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Ansul Alike ABC keemiline kuivpulbertulekustuti

» Tooted » Kuivkeemilised tulekustutussüsteemid » Ansul Alike ABC keemiline kuivpulbertulekustuti
  • Ansul Alike ABC keemiline kuivpulbertulekustuti

    Kuivkeemilised tulekustutussüsteemid, Tooted

    The hanging ABC dry powder fire extinguisher system with 7 kilograms of Powder is very suitable for use in open areas, such as gas stations, battery charging sheds, and Warehouses and workshops with openings at the top.

    Any unenclosed space can probably be fitted with a dry powder fire extinguishing system.

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    Ultra-fine ABC Chemical Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher can be used in open spaces. That’s one of the reasons why it’s so popular.

    Gas-based extinguishing systems are difficult to use for open-space fires, whereas all kinds of dry powder extinguishing systems can be used to extinguish open-space fires.

    Näiteks, a pressurized Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher can be used in petrol stations, electric car charging sheds, open-roofed warehouses, jne.

    Kui tulekahju puhkeb, the dry powder extinguisher, under the action of the pulse, quickly covers the space where the fire started and extinguishes the fire in the open space within a few seconds.

    Below is a real photo of a hanging-type pressurized dry powder fire extinguishing device with a 7kg dry powder compound inside, let’s highlight its performance and parameters.


    Parameters of Pressurized Type Super-fine ABC Chemical Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher

    • Täiturmehhanism: Electrical activation+ Glass Thermal Starter.
    • Auxiliary System: Fire alarm systems and TAD stand-alone system.
    • Eseme number.: FZX-ACT7/1.2.
    • Põhiagendi pulber: Super-Fine ABC chemical Dry Powder.
    • Filling Weight of the Extinguishing Agent: 7000+350 grammi.
    • Cylinder Diameter: 319 mm.
    • Silindri kõrgus: 300 mm.
    • Kaitse maht: ≤70 kuupmeetrit.
    • Kaitseala: ≤29,2 kuupmeetrit.
    • Töökeskkonna temperatuur: -104 juurde +122 Degrees Fahrenheiti järgi.
    • The Environment Relative humidity: ≤95%.
    • The Extinguishing Residual Ratio: ≤5%.
    • Nitrogen Drive Gas Pressures: 1.2 juurde 1.3 MPA (20℃ to 50℃).
    • Max Operating Pressure: 2.1 juurde 2.4 MPA.
    • Product Replacement Cycle: 10 aastat.

    insenerifirma aerosooltulekaitse

    See 7 kg dry chemical can cover an area of about 53 kuupmeetrit ruumi, which is almost the same extinguishing ability as an 8 kg Suspended aerosol fire extinguisher.

    But compared to each other, ultrafine ABC chemical dry powder is more suitable for open spaces than aerosol fire extinguishers. näiteks, the gas station and battery charging shed.

    Lisaks, ultrafine dry powder fire extinguishing systems are replacing aerosol systems in the field of integrated underground pipeline corridors.

    There are many advantages of dry powder units, for more details, Palun viita the pressure storage dry powder manual.

    ülipeen ABC kuivkeemiline tulekaitsesüsteem

    The super-fine ABC dry fire extinguisher has the following features and benefits:

    • Rohelised tooted.
    • Lihtne puhastada pärast tühjendamist.
    • Osoonikihi kahanemise potentsiaal on null.
    • Globaalse soojenemise potentsiaal on null.
    • 5 aastat rohkem eluiga.
    • Lihtne paigaldus.
    • Lihtne teha hooldust.
    • Economic and cost-effective.
    • Tugev tulekustutusvõime ja töökindlus.
    • Täielik üleujutus & saadaval kohalik rakendus.
    • Automatic and manual and stand-alone work.
    • It can be installed in many open spaces.

    See on toode, mida saab kasutada erinevates valdkondades:

    • Workshops and factories.
    • Ladu ja laoruum.
    • Bussijaam.
    • Raudteejaam.
    • Medical Facilities.
    • Kunstigaleriid.
    • Koolid, haiglad, restoranid, and hotels.
    • Library and other historical buildings.
    • Sõjavägi.
    • Seaport and airport.
    • Supermarket and shopping mall.

    This ABC super-fine fire extinguishing unit is pressurized, and if some projects do not need pressure to work, then please transfer to our other series of Non-pressurized ABC Dry Chemical Systems.

    No matter the pressurized type or Non-pressurized type of this dry chemical powder fire extinguisher, their extinguishing ability is the same, and their design density is 130 grammi kuupmeetri kohta.

    For some protected areas, pressurized systems are suitable, while others are not. If there are such projects, palun võtke meiega kiiresti ühendust, and we will design the correct fire protection type for you.


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