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Thermal Sensing Aerosol Automatic Fire Extinguishing System

» Tooted » Minisol aerosool tulekustuti » Thermal Sensing Aerosol Automatic Fire Extinguishing System
  • Thermal Sensing Aerosol Automatic Fire Extinguishing System

    Minisol aerosool tulekustuti, Tooted

    the small size of aerosol fire suppression units ranging from 10 grammi kuni 250 grams can be installed in almost any narrow space.

    200 grams of aerosol extinguisher is an ideal product for most of the switchgear in the market.

    • Tehnilised andmed
    • Põhifunktsioonid
    • Võtmerakendus
    • Muu Lisateave

    The thermal sensing type aerosol generator is an automatic fire extinguishing system, which can be applied in the switchgear.

    Some people wonder why aerosol suppression devices can be used in distribution cabinets, to explain this, Let’s start with an introduction to switchgear.

    Thermal Sensing Aerosol Automatic Fire Extinguishing System

    A switchgear is a combination of electrical disconnect switches, kaitsmed või kaitselülitid kontrollimiseks kasutatud, protect, and isolate electrical equipment.

    The switchgear is everywhere in the computer data center, andmetöötlusruum, generaatori ruum, veepumpamise ruum, elektriline juhtimisruum, and power supply room.

    Väga oluline on kasutada lülitusseadmetes sobivat tulekustutusgeneraatorit, and a 100-gram capacity of our aerosool tulekustutussüsteem on lahendus.

    The basic details are listed below:

    • Eseme number: 200TH.
    • Outer Dimension: Φ101 * 125 millimeetrit.
    • Covering Area: umbes 2 kuupmeetrit.
    • Mass of Aerosol Extinguishing Compound: 0.2 kilogrammi.
    • Design Dosage: 200 grammi kuupmeetri kohta.
    • Käivitusrežiim: termojuhtme aktiveerimine, aktiveerimistemperatuur 175 ℃ või 300 ℃.
    • Thermal Cord Color: Blue color for 175℃, and Red color for 300℃.
    • Tulekustutusaeg: sees 15 sekundit.
    • Töötemperatuur: -40 kuni +108 ℃.
    • Väljalaske temperatuur: Vähem kui 200 kraadi Celsiuse järgi.
    • The Lifetime of the Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Device: 10 rohkem aastaid.
    • Fire Suppression Type: A klass, B, C, E, F.
    • Aktiveerimisrežiim: Automaatne termoanduriga, või teisisõnu, termilise temperatuuri mõõtmise abil.

    Miniaerosoolsüsteem uutele energiasõidukitele

    Thermal wire is an automatic fire detection device, so it can automatically activate the fire extinguishing system without any manual intervention.

    To protect switchgear against fire, only thermal cord automatic fire extinguishing systems are sufficient.

    Muidugi, if you need to link with the alarm system, then you have to choose the elektrilised tüübid.

    minisoolaerosoolsüsteemidele teadlik tulekustutuslahendus

    The key features of this product are listed in the following:

    • Lihtne paigaldada lülitusseadmesse.
    • Aerosoolühend on puhas kustutusaine, it causes little residue after release and does not have any bad damage to the electrical cabinet and switchgear.
    • Seadme kest on koos 304 roostevabast terasest silinder, seega on see niiskusevastane.
    • This aerosol fire extinguisher is waterproof and we have get IP67 test report for it, so this means this product can be installed in any terrible environment.
    • It is small and could be able to install in any narrow space.
    • See suudab lülitusseadmete tulekahju kiiresti mõne sekundiga summutada.
    • Madalad hoolduskulud.
    • Designed to self-activate when the ambient temperature reaches its rated activation temperature at 175℃ or 300℃.
    • The life shelf is 10 aastat.

    It not only applies in switchgear but also apply in the following fields:

    • Jaotuskapp.
    • Kondensaatori kapp.
    • Pistikupesa kast.
    • Kilovatt-tunni meetri kast.
    • Trafo.

    ja järgmiste suhteliste kohtade jaoks:

    • High-tension and low-tension rooms.
    • Trafo toad.
    • Juhtruumid.
    • Akuruumid.
    • Diiselgeneraatori ruumid.
    • Kondensaatori ruumid.
    • Aku laadimisruumid.
    • Alajaamad.
    • Elektrijaam.
    • Naftakeemiatööstus.
    • Metallurgiatööstus.
    • Kõrghoone.

    200-gram thermal cord aerosol fire extinguishing system AW-QH-200TH, with a capacity to suppress fire in one cubic meter in an enclosed space.

    The thermal cord plays a role in fire detection, after it senses there is a fire that starts from the switchgear, the aerosol extinguishing device will start to release an aerosol agent, and within a few seconds, the fire will be extinguished.

    Päringuvorm ( võtame teiega esimesel võimalusel tagasi )


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