A substation also known as a transformer station, is a place in the power system that converts voltage and current, receives electrical energy, and distributes electrical energy.
A substation contains many electronic devices, including transformers, high-voltage circuit breakers, isolating switches, busbars, lightning arresters, condensadores, reactors, relay protection devices, automatic devices, measurement and control devices, metering devices, etc..
This electrical equipment may be the cause of the fire, so in the substation, we need to equip them with a reliable fire extinguishing system, we recommend a 2500 grams thermal cord activation type automatic fire extinguisher system unit, its main data sheet and characteristics are as follows:
Nombre del Producto: aerosol chemical-based automatic fire extinguisher system.
Método de activación: thermal sensitive cord with rated temperature 175℃ or 300℃.
Modo de extinción de incendios: Automático.
Aerosol Forming Compositions: Compuesto mixto de nitrato de estroncio y nitrato de potasio.
material del cilindro: 304 acero inoxidable.
Peso bruto del producto: 11.00 kilogramos.
Chemical Weight: 2500 gramos.
Tiempo de descarga: Menos que 30 segundos.
Ambient Temperature During Operation: -40℃ hasta + 108 ℃.
Operating Humidity: ≤95% (Sin condensación)
The Concentration of Aerosol Powder: 100g/m3.
Longest Lifetime: 10 años, después 10 years need to replace a new one.
Classes of Fire: UN, segundo, do, mi (NFPA 2010), UN, segundo, do, F (15276 EN).
For electrical equipment in substations, we also recommend installing a smaller aerosol automatic fire extinguisher system. The following model is available for your reference: 20 a 60 grams fire extinguisher.
The Functional features of this product are as follows:
Es compacto y altamente concentrado., easy to install in a fire hazard, you can just install it on the ceiling or the wall.
Strontium nitrate-based, which is the latest fire extinguishing technology.
highly efficient in fire suppression, su densidad de diseño es solo 0.1 kilogramos por metro cúbico.
It does not have pressure and does not have a piping network to operate.
Es el medio ambiente, en otras palabras, it is clean without any pollution to human bodies and animals.
No corrosivo, no conductivo, no tóxico, y causa pocos residuos después de la pulverización.
Both total flooding and local applications are available.
Aerosol automatic fire extinguisher 2500TH is not only suitable for substations but also be able to used in the following fields listed:
Equipo de minería.
Industria del petróleo y petroquímica.
Industria de las telecomunicaciones.
Industria de construccion.
Industria del transporte y el transporte.
Industria metalúrgica.
Industria de energías renovables, como turbinas eólicas, solar power panels, energía biológica, and nuclear energy.
Industria de almacenamiento y almacenamiento.
Industria manufacturera.
Industria agropecuaria.
In the worldwide market, we have some competitors, and to compete with them, we have improved the production process and improved the overall product quality.
we have our advantages:
Su compuesto en aerosol se basa principalmente en nitrato de potasio., and ours is based on strontium nitrate, nuestro compuesto en aerosol es más ecológico.
Their pricing is much higher than ours, after getting your inquiry, we will give you a more competitive price than theirs.
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