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Introduction of CO2 Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System

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Introduction of CO2 Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System

Januarie 8, 2018

Bevrugting en BESKRYWING

CO2 is 'n kleurlose, reuklose, and non-damaging gas that can be used as a fire suppression agent, it suppresses fire mainly by lowering the level of oxygen which supports combustion in protective hazard areas; dit is 'n betroubare, fast, and highly effective.

CO2 systems can be stored in high-pressure steel cylinders or low-pressure refrigerated tanks, so they can be divided into two types, one is a high-pressure Koolstofdioksied brand onderdrukking stelsel, and the other is a low-pressure fire suppression system.

The CO2 fire extinguishing system is different from some other gas fire extinguishing systems, because most other gaseous fire systems are only for total flooding, but this carbon dioxide fire suppression system is not only suitable for total flooding but also can apply for local applications.

The Carbon Dioxide system works for fire Class A, B, and C hazards, en dit is nie-skadelik vir eiendom en elektries nie-geleidende.

T can be worked automatically, hand, and mechanically. with minimal carbon dioxide agent to extinguish a protected area and no need to clean up.

dit is a Clean, groen, and Cost Effective fire safety systems


Soos koolstofdioksied verstoppingsgas is, it should be used in normally unoccupied hazard locations or make people or personnel not close when it is discharged


  • Maritieme stelsel.
  • Outomatiese stoor en herwinning fasiliteite.
  • Navorsingsinstituut.
  • rekenaarlokale.
  • Dataverwerking Rooms.
  • telekommunikasie Fasiliteite.
  • regering Fasiliteite.
  • Automotive Voertuie.
  • Produksie en verwerking en drukgeriewe.
  • Hoogoond Indirekte steenkool afvuur Systems en Plant.
  • Liquid pakkamers.
  • Wind Turbine Generators.
  • enjin kamers.
  • Ontstoffingsinstallaties.
  • And many other facilities.
  • skakel Rooms.
  • Museums Rooms.
  • biblioteek Rooms.
  • die argiewe.
  • Papier pakkamers.


  • It is non-conductive and non-corrosive and easy to clean up after discharging
  • ODP = 0 (Zero Ozone-laag uitputting Waarde).
  • Zero aardverwarmingsvermoë.
  • maklik Distributed.
  • Koste-effektiewe-lae hervulling koste
  • Van toepassing op diepgewortelde vure.
  • Stored in high-quality spun cylinders.
  • Maklik om te installeer.
  • Geredelik beskikbaar.
  • minder komponente.
  • Uitstekende graad van risiko penetrasie.

Belangrikste tegniese PARAMETERS

  • Model en spesifikasies: OME ( Deel van CO2 onderdrukking agent).
  • Stoor Druk van blus agent: 40L, 70L, 90L.
  • Maksimum werkdruk: 12.4 MPA.
  • Working Power: 24 DC.
  • Vul Digtheid van blus agent: ≤0.6kg / L.
  • Brand onderdrukking Maniere: totale Vloede.
  • afvuur Tyd: nie meer as 60 sekondes.
  • Start-up: outomatiese, Handleiding, and Mechanical Emergency Operation.
  • ry Gas: stikstof.
  • Filling Pressure of Start-up Driving Gas: 5.7 (6.0 MPA).
  • Omgewingstemperatuur: 0 om +50 grade Celsius.

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