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Opgeskort Super-fyn droë chemiese brandblusser vir oliedepot

» produkte » Droë chemiese brandblustelsels » Suspended Super-fyn Droë Chemiese Brandblusser vir Olie Depot
  • Opgeskort Super-fyn droë chemiese brandblusser vir oliedepot

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    Droë chemiese brandblustelsels, produkte

    Hanging and Suspended Super-fine dry chemical fire extinguisher is a green product, dit kan in oliedepots en hul pakhuise geïnstalleer word, as 'n totale oorstromingsbrandonderdrukkingsoplossing.

    • spesifikasies
    • Kenmerke
    • aansoek
    • Meer inligting

    Deur navorsing, we find that both dry chemical fire extinguisher systems and foam fire extinguishing systems can be used for oil depot fire fighting.

    Foam fire extinguishing systems are not recommended for use in oil depots because of their corrosive properties; we recommend superfine dry powder fire extinguishing systems for oil depots.

    Ultrafine dry powder fire extinguishing agents can cover the surface of all kinds of oil, blocking the fire reaction chain and combustion, and can be very good for extinguishing oil depot-type fires.

    Dry powder systems play an important role in extinguishing fires in oil depots.

    Dry Chemical Gas Station Fire Extinguisher

    Technical Data of the Super-fine Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher

    Details of this product are as follows:

    • Power Supply Activation: DC volts 3 om 24, AC volts 3 to 220V.
    • Stelsel vennoot: brand alarm beheer stelsel, of werk alleen.
    • Model nommer.: FZX-ACT10/1.2.
    • Material of The Powder: Super-fyn deeltjies ABC droë chemiese poeier.
    • Filling Dosage: 10000+500 gram.
    • The Equipment Size: Φ370*350 mm.
    • Beskerm volume: ≤100 cubic meters.
    • Cover Area: ≤41.7 cubic meters.
    • Operating Temperature: -40℃ tot +50 ℃.
    • The Relative Humidity: ≤95%.
    • Silinder kleur: Red or white color.
    • Nitrogen-driven Cylinder Pressure: 1.5 MPA (20℃).
    • Maksimum werkdruk: 2.5 MPa.
    • Produk lewens siklus: meer as 5 jaar.

    This product comes with mounting screws and hooks, before installation, you need to nail the explosive screws on the ceiling or wall first, the explosive screws are installed to hook the fire extinguisher securely.

    The design density of this Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher is 120 om 130 gram per kubieke meter.

    so 'n 10 kg extinguishing agent can suppress an area of 78 cubic meters for the oil depot.

    Once you have calculated the fire-fighting space of the oil depot, you can decide on the quantities of dry powder fire extinguishers.

    Bowendien, this type of dry powder fire extinguishing system is suitable for petrol filling stations, where the dry powder extinguishing device is usually on top of the station to protect the safe operation of the filling facility.

    Dry Powder fire extinguisher for diessel generator room

    10 kgs ABC chemiese blusser is die grootste opgeskorte droë poeier toestel, sy brandblusvermoë is ongetwyfeld, and it has below listed features:

    • Groen innoverende produk innoverende tegnologie.
    • The white color of super-fine dry ABC chemical fire suppression powder agent.
    • Geen pype en geen pyplyn netwerk.
    • Easy to install on the ceiling or the wall.
    • Need nitrogen to drive.
    • Vinnig blus die vuur.
    • High fire suppression efficiency.
    • good look and handsome.
    • Totale oorstromings of plaaslike aansoek, and widely used in many commercial residential, or industrial places.
    • Outomatiese en handleiding, werk met ander vuur alarmstelsels of werk alleenstaande.
    • Kan werk met Thermal toestel te aktiveer Generator (DAN).

    Verder, Dit kan in baie nywerhede toegepas word, hereby we list out some but are not limited to them:

    • Landbou-industrie.
    • vervoer industrie.
    • logistieke Industry.
    • Kommersiële Nywerheid.
    • Government office Industry.
    • Power Industry.
    • Hernubare energie-industrie.
    • petrochemiese bedryf.
    • Bou-konstruksie-industrie.
    • Mynbedryf en so aan.

    Vir meer lêers oor hierdie produk stuur 'n e-pos of skakel ons direk.

    The super-fine ABC fire suppression system has two unique features:

    • eerste, it can apply in open areas, soos die gasvulstasie, and the parking lot.
    • tweede, it not only be installed in small spaces but also can be applied in big spaces.

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