Süsinikdioksiidi kaudse tulekahju tuvastamise süsteemid, use the red color of the fire suppression tube to make fire alarms and fire detection when there is fire occurs in fire hazards, samal ajal, use a special brass tube as a fire extinguishing channel to extinguish separately.
Süsinikdioksiidi toru kaudsed tulekahju avastamissüsteemid, are automatic gaseous fire suppression systems, that use carbon dioxide as the fire extinguishing agent, this system is easy and simple to construct and easy to install.
The best advantage is that the carbon dioxide fire-detecting tube does not require any outer power supply and can work stand-alone, also with functions of fire detection, tulekahjuhäire, and fire suppression.
This fire prevention system, it is divided into direct or indirect types, The extinguishing agent normally is carbon dioxide or hfc-227ea, siinkohal soovitame kaudset tüüpi süsinikdioksiidi tulekahju tuvastamise torusüsteemi.
List of Product Structure Accessories
This product includes the following accessories and components:
Please refer to the following list for the features of this product:
Eco-friendly products, do not have bad effects on the environment and the human body.
Mitmeotstarbelised funktsioonid, with functions of fire detection, tulekahjuhäire, and fire suppression.
Work stands alone by its system, and sometimes does not require any outer power supply to support it.
Simple in structure and easy to install by using brackets and screws.
Moodne välimus ja kompaktne disain.
Madalam kulu.
Tulekustutusomadused on täiuslikud.
Väga kiire tulekahju summutamiseks, only needs a few seconds.
The Indirect carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system has a wide range of applications, below are its main application fields:
Elektrigeneraatorite ruumid.
Telecommunication data center.
Elektrilised juhtimisseadmed.
Signaalitrafo ruumid.
Elektrikilp ja juhtpaneel.
Elektrigeneraatori ruum.
Medical magnetic resonance room.
Värvipihusti kabiin.
Gaasi tankla.
Chemical flammable material warehouse.
Dangerous goods storage warehouse.
The length of a fire detection tube is normally 25 meetrit, ja me saame seda kohandada mis tahes pikkusega, mida soovite, feel free to let us your requirements if you are interested in this tube-based system.
Meil on saadaval mudelimudelid:
AW-WZ-Q / T-6E.
Päringuvorm ( võtame teiega esimesel võimalusel tagasi )