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Fire Extinguishing Robot Aerosol Applied on Vehicle Charging Pile

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Fire Extinguishing Robot Aerosol Applied on Vehicle Charging Pile

juunini 5, 2020

Nafta- ja naftavarude ammendumise ning globaalse keskkonnakaitse nõuetega, now-days research institutes and production enterprises are committed to researching, developing, and producing alternative products, so renewable energy vehicles have become popular and automobile manufacturers have begun to produce them, and as the new energy vehicles use electric power as main driving power, nii et vastavalt on vaja laadimispakki, ühesõnaga, lähitulevikus, uued energiasõidukid ja selle laadimishunnik võetakse kasutusele ja teenindatakse inim-inimeste jaoks.

Oleme varem kirjeldanud, et aerosool tulekustutusrobot saab kasutada autosõidukites, Seetõttu, we also recommend installing it on charging piles.

Mis on laadimishunnik?

A charging pile is an electric charging equipment that helps charge power to the new vehicle mobiles or other equipment that will need a power supply as their main power source.
Both in China and abroad it is a new product, and in the future, a variety of industries will need it. hereby we put a photo to show how it is liked and for you to understand what it is.

Every country in the world has its policy for improving its development of charging piles, so it will be a trend for building up charging piles.

Laadimisvaia on kergesti süttiv elektriseade

Nagu me teame, a charging pile is electric equipment with many electric elements working inside, so it is easy to catch fire after a long time working, especially as it works 24 tundi päevas, it’s easy to get over-heating and catch fire, so how to prevent from a possible fire is a big problem that needs a specialist to help solve it, ja nüüd on meil väikese suurusega tulekustutusseade, mida saab suurepäraselt paigaldada laadimishunnikusse ja aidata tulekaitset, seda me kutsume “aerosool tulekustutusrobot“.

Ideaalseks lahenduseks on aerosooliga tulekustutusrobotid

Why we recommend this aerosol fire extinguishing device for charging piles, it is because it has advantages that other fire suppression systems do not have:

  • Esiteks, because of its small size and space-saving, we know every charging pile is not very big size, täpselt nagu tavaline ATM, so people will consider using a small fire extinguishing device that can be easily installed inside the charging pile, and a mini-size of the aerosol device is an ideal choice.
  • Teiseks, sest seda on lihtne paigaldada laadimishunnikusse, aerosooli summutusüksused on koos 3M liim ja magnetpaigaldus, mida on sinna lihtne paigaldada, or even use its installation brackets and screws to help do the installation job.
  • Kolmandaks, it does not damage circuit equipment, this is the most important factor why we recommend aerosol extinguishing robots as the main fire suppression solution for charging piles.
    As an aerosol extinguishing agent is a clean agent and after extinguishing it will not cause any residue.
  • Neljandaks, the charging pile is a new energy equipment and our aerosol fire extinguishing device is also a new energy equipment, as aerosol devices have characteristics of zero in ozone-layer depletion, zero in global warming potential, and low in atmospheric lifetime, and do not have corrosion on the charging equipment.
  • Viiendaks, it is compact and highly efficient, with an aerosol agent design density value of 100 grammi kuupmeetri kohta, teisisõnu, iga 100 grams of aerosol fire extinguishing agent can cover 1 kuupmeetri ruumi üleujutuse täieliku tulekustutuslahendusena.
  • Lõpuks, see on tark ja humanistlik, when it has a fire it will automatically detect the fire and automatically suppress the fire, and also you can set it to manual function.

Recommend Fire Extinguishing Robot Model

A new energy power charging pile is not very big, so the model number we recommend is decided by the body size of the charging pile canister.

The aerosol fire extinguisher models and their extinguishing capacities are described as follows:

  • If the size is not larger than 0.3 kuupmeetrit, then we recommend a 30-gram aerosol.
  • If the size is larger than 0.6 cubic meters but smaller than 1 kuupmeeter, then recommend a 100-gram aerosol.
  • If the size is larger than 1 kuupmeeter, kuid väiksem kui 1.5 kuupmeetrit, siis soovita 150 grammi aerosooli.
  • If the size is larger than 1.5 cubic meters but smaller than 2 kuupmeetrit, siis soovitame 200 grammi aerosooli.
  • If the size is larger than 2 cubic meters but smaller than 2.5 kuupmeetrit, siis soovitame 250 grammi aerosooli.

Normally a charging pile at most requires 250 grammi aerosooli. Below is a simple table for understanding:

Mudeli number Katteala laadimishunnikus (kuupmeeter)
30E/ST(30 grammi aerosooli) Vahemik: 0 juurde 0.3
60E/ST(60 grammi aerosooli) Vahemik: 0.3 juurde 0.6
100E/ST(100 grammi aerosooli) Vahemik: 0.6 juurde 1.0
150E/ST(150 grammi aerosooli) Vahemik: 1.0 juurde 1.5
200E/ST(200 grammi aerosooli) Vahemik: 1.5 juurde 2.0
250E/ST(250 grammi aerosooli) Vahemik: 2.0 juurde 2.5
Aerosoolkustutusvõime ulatuse tabel
Mini aerosoolrobot


We have successfully installed the aerosol extinguishing devices in charging piles of many new energy vehicles for many charging pile manufacturers in China, ja ka välismaistele laadimisvaiade tootjatele.

Many new energy vehicles at home and abroad have also adopted our aerosol system, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Jeep, BYD, Geely, ja nii edasi.

Other Recommended Fire-Extinguishing Robots for Charging Pile

But our small-size aerosol fire extinguishing robot is not the only fire prevention solution for charging piles.

In the future, we also can install the HFC-227ea or NOVEC 1230 fire extinguishers in the engine compartment of construction machinery.

But at this stage, aerosol fire extinguishing robots are the best solution product in the new energy field.

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