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liitiumaku tule summutamine 20 grammi aerosoolkustuti

» Tooted » Minisol aerosool tulekustuti » lithium battery fire suppression 20 grammi aerosoolkustuti
  • liitiumaku tule summutamine 20 grammi aerosoolkustuti

    Minisol aerosool tulekustuti, Tooted

    10-gram type of aerosol fire extinguishers are almost the world's smallest fire extinguishing units that we produce.

    It detects fire with a heat-sensitive wire and automatically activates an extinguishing device to extinguish the fire.

    • Tehnilised andmed
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    A 20-gram aerosol-based lithium battery fire suppression system, peaaegu väikseim aerosoolkustuti maailmas, could be able to installed in most confined spaces, such as lithium battery packs, power switching cabinets, laptop charging cabinets, jne.

    This product is only 5cm in diameter and 6.2cm in height, and the volume of space coverage can reach 0.1 kuupmeetrit, so the small size and high fire-extinguishing efficiency are two of the main reasons why it can be used in the renewable energy lithium battery box.

    Aerosol fire extinguishing agent is clean and environmentally friendly, so its finished product will not have any damage to the lithium battery components, both safe and environmentally friendly.

    A 20-gram aerosol fire extinguisher is an ideal lithium battery fire suppression solution.

    Battery Cabinet Fire Suppression System

    Basic Parameter of Lithium Battery Fire Suppression Aerosol Fire Extinguisher

    The following are the main parameters of this 10g aerosol extinguisher:

    • Suppression Agent Mass: 20 grammi.
    • Main Chemicals: Strontsiumnitraat ja kaaliumnitraat.
    • Kaitseala: 0.2 m³.
    • Disaini tihedus: 0.1 kilogrammi kuupmeetri kohta.
    • Dimension of The Product: Φ50*62 mm.
    • Kuju: Ümmargune ja silindri kuju.
    • Seadme kaal: 0.25 kilogrammi.
    • Suppression Time: Vähem kui 10 sekundit.
    • Tila temperatuur: Vähem kui 200 kraadi Celsiuse järgi.
    • Temperature of Cylinder Surface: Vähem kui 100 kraadi Celsiuse järgi.
    • Töörõhk: No data available.
    • Töötemperatuur: -40 kuni +108 ℃.
    • Suhteline niiskus: maksimaalselt 95%.
    • People’s Safe Distance: 1 ja pool meetrit.
    • Object Safe Distance: 0.3 kuupmeetrit.
    • Eluaeg: läbi 10 aastat.
    • Paigaldusrežiim: Esiteks, use a L shape installation bracket with screws; Teiseks, magneti paigaldus 3M liimiga.
    • Juhtme ühendus: It does not have a wire connection, because it is automatic activation by the thermal cord.
    • Rated Activation Temperature of The Thermal Cord: 175℃ või 300 ℃.

    Hybrid Inverter Fire Extinguishing Units

    For more fire protection solutions for the renewable energy industry, please send us an inquiry in time. Our team will also get back to you promptly.

    miniaerosool tulekustutussüsteem

    The main features of this product are as follows:

    • Almost the smallest fire suppression device in the world.
    • aerosol is lightweight and space-saving, ruumi pole vaja.
    • selle disainikontsentratsioon on 0.1 kilogrammi kuupmeetri kohta, seega on tulekustutusefektiivsus väga kõrge.
    • Keskkonnasõbralik, without any bad effect on animals and the human body after release.
    • Survegaasi balloonidega ei kaasne ohte ega hooldusprobleeme.
    • Not requiring any pipeline network to transmit the aerosol compound spraying out, aerosol agents can reach every corner of the protection zone evenly.

    It can be applied in small confined spaces, we count out as follows:

    • Arvesti kast.
    • Elektrikapp
    • Liitiumaku.
    • Auto mootor.
    • Juhtpaneelid.
    • Elektrilised ruumid.
    • Vaheta tuba.
    • Õlitöötlusmaja.
    • Elektrijaama juhtimishoone.
    • Kaablikelder.
    • Diisel generaator.
    • Boileri ruum.
    • Astmeline jaam.
    • Trafo ja alajaam.
    • Newspaper printing workshop.

    We have other capacities of aerosol fire extinguishers for different sizes of space.

    • 7 grammi, 10 grammi, 12 grammi, 16 grammi mikroaerosooli elektrimootorile, EV roller.
    • 20 grammi, 30 grammi, 60 grammi aerosooli peamiselt liitiumaku jaoks, meetri kast.
    • 100 grammi, 150 grammi, ja 250 grammi aerosooli peamiselt sõidukite mootoritele ja elektripaneelidele.
    • 500 grammi, ja 750 grams of aerosol mainly for wind turbines.
    • Alates 1000 grammi kuni 3000 grams of aerosol mainly for bigger rooms, such as computer rooms, andmetöötlusruumid, power distribution rooms, and power generator rooms.
    • Samuti saame toota 4200 grammi, 5000 grammi, ja 5700 grammi eridisaintoodetena.

    Igasuguse abi saamiseks palun võtke meiega ühendust aadressil info@awarefire.com

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