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Wind Turbine Fire Protection Growing Fast in Wind Farm

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Wind Turbine Fire Protection Growing Fast in Wind Farm

Oktober 7, 2017

Volgens die World Wind Energy Association se “Wêreld Windenergieverslag 2009”, the wind turbine market is estimated to have more than 80usd billion annually, and it is increasing every year, so now many wind turbine manufacturers and wind farm operators are working hard for it, Amerika, Sjina, Indiese, Spain, and Germany are recognized as the main countries engage in wind turbine industry and they almost occupy 80% van die wêreld wind kapasiteit.

Because of such a high level of investment in wind power, these turbine manufacturers and operators become acutely aware of the financial implications, veiligheidskwessies, en die omgewingsimpak van brandbeskadigde of verwoeste turbines. fire safety has become an important issue in the wind turbine power industry.

ook, die NFPA (Nasionale Brandbeskermingsvereniging) en die VDS (Duitsland se overtrein deur sekuriteit) albei het gedetailleerde aanbevelings oor brandveiligheid rakende fasiliteite vir die opwekking van windturbines.

All over the globe, there are many wind turbine components and generators that suffer from a fire which cause billions of property damage to people and the government.

vuur onderdrukking stelsel vir wind turbine vure

There are mainly some factors that caused the wind turbine fires as follows:

  • 1. Begin deur 'n beligtingstaking, this is the main cause of the fire in a wind turbine.
  • 2. Elektriese toerusting soos kondensators, transformators, kragopwekkers, and electrical controls is another factor in the fire.
  • 3. The Braking System, dit laat die vloeistof te loop in vlamme toe dit in aanraking kom met 'n warm oppervlak.


Soos ons kan sien, the wind turbine is always in the hills high mountings, or the seaside, dit is moeilik om konvensionele vuur onderdrukking stelsels soos skuim gebruik, gasagtige, droë chemiese, or water-mist, as those conventional fire suppression systems are complex, and with pipeline network will very hard to apply and install, it seems an easy installation, eenvoudige konstruksie, compact and space-saving fire suppression system is a better choice.


Hereby we recommended the aerosol fire extinguishing system, which this system is only complies with 'n mini aerosol brandblusser kragopwekker, and together with fire alarm systems or standalone systems can make the wind turbine and its components under fire protection.

The Aerosol fire suppression systems we have are small in size, sterk in die blusvermoë, compact and space-saving, kan totale oorstromings of installasies in die kabinet wees, very flexible to install everywhere in the wind turbine room or component spaces.
Verder, the aerosol systems have the following advantages and characteristics:

  • 1. Eko-vriendelik en halon-alternatief.
  • 2. ODP = 0, GWP = 0, alt = 0.
  • 3. Nie-giftige, nie-geleidende, nie-korrosiewe.
  • 4. Nie oorskot na die nakoming van, So for wind turbines, it is easy to sweep up.
  • 5. Lang lewensduur, the aerosol system and generator have 10 jare se lewensduur, while other fire suppression systems only have 5 hoogstens jare.
  • 6. Very easy to install and with only an installation bracket and install everywhere you want.


Outomatiese brandblusstelsel aerosol onderdrukking

Wind turbine fire protection will be growing fast every year in the wind farm, We are just an experienced manufacturer and supplier providing these products, especially for wind turbine systems, and if you are interested in this field and interest, voel vry om ons te kontak, and we will make you worth more.

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