Die pakhuis consists of a storage room for materials, vervoer, en vervoerfasiliteite (soos hyskrane, hysbakke, and slides), vervoerpypleidings en toerusting om die pakhuis binne te gaan en te verlaat, asook brandbeskermingsfasiliteite, bestuurskamers, ens. It is a building that has many products.
The warehouse is divided into single-layer warehouse, multi-layer warehouse (three-dimensional warehouse), and cylindrical warehouse.
A warehouse generally stores a large amount of raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products, which are in the form of gas, liquid, solid, and powder.
Because there are various types of materials with different properties in the warehouse, it is also a place prone to fire. If the warehouse management is improper and causes a fire, the economic losses and personal injuries will be irreparable.
A large-sized aerosol fire suppression system can be used for warehouse firefighting due to its excellent performance.
Technical Data of Thermally Automatic Aerosol Fire Suppression System for Warehouse
Hereby a 2500-gram capacity aerosol generator is the right product for the warehouse, The specific parameters of this product are as follows:
- Produk Naam: Aerosol fire suppression system for warehouse.
- Product Pattern: 2500ST.
- Ignition Mode: termiese aktivering met termo gloeilampe (glas gloeilampe).
- Size in Millimeters: Φ219*265.
- Kapasiteit: 25 kubieke meter.
- Chemical Composition: 60% strontiumnitraat en 20% kaliumnitraat.
- Quality of Aerosol Agent: 2500 gram.
- Sneller: Glass bulbs with temperature range from 57 om 141 grade Celsius.
- Operasie druk: Pressure-free.
- silinder: 304 Stainless Steel with Artwork of Polishing.
- Gross Weight and Net Weight: 11 kilogram en 2.5 kilogram.
- Installasiemodus: U vorm 304 stainless steel bracket and customized screws.(Steps and videos for bracket assembly).
- Fire Extinguishing Time: oor 18 sekondes.
- Product Service Cycle: sowat tien jaar volgens sy verouderingstoetsverslag.
- Omgewingstemperatuur: -40 tot +90℃.
- humiditeit: meer as 95% nie-kondenserend.
Intelligent aerosol Fire suppression systems could be able to apply in storage rooms and warehouses for fire protection, normally it is easy to install in the ceiling or on the wall by using brackets and screws.
Dit kan ook in die volgende relatiewe plekke van toepassing wees:
- fabriek.
- Hospitale en mediese instellings.
- Skole en opvoedkundige instellings.
- Staatsdepartement.
- supermark.
- Nywerheidspark.
- Logistieke maatskappy.
- Hoë opkoms gebou.
- maar eintlik is ons s'n baie beter as ander.
- Op-pad voertuie.
- Veldvoertuie.
- Spoorweglokomotiewe en spoorvervoer.
- Krag toerusting.