A, Hoofkrag by 220V, 50HZ.
- Brand onderdrukking Style: totale oorstromings.
- Vuur Storting Tyd: 60 sekondes.
- aktivering Tipe: elektriese, Meganies, and manual.
- ry Gas: stikstofgas.
- Aanjaardruk vir gashervul: 6 MPa(20 grade celsius).
- operasie Temperatuur: 0 om 50 grade celsius.
- Relatiewe humiditeit: 95%± 3%.
- Nakoming van Delay Time: 30 sekondes verstelbaar.
Die inerte gas IG541, as 'n gemengde gas brandblusstelsel, kombineer die eienskappe en voordele van verskeie gasse:
- Eco-friendly products with clean agents.
- Die osoonuitputtingspotensiaalwaarde is nul.
- Die aardverwarmingspotensiaalwaarde is nul.
- Die atmosferiese leeftyd is baie laag.
- Moenie enige mis veroorsaak tydens ontlading nie.
- Veilig vir besette gebiede.
- Geen ontbindingsprodukte nie.
- Afstandberging van agent.
- Rigtingklepstelsels.
- Stoor by 'n druk van 300 bar.
- Het geen oorblyfsel na ontslag nie.
- Dit is nie nodig om skoon te maak na ontslag nie.
- Beide totale oorstromings en plaaslike toediening.
Inergen IG541 Fire Suppression System is a fully submerged fire extinguishing system that does not damage the environment and has excellent fire extinguishing effects for Class A, B, C, and E.
Inert gas fire extinguishing systems are not only environmentally friendly, but also have low cost, so they are adopted in many engineering projects.
The operation and installation method of this system is almost the same as that of HFC-227ea fire extinguishing systems, carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems, ens., all of which belong to fire extinguishing systems that require the installation of pipeline networks.