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Typical Traditional Fire Extinguishing Systems From China

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Typical Traditional Fire Extinguishing Systems From China

November 3, 2017

In China and aboard they are many kinds of traditional fire extinguishing systems produced by a variety of fire protection equipment companies.

Many dealers all over the world buy fire extinguishing systems from China, according to our experience of China’s domestic market research and sales, Ons wil graag 'n lys van die onderstaande belangrikste vuur onderdrukking stelsels, or in other words, tell you the typical fire extinguishing systems from China.

→ nommer 1: HFC-227ea / FM200 Vuur Onderdrukking System
HFC-227ea fire suppression system is a pipeline network systems that need a pressurized CO2 driving gas cylinder bottle and a big HFC-227EA storage bottle to set up the total systems, HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system is the most famous fire suppression system in China, and because it has the advantages of non-toxicity, nie-korrosiewe, cost-effective and perfect in fire extinguishing ability, also with a very very long history since from its creation
In China en in die buiteland, most installers or fire engineering companies are willing to use this system as their first choice.
Dit het a Cabinet Type en pyplyn netwerk(Corne) tipe.


dit is aan China styl fm200 vuur onderdrukking toestel te beskryf

→ nommer 2: ABC droë chemiese vuur Onderdrukking System
ABC Dry Chemical Fire Suppression System has 2 style, one is the pressurized type dry chemical fire suppression system, this device inside the fashion cylinder there is a pressurized driving element to let the ABC dry chemical powder compounds run out from the nozzle of the cylinder to extinguishing the fire; 'n ander is die nie-druk tipe droë chemiese vuur onderdrukking stelsel, hierdie toestel hoef nie druk ry elemente om te help om te werk.
What difference between the pressurized type and the non-pressurized type is: that the non-pressurized one makes a big noise when it works but the pressurized do not; the pressurized one needs yearly maintenance but the non-pressurized one does not.

→ nommer 3: Verkorte Aerosol brandblusstelsel
A condensed aerosol fire extinguishing system is a new concept in the fire protection industry, this aerosol fire suppression system came from Russia’s rocket launch technology in the military at the earliest, some Russian fire protection companies adopted the technology and created aerosol fire extinguishing system to suppress fire in fire hazards, later vervaardig sommige ander Europese brandbestrydingsmaatskappye en 'n Amerikaanse brandbeskermingsmaatskappy en 'n Asië-brandveiligheidstoerustingmaatskappy hierdie stelsel, in 1990's is die aërosoltegnologie in China ingevoer en ons vervaardig aërosolbrandblusserstelsel en verbeter die aërosolbrandblussertegnologie.
Aerosol fire suppression systems are normally divided into: Floor standing aerosol fire suppression systems, Wall-Mounted aerosol fire suppression systems, and Special Mini Aerosol Fire Extinguisher Devices.

→ nommer 4: Water Mist Vuur Onderdrukking System
A water mist fire suppression system is a fire protection system that uses super-fine water sprays named “water mis”, die klein waterdruppeltjies toelaat dat die water mis te beheer, blus of onderdruk die vuur:

  • verplaas suurstof deur verdamping.
  • verzachtende hitte deur die klein druppels hulself.
  • koel beide die vlam en omliggende gasse deur verdamping.

The effectiveness of a water mist system includes the droplet size distribution, flux density spray dynamics, en so aan.

When compared with other gaseous fire suppression systems or traditional sprinkler systems, Water mist fire suppression has advantages such as:

  • onmiddellik aktivering.
  • High efficiency in suppressing a variety of fire suppression systems.
  • Minimum beperk skade as gevolg van water.
  • Omgewingsvriendelike eienskappe.

→ nommer 5: Water Spray Sprinkler Vuur Onderdrukking System

This system is made up of open-type sprinklers or closed-type sprinklers, transmission devices, water-spray pipe networks, and wet alarm valves.
The water spray nozzle in the system pipeline meets with a high temperature (gewoonlik 68-70 ℃) and will self-burst, then the water flow indicator will start to act and feedback to the fire alarm control systems, to start up the spray pump.

Dit is saamgestel uit:

  • sentrifugale water sproeikop.
  • Thermo glas water spuit mondstuk.
  • Water mis mondstuk.
  • Water vloei aanwyser.
  • -Druk bedryf skakelaar.
  • Sein vlinder klep.
  • Hidrouliese-alarm Bell.
  • Nat alarm klep.
  • Reaksie alarm klep.
  • Vloed alarm klep.
  • Droë pyp klep.
  • spuitpomp.

→ nommer 6: Skuim brandblusstelsel

Foam fire extinguishing systems have types of low-expansion, medium, and high-expansion

Skuim brand onderdrukking stelsels werk deur af te sny die brandstof bron van suurstof en die voorkoming van verbranding. Sodra dit toegepas word om 'n oppervlak, die skuim kan vinnig uit te brei-afhangende van die tipe van skuim brand onderdrukking stelsel gebruik, die skuim kan uitbrei na 1000 keer. Hoë-uitbreiding skuim (diegene wat uit te brei teen 'n koers van 200 - 1000 keer) is ideaal vir groot gebiede wat aangespreek moet baie vinnig gevul word, soos lughawe loodse.

This system is mainly applied in the following fields, maar nie beperk tot:

  • kommersiële kombuise.
  • vliegtuig loodse.
  • lughawens
  • Munisipale brandweer dienste.
  • raffinaderye
  • Straalmotor toets fasiliteite.
  • Vervaardigingsaanlegte wat te doen het met vlambare stowwe.
  • Marine fasiliteite.
  • Groot pakhuis en pakkamers.

The above fire extinguishing or suppression systems are mainly provided by China suppliers, and our company produces and provides three of them, there are aerosol system, ABC droë chemiese stelsel, and Gas fire suppression system.


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