A thermal Cord is a sensitive self-combustible wire, es ist spontan, when the environment temperature arrives at its rated activation temperature of 175℃ or 300℃, it will burn up and start the fire extinguisher.
Cable tunnels are tunnels used for laying cables, which are more prone to fires, and following the requirements of the fire code, suitable fire extinguishing solutions need to be set up in cable tunnels.
The thermal cord Aerosolgenerator Feuerlöscher can be applied in cable tunnels, Kabelgräben, and cable trays.
The structure of cable tunnels is complex and the environment is harsh, so installing an aerosol fire extinguisher is a wise choice because of its special properties listed below:
- It is the simplest fire-extinguishing system in the world at present.
- It has waterproof and anti-corrosion functions, making it very suitable for cable tunnels.
Parameters of Aerosol Fire Extinguisher 3000TH
We can see its benefits for cable tunnels from the following parameters:
- Unit Model: 3000TH, hiermit “TH” bedeutet Thermokabel”.
- The Diameter is 219 Millimeter.
- The Height is 295 Millimeter.
- Lösch Volume: 30 Kubikmeter.
- Quality of Powdered Aerosol: 3000 Gramm.
- Thermal Sensing Temperature: 175℃ und 300℃.
- Canister Material: 304 Stainless Steel with artwork of polishing.
- Bruttogewicht: 12500 Gramm.
- Unit Weight: 3000 Gramm.
- Entladezeit: Weniger als 40 Sekunden.
- Betriebs-Temperatur: mindestens -40℃, maximal +108℃.
- Arbeitsfeuchtigkeit: ≤95 % nicht kondensierend.
- Entwickelt Dichte: 100 Gramm pro Kubikmeter.
- Canister Nozzle Temperature: ≤200 Grad Celsius.
- Propellant Gas: Not have.
- Operating Pressure: Keiner.
- Toxicity: Keiner.
It is usually installed on the top or side walls of cable tunnels, with a distance of 5 nach 10 meters between devices.
This product can be compatible with other systems inside cable tunnels, such as detection systems, alarm systems, power systems, etc.
Many people cannot understand why aerosol fire extinguishing devices can be installed in cable facilities. Please refer to Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Generators Apply In Cable Trench.
This product not only be applied in cable tunnels, Kabelgräben, and cable trays but also has a wider application, bitte beachten sie folgendes:
- Telekommunikationseinrichtungen.
- Daten Center.
- Computer mit numerischer Steuerung.
- Schiffsmotorraum.
- Windräder.
- Lager und Lagerräume.
- Fahrzeugmotoren.
- Schalttafeln.
- Entflammbare Flüssigkeitsspeicher.
- Generator and compressor rooms and compartments.
- Entflammbare und brennbare Flüssigkeiten.
- Paint rooms.
- Battery storage rooms.
- Gas Abstellraum.