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Dispositivo de supresión de fuego en aerosol Tecnología

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Dispositivo de supresión de fuego en aerosol Tecnología

noviembre 30, 2017


Aerosol technology was created by the Soviet Union(Gente rusa) about twenty years ago as a result of a military program.
later some Russian people found aerosol suppression technology could not only work for military rocket programs but also for fire suppression, so an aerosol suppression technology-based fire suppression device was created and people used the potassium nitrate as an aerosol extinguishing agent, Esto se llama el “Primera generación” de aerosol dispositivo de extinción de incendios.
Later aerosol extinguishing technology rapidly came into America, Malasia, and Europe Countries, they improved aerosol extinguishing formula but still used potassium nitrate as the main oxidant work for fire suppression purposes, esto se llama el “Segunda generación” de aerosol dispositivo de extinción de incendios, sin embargo, the technology is very young and many disadvantages need to overcome.
In the 1990s a china famous Chinese enterprise called “JR” junto con una famosa universidad de Beijing, China imported aerosol fire extinguishing technology to China, and they improved their aerosol technology by using “El nitrato de estroncio” y “Nitrato de potasio” as the main oxidant for fire suppression purpose, by the advanced aerosol technology the aerosol fire suppression device can extinguishing fire more Environmentally Friendly, and better as a halon-alternative product.

The Strontium Nitrate dispositivo de supresión de fuego aerosol lo llamamos “Tipo S” generador de aerosol de extinción de incendios, has advantages: significativo, ligero, talla pequeña, económico, bajo mantenimiento, a uniquely safe and green, and highly effective fire suppression agent and environmentally friendly.


Our company was the first to import aerosol fire protection technology as a fire suppression device and work for the Chinese market in 1997, at that time many fire engineering or fire equipment companies knew of our aerosol device with advanced technology, y con ventajas de no pipeline, fácil de instalar y simple en su estructura, en la que los sistemas de extinción de fuego FM200, IG541 / IG100 / GI55 / IG01 sistemas de extinción de incendios y sistema de extinción de incendios de CO2 son complejas con tubería y con la presión de trabajar, muy difícil de instalar y difícil de hacer mantenimiento.
We are rapidly growing and get the trust of our clients, al mismo tiempo, we improve our aerosol formula every year to make our aerosol products better than others

We all know halon gas fire suppression was the most effective in fire suppression history, sin embargo, el gas halón tenía numerosos efectos secundarios negativos, including creating toxic gases and acids, destroying ozone, and adding to global warming, and has thus been banned in most of the world. but the aerosol compound of the fire suppression agent can overcome Halon’s default, the aerosol-based agent is non-toxic, no conductivo, No corrosivo, with little residue after discharging, ODP = 0, ALT = 0, y PCA=0.

So aerosol compounds of fire suppression devices are easier than FM200, CO2, and Inert Gas fire suppression Systems, and cleaner than halon products it is more popular and rapidly in the worldwide market.

extintor portátil firebuster de mano


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