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Met betrekking tot brandonderdrukkingstelsels, As gevolg van die verskille in brandstandaarde, brand kodes, en brandregulasies regoor die wêreld, ons moet brandbeskermingsprodukte verskaf wat aan die plaaslike standaarde van die bestemmingsland voldoen.
Ons het baie projekte wat oor die hele wêreld aan plaaslike standaarde voldoen, hier lys ons 'n paar van ons oorsese projekte vir u verwysing.
If you have a new project that you happen to need to bid on, then it can help you.
The following is a list of specific fire protection projects:
Reeksnommer | Project Name and Description | Brandonderdrukkingstelselstyl geïnstalleer |
1 | Buitelandse Sake Kantoorgebou van Tanzanië Ministerie | Using FM200 suppression system. |
2 | Gesamentlike konstruksieprojek van Islamabad, Pakistan | Using FM200 suppression system. |
3 | Dohare Militêre hawe van Djiboeti | Using FM200 suppression system |
4 | Grosse Hydro Power Station in Afghanistan | Using a Carbon Dioxide suppression system. |
5 | Adama Wind Power Boost Station in Ethiopië | Using a High-Pressure Water Mist system. |
6 | Laos Nasionale Netkragverspreidingskamer | Gebruik IG541 brandonderdrukkingstelsel. |
7 | Bangladesj Telecom | Using an FM200 fire suppression system, Minisol aerosol, and wall-mounted aerosol. |
8 | Verfkamer van een groot pompfabriek in Myanmar | Using a Carbon Dioxide suppression system and Minisol aerosol. |
9 | Nairobi-terminaal van Kenia | Gebruik FM200 brandonderdrukkingstelsel. |
10 | TVM-gebou in Mosambiek | Using FM200 fire suppression system and Floor Standing aerosol extinguishing system. |
11 | Dafo Brasil | Using a Minisol aerosol and Wall Mounted aerosol fire extinguishing device. |
12 | Volvo Italië | Using a Minisol aerosol fire suppression device. |
13 | Die motor Chili | Using a Minisol aerosol fire suppression device. |
14 | Bangladesj AFFS Boot Data Center | Using a Minisol aerosol and FM200 fire suppression system. |
15 | KEGOC-projek van Kazakstan | Using a Minisol fire extinguisher and FM200 fire suppression system. |
16 | Verkryging van transmissielyne en substasies (baie 1: bosvelde 33/ 1 KV substation upgraded) in Zambië | Using Minisol aerosol generators. |
17 | Lusaka Transmissie- en Verspreidingsrehabilitasieprojek in Zambië | Using Minisol aerosol extinguishers. |
18 | Habib University City Campus in Pakistan, Tweede vloer brand onderdrukking | Die gebruik van Minisol aerosol en FM200 brandbeskermingstelsel. |
19 | Vinakansai-projek in Viëtnam | Gebruik FM200 brandbeskermingstelsel en Minisol-aerosol. |
20 | Maputo Thermal Cycle Power Plant Project in Mosambiek | Gebruik FM200 brandbeskermingstelsel en Minisol-aerosol. |
21 | Ghana Deep Energy Power Plant Project | Using a Super-fine ABC dry powder system and Minisol aerosol. |
22 | Ethiopiese Kansas Sugar Factory Projek | Using a Super-fine ABC dry powder fire extinguishing device and Minisol aerosol. |
23 | Ethiopiese OMO2/OMO3 Suikerfabriekprojek | Using an Ultra-fine ABC powder fire extinguishing device and Minisol aerosol. |
24 | Indonesië Intermayo Kragstasie | Using Aerosol Devices of Wall Mounted, Floor Standing, and Minisol. |
25 | Indonesië Bazidan Kragstasieprojek | Using an ABC dry powder, IG541, and Minisol aerosol extinguisher. |
26 | Saoedi-Noordelike sementaanlegprojek | Using Carbon Dioxide and Minisol aerosol generator. |
27 | Habesha-broueryprojek van Ethiopië | Gebruik FM200 en Minisol brandblustoestel. |
28 | Ghana Jute Factory Project | Gebruik FM200 brandonderdrukkingstoestel. |
29 | Soortgelyke Tegniese Kollege-biblioteekprojek in Malawi | Gebruik FM200 brandbeskermingstelsel en Minisol-aerosol. |
30 | Ghana Seaside Hospitaalprojek | Gebruik FM200-brandonderdrukkingstelsel en Minisol-aerosol. |
31 | ABC Bank van Botswana | Gebruik IG541, FM200 fire suppression device, and Floor Standing aerosol system. |
32 | Turkmenistan Swaelherwinningsaanleg | Gebruik FM200-brandonderdrukkingstelsel en Minisol-aerosol. |
33 | 300 MW Fotovoltaïese Cauchari-kragopwekkingsprojek in Gaocharui, Jujuy Province of Argentina | Using Minisol aerosol fire extinguisher. |
34 | Tana Lake Hyro-kragprojek in Nepal | Using Super-fine ABC dry chemical powder and IG541 suppression systems. |
35 | Indonesië Bengkulu Kragstasie Brandbeskermingsprojek | Gebruik brandopsporingsbuisstelsels en Minisol-aerosol. |
Most of the projects are done by our distributors, dealers, and other business partners so we don’t have specific project data sheets from them, but I’m sure that’s enough to help you with your bidding.
The projects we bid on are generally larger, and the products we use most in our bidding projects include the following:
Bowendien, in all the bidding projects, we not only provide China fire suppression systems, but also provide fire alarm systems and other accessories, such as gas fire control panels, rookverklikkers, hitte detectors, handleiding oproep punte, releasing indicators, thermal activation devices, thermal cords, termoglas gloeilampe, en so aan.
In a word, we provide a one-stop service fire protection solutions for bidding projects.
Most Importantly, for fire suppression projects, as a manufacturer, we require the clients (customers) to send us their real project drawings in a format PDF or DWG.
According to their drawings, our technician can help design the fire suppression systems for them and provide our best solutions accordingly.
Op dieselfde tyd, we provide our customers with additional documentation, including instruction manuals, brosjures, technical specifications, en so aan.
Kortom, as long as you have a project, just tell us the dimensions of the project, or send us the project drawings, and we can do the rest of the work for you and give you a complete solution.