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FM200 Direkt Typ Brandmelderohrsysteme

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FM200 Direkt Typ Brandmelderohrsysteme

Brandmelderöhrchensystem, Produkte

FM200 Direct Type Fire Detecting Tube Systems is perfect for fire detecting, Feueralarm, and fire extinguishing, working without an outer power supply; verglichen mit Schranktyp und Pipeline-Typ FM200 Feuerunterdrückungssystem, Das Feuerdetektionsrohrsystem ist viel einfacher.

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FM200 direct-type fire detecting tube systems use HFC-227ea gas the extinguishing agent and a red 6mm diameter fire detection tube as the medium for conveying the extinguishing agent.

This fire extinguishing system is generally used for fire prevention and control of vehicles, Verteilerschränke, and mechanical equipment.

The process of making this product is relatively complex:

  • Erstens, it is necessary to make the steel cylinder clear and clean and use specialized equipment to check the airtightness and water pressure tests of the instruments to ensure that there is no risk of leakage in the steel cylinder.
  • Inspect container valves and other accessories and assemble them.
  • Use specialized gas tank filling equipment to fill the FM200 gas fire extinguishing agent into the steel cylinder.
  • Use specialized nitrogen pressurization equipment to fill nitrogen into the steel cylinder.
  • Further, conduct airtightness and water pressure tests on the steel cylinder to ensure that there is no leakage of the product.
  • Pack and ship.

During the product assembly process, it is difficult to install the red fire detection tube, so it is required that the installation personnel have good technical skills and always maintain safety awareness.

Parameters of FM200 Direct Type Fire Detecting Tube Systems

Hereby we would like to recommend the direct type of fm200 fire-detecting tube system as following parameters:

  • Artikelnummer.: WZ-Q / T-3Q und WZ-Q / T-6Q.
  • Löschungsvorrichtung Typ: Direkt.
  • Feuerlöschmitteltyp: HFC-227ea, FK 5-1-12
  • Gewicht des Brandbekämpfungsmittels: 3± 5% und 6 kg ± 5% Kilogramm.
  • Nennbetriebsdruck: 2.5 MPa.
  • Maximaler Betriebsdruck: 4.2 MPa.
  • Umgebungstemperatur: -10 bis 50 ℃.
  • Mindest Agent Qualität pro Volumen: 0.7 Kilogramm pro Kubikmeter.
  • Maximale Länge des Feuermelderohr: 25 Meter.
  • Components and installation materials: fittings, connectors, Klammern.
  • Other optional components: alarm controller, Druckschalter, signal device, manual actuator, backup power supply, etc.
  • Installation Accessories: C trip.
  • Farbe: Rot lackiert.


  • It doesn't need a power supply, Rauchmelder, or heat detector, and works without the complex pipeline.
  • use its pressure reservoir, using a pressurized tube and a bottle. Zylindergruppe, detect and extinguish a fire at its early stage.
  • Schnell Löschen des Feuers.
  • Hoch in Feuerlöscheffizienz, kostengünstig, arbeitet automatisch und Standalone.
  • Einfach und leicht zu installieren.
  • Das Feuerlöschmittel HFC-227ea ist farblos, geschmacklos, ODP = 0, ALT = 0, GWP = 0.
  • Geringe Toxizität, Nicht korrosiv, nicht leitend, kein Rückstand nach Lösen.
  • Mikrowelle Geräteraum.
  • Dezimeter Waver Radio Zimmer.
  • TV Tower Room.
  • Transformatorraum.
  • UPS Stromversorgung Raum.
  • Program-controlled exchange room in the communication system.
  • Elektrischer Kontrollraum.
  • Power Plant Control Room.
  • Elektronischer Geräteraum.
  • Computerraum.
  • Datenverarbeitung Zimmer.
  • Variable Verteilung Raum.
  • Kabel gut, Kabeltunnel, Kabelgestell.
  • Stromgeneratorraum und Verteilung Zimmer.
  • Aufzugsteuerung.


Feuer Detecting Rohr, auch genannt Brandmelderohr, or fire trace system, is an easy and simple fire suppression system that uses hfc-227ea or co2 gas as a fire extinguishing agent, it is a gas fire suppression system halon-alternative product.

Fire detecting tube system is very suitable for installation in elektrisch Schränke.

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