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Voertuigbrandonderdrukkingstelsel vir enjinkompartement

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Voertuigbrandonderdrukkingstelsel vir enjinkompartement

April 25, 2018

Bewegende voertuie is altyd in beweging, there are cars, busse, afrigters, vragmotors, treine, swaardiens, and other specialty vehicles like police cars, resiesmotors, stootskrapers, rider-type trucks, forklifts, and other kinds of vehicles.

Those vehicles all have engine compartment sizes from small to medium and even large, and the engine works when in motion so easy to heat, when the heat reaches a certain limit then its engine compartment will easily catch fire, so a fire accident comes.

Feasibility Selection of Automotive Vehicle Fire Suppression System

So vir VOERTUIG enjinkompartement FIRE, from several years ago we have been eager to research and develop a cost-effective vehicle fire suppression system for them, now after our effect of several years we now publish 3 suitable vehicle systems which are suitable to install in the vehicle engine room and compartment.


hierdie is ook aangewys “mini vaste brand onderdrukking toestel”, this is with strontium nitrate as an extinguishing agent and a design density of 100gram per cubic meter, wat beteken 1 kg of aerosol generator will cover 10 cubic meters of space in the engine room, here we can say it is cost-effective fire suppression products for the vehicles application.
Vir hierdie aërosol blustoerusting het ons die volgende kapasiteit met modelle:

  • 1. 30E/TH/ST with 30-gram capacity, wat 0.3 m³.
  • 2. 60E/TH/ST with 60-gram capacity, wat 0.6 m³.
  • 3. 100E/TH/ST with 100-gram capacity, wat 1.0 m³.
  • 4. 150E/TH/ST with 150-gram capacity, wat 1.5 m³.
  • 5. 200E/TH/ST with a 200-gram capacity, wat 2.0 m³.
  • 6. 250E/TH/ST with 250-gram capacity, wat 2.5 m³.
  • 7. 300E/TB/ST with 300-gram capacity, wat 3.0 m³.
  • 8. 500E/TH/ST with 500-gram capacity, wat 5.0 m³.
  • 9. 750E/TH/ST with 750-gram capacity, wat 7.5 m³.
  • 10. 1000E/DE/ST met 1000 gram kapasiteit, wat 10 m³.
  • 11. 1500E/TH/ST met 1500gram kapasiteit, wat 15 m³.
  • 12. 2000E/DE/ST met 2000 gram kapasiteit, wat 20 m³.
  • 13. 2500E/DE/ST met 2500 gram kapasiteit, wat 25 m³.
  • 14. 3000E/TH/ST with 3000-gram capacity, wat 30 m³.

Klein kapasiteit een vir klein voertuie, medium capacity one for medium vehicles, and large capacity one for large vehicles.

motor enjin kompartement vuur onderdrukking stelsel aerosol


hierdie is ook aangewys “vuur opsporing buis toerusting”, it is with a cylinder and fire-detecting tube pipe working together as a complete system, see the photos below for what it is like and how to install it, we do not quite recommend installing this because it is a pipeline network system, lyk baie kompleks, egter, if you like we also would like to help you.


we adopt ABC super fine dry chemical powder as a fire extinguish-ant and capacity from 0.15 kg to several kg to cover different sizes of vehicle engine compartments, we have capacities of 0.15 kg een, 0.3 kg een, 0.4 kg een, 0.5 kg, 0.6 kg een en tot 5 kg een, ook kan spesiale ontwerp OEM Service.

voertuig brand onderdrukking stelsel vir enjinkamer

Conclusive Viewpoint

Voertuigbrandonderdrukkingstelsel has many options, sê eenvoudig of jy 'n aërosol-gebaseerde as 'n oplossing daarvoor benodig, probeer dan asseblief 'n siening van ons aanbevole “A”, if you need fm200 or carbon dioxide as a fire extinguishing agent then see our recommended “B”, as jy ABC droë chemiese poeier as brandblusser nodig het, kyk dan na my aanbevole “C”.

From the perspective of popular trends, aerosol-based vehicle fire suppression systems are a better choice, Please refer to its bedryfsinstruksies for details.

If you are hesitant to choose which is the best choice for your vehicle’s engine compartment fire suppression, then contact us, and we will recommend the best solution for your vehicle’s compartments.

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