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Mini -brandblusser -spuitstelsel

» produkte » Minisol -spuitblusser » Mini Brandblusser Aerosol System
  • Mini -brandblusser -spuitstelsel

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    Minisol -spuitblusser, produkte

    Mini Aerosol Fire Extinguisher is not only a fire extinguisher but also a complete fire suppression system and solution.

    • spesifikasies
    • Kenmerke
    • aansoeke
    • Meer inligting

    Ons mini-aërosolblusser is nie net 'n brandblusser nie, maar ook 'n heeltemal eenmalige oplossing vir brandblussing.

    We have installed millions of our mini aerosol fire extinguishers into auto engines, motor enjins, bus enjins, wind kragopwekkers, OTM'e, CNC masjiene, kabel putte, nut tonnels, rekenaarlokale, dataverwerking kamers, computer boxes, batterye, and ups systems, ens.

    Aerosol Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems

    Advantages of Aerosol Mini Fire Extinguisher System

    In vergelyking met ander soortgelyke produkte, our mini aerosol fire extinguisher has the following advantages:

    • Many activation methods for your choice, Daar is elektriese aktivering, termiese aktivering koord, thermo bulb activation linear heat detector activation, or several of them together.
    • Both automatic and manual start are all available.
    • With the newest advanced innovative aerosol fire suppression or extinguishing technology.
    • Omgewingsvriendelik, the aerosol dry powder agent is not corrosive, nie-giftige, nie-korrosiewe, geen oorblyfsel ná die nakoming.
    • After discharging we don’t need to clean up;
    • It does not cause any harm to the human body.
    • Betroubare en duursame, It will extinguish the fire within a few seconds, so fast to make the fire out and quickly action to protect the objects from an initial fire.
    • Kompakte, Simple, and easy to install, net gebruik om 'n paar skroewe en 'n bracket om dit te installeer, of net gebruik om 'n magneet te installeer.
    • Lae in onderhoud, no need for yearly maintenance and so cost-effective.
    • Wyd gebruik word in baie nywerhede en steek vuur klas van alles 'n, B, C, E, F, or K fires.
    • Goedgekeur en Gesertifiseerde.

    Reaksieketting van aërosolblusmengsel

    Each aerosol brandblusser kragopwekker has a different protective volume.

    Different extinguishing capacity determines different product models:

    • 20G: AW-QH-20E, 20TH,20ST, 20ETH, 20EST.
    • 30G: AW-QH-30E, 30TH,30ST, 30ETH, 30EST.
    • 60G: AW-QH-60E, 60TH,60ST, 60ETH, 60EST.
    • 100G: AW-QH-100E, 100TH,100ST, 100ETH, 100EST.
    • 150G: AW-QH-150E,150TH, 150ST, 150ETH, 150EST.
    • 200G: AW-QH-200E,200TH,200ST, 200ETH, 200EST.
    • 250G: AW-QH-250E,250TH,250ST, 250ETH, 250EST.
    • 3000G: AW-QH-3000E,3000TH,3000ST, 3000ETH, 3000EST.

    We are experts in the fire and safety industry, so if you need our aerosol fire extinguishers but don’t know exactly how the product works, you can ask us to explain to you directly.

    If you have any project that needs our help, please turn to us for help. we will help you work out the best solution for fire protection for any project.

    mini aërosol brandblusstelsel

    Dit is moeilik om al die voordele daarvan in 'n paar eenvoudige sinne te lys. Kom ons kies 'n paar hoofkenmerke en lys hulle hieronder:

    • easy to install and does not need a pressure cylinder, pipeline network, or other installation extra work.
    • Suitable to use for classes A, B, C, en F.
    • Compact in grootte en kapasiteit, installed in low space with lightweight.
    • Much more effective than Halon 1301 produkte.
    • Eko-vriendelike, osoonvermindering potensiële waarde is nul, en geen aardverwarming potensiaal.
    • Provide reliable, cost-effective protection for a variety of fire hazards.
    • Nie net geskik vir totale oorstromings, but also for local applications, en selfs vir direkte-tot-bron beskerming.
    • baie veilig, it is non-harmful to personnel at design application rates.
    • no residue after discharging so it is easy to clean and non-toxic.
    • Lang lewensduur en lang tyd onderhoud tydperk.



    It is very small but has many advantages. Dit kan buigsaam in verskeie scenario's geïnstalleer word:

    • The power plant, power generation, en verspreiding.
    • Beheer kamers en beheer paneel.
    • Mobile toerusting, mobiele voertuie.
    • Marine engine rooms and compartments.
    • Auto enjin kamers en kompartement.
    • Telekommunikasie-toerusting en fasiliteite.
    • Vlambare stoorareas vloeistof.
    • Wind turbine en generator kampe.
    • industriële gevare.
    • Underground pipeline gallery.
    • kabel goed, kabel tonnel.
    • Bergkluise.
    • Wiellaaier.
    • Grondondersteuningstoerusting.
    • Energie stoor kragstasie.
    • Toermotor.
    • Spesiale voertuie.
    • Opsporingstoerusting.
    • Opname instrument.
    • Mediese toerusting.

    We can produce many other models ranging from 10 gram te 5700 gram, ons kan selfs OEM of OEM vir enige kliënte, only need to tell us the following information:

    • Produkspesifikasie en dimensie.
    • Materiële vereistes.
    • Beginmodus.
    • Tegnologiese vereistes.
    • Verpakking en verpakking druk vereistes.
    • Etiket- en etiketdrukvereistes.
    • Afleweringsvereistes.

    As die kliënt die ontwerpvermoë het en ons van CAD-tekeninge kan voorsien, ons sal maak 100% streng volgens die tekeninge.

    Indien nodig om na ons produkte te verwys, lees asseblief ons INSTALLASIE HANDLEIDING VIR MINISO.

    Enquiry Form ( ons sal terug te kry wat jy so gou as moontlik )


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