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Marine-Aerosol-Feuerlöscher für Bootsschiffe

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Marine-Aerosol-Feuerlöscher für Bootsschiffe

August 20, 2018

Aerosol fire extinguishers save lives and protect assets for human beings in the world.

Every day many cargo boat vessels go from China to overseas and many overseas cargo boats go from overseas to China, mit vielen wertvollen Fracht auf dem Boot Schiff.

Every year many cargo boats suffer from fire and get huge losses, beispielsweise:
On August 3 2003 ein Frachtschiff namens “HUIAN138″ suffered from fire causing 10 Sätze von 20″ containers and 40 Sätze von 40″ containers to get damaged, causing direct economic loss at above USD10000000, fire caused by the this boat vessel engine.

On May 1, 2015, ein Frachtschiff namens “HANJI GRÜNE ERDE” which can take a load of 13100 TEU of cargo caught fire from the cabin at its stern, und über 50 cargo containers got damaged, direkte wirtschaftliche Verlust ist über USD5000000.

On May 21 2018 ein Frachtschiff namens “Auto Bannerwhich took a load of 200 used cars caught fire, most of the second-hand cars were damaged and several seaman got hurt, a fire caused by one of the car engines got overheated.

Feuerlöschlösung für Schiffs- und Hafenkrane

Viele Frachtschiffe, Passagierschiffe, Kreuzfahrten, and yachts caught fire in its cabin, Motorraum, and container decks.

Viele Boote Unternehmen, marine companies, and fire engineering companies inquire and ask us about a fire suppression solution for their boat vessels, we always suggest a simple fire suppression device-Aerosolgenerator Lösch.

» Marine-Aerosol-Feuerlöscher für Boote, it is made of strontium nitrate and potassium nitrate-based aerosol conforming agent and covers boat fire in the boat cabin, Motorraum, and some other places on the boat.

It has with advantages of:

  • Umweltfreundlich und Zero Ozonschicht Depletion Potential and zero in Global Warming Potential.
  • Simple structure and easy to install with an “L” » Marine-Aerosol-Feuerlöscher für Boote “U.” shape bracket, or use a magnet to install.
  • Ungiftig, so people can stay there where the aerosol units are installed.
  • Nicht korrosiv, so hat es über 10 Jahre Lebensdauer.
  • Nicht leitend, so ist es sicher für Menschen zu verwenden.
  • There is no residue, » Marine-Aerosol-Feuerlöscher für Boote.
  • The design density of 100 Gramm pro Kubikmeter, so it is fire-extinguishing ability is very strong.
  • Certified by Lloyd’s Register it is supported for use in marine boats.

Aerosol suppression is accepted by most marine Classes as a fixed fire extinguishing system for special purposes under International Maritime Organization Vorschriften.
and it is managed by the organization of NFPA 2010.

We have installation cases to install our aerosol generator in boat vessels, if you are interested in this and apply the plan to install a fire suppression device in a boat vessel, please feel free to inquire from us and know about it further.

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