Aerosol Extinguishing Systems can be recognized as an ideal agricultural machinery fire protection tool, Selle põhjuseks on asjaolu, et sellel on palju erilisi funktsioone ja omadusi.
It releases white smoke in the form of aerosol fire-extinguishing particles into the protected area.
Aerosoolkustutussüsteemid on suurepärased süsteemid põllumajandusmasinate tulekahjude kustutamiseks.
Aerosoolseadmeid saab paigaldada igat tüüpi põllumajandusmasinate mootoritesse, et kaitsta neid termilise äravoolu eest.
Nagu me teame, there are many kinds ofpõllumajandustehnikain the world, saame neid üles lugeda: Traktorid, Kultivaatorid, Õhkkülvikud, Iseliikuv pihusti, Väetise pihusti, Kombineeri, Kombainniiduk, Self-propelled wind-rowers, Rulon Balers, Bale movers, Sorting machines, jne, all belong to agricultural and farming machinery.
The engines of agricultural machinery tend to heat up after long periods of work, resulting in thermal runaways and fires.
It is therefore necessary to remind you to install one or more simple aerosol extinguishing systems on your agricultural machinery, which will save your property and your life.
We recommend our Classic aerosol for you, with an extinguishing agent capacity of 500 grammi.
Data and Parameters of Aerosol Extinguishing Systems
There are many basic data and parameters listed in the following:
Osa number: AW-QH-500E&TH.
Mõõtmed: Läbimõõt 127 millimeetrid ja kõrgus 186 mm.
Aktiveerimisrežiim: Dual activation, termojuhe, and electric start-up.
Ühendi kaal: 500 grammi.
Seadme kaal: 4.50 kilogrammi.
Katvuse maht: 5 kuupmeetrit või 177 jalad.
Time of Suppression: Vähem kui 60 sekundit.
Activation Volt: DC 3 juurde 24 Volt, või AC 3 juurde 220 Volt.
Käivitusvool: Vähem kui 1 Amper.
Vastupidavus: 1.0 juurde 2.0 ohm.
Silindri materjal: 304 roostevaba teras.
Värv: Hõbedane valge.
Operation Conditions: -50°C kuni 108 °C ja kuni 95% RH (suhteline niiskus).
Relative Standard: UL 2775, ISO 15779, NFPA 2010, CEN 15276.
If you need this product to protect your valuable agricultural machinery, please do not hesitate to contact us for further documentation and information.
The features and characteristics of our aerosol Extinguishing Systems are as follows:
Torustik ja survepaagid pole vajalikud, selle tahke keemiline ühend on täiesti stabiilne, is brown or yellow, and shapes just like a lump of mud, pole mingit survet, seega pole vaja survestatud silindrit võtta.
See ühendab 2 activation modes, termojuhtme aktiveerimine, ja elektriline aktiveerimine, so it is not only automatic but also manual.
See sobib sõidukite mootorisüsteemiga ja ühendab aku masinaruumis.
It is the most effective fire suppression system because it is design density is only 50 grammi kuni 100 grammi kuupmeetri kohta.
100% environmentally friendly and has no oxygen depletion.
Space-saving installation, Maintenance-free, and low cost.
We have a professional installation and service team to teach you how to install this product, ja seda toodet on väga lihtne paigaldada, just a DIY installation.
GL, CE, RHOS, and IP67 are certificated and approved.
Long lifetime, kuni 10 aastat säästva tehnoloogiaga.
Although aerosol fire extinguishing systems are niche products, their application range is very wide: