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Clean Agent tulekustutussüsteemid pangahoidlasse

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  • Clean Agent tulekustutussüsteemid pangahoidlasse

    Minisol aerosool tulekustuti, Tooted

    We have many installation cases to verify that our clean agent aerosol fire extinguishing device can be installed in financial institutes and bank vaults, for details please feel free to contact us.

    • Tehnilised andmed
    • Focused Features
    • Major Application
    • Rohkem informatsiooni

    A bank vault is a place where banknotes, kullast, and valuables are stored, is an underground enclosed space with very tight security.

    But even in such a tightly guarded place, fires often occur.

    Seetõttu, it is very important to design a clean fire protection system for the bank vault.

    Based on our expertise and experience, we believe that a clean-agent aerosol fire extinguishing system is the ideal solution for bank vault fire prevention.

    Main Data of Aerosol Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System

    Because the aerosol agent is clean and does not cause damage to high-value items in the bank vault, here we recommend a 250-gram aerosol extinguishing safety device.

    The following are the basic parameters:

    • tootenimi: Aerosol clean agent fire extinguishing systems.
    • Style Pattern: 250E
    • Toote suurus: Φ126 * 144 millimeetrit, või eridisain muus suuruses.
    • Katteala: 2.5 m³.
    • Mass of Aerosol Compound: 0.25 kilogrammi, tolerants on ±0,01 kilogrammi.
    • Design Concentration: 0.1 kilogrammi kuupmeetri kohta.
    • Tulekahju kustutamise aeg: 8 juurde 12 sekundit.
    • Eluaeg: According to our aging test, eluiga on 10 aastat.
    • Toote kaal: 2.60 kilogrammi.
    • The Booting Mode: An electrical power supply, with a voltage of AC 3 juurde 24 volti, DC 3 juurde 220 volti, could work with a TAG termilise aktiveerimise generaator.
    • Product Main Materials: aerosoolaine, 304 stainless cylinders, 304 stainless plug-ins, 304 stainless steel installation brackets, ja kruvid, fire detection elements, and some other components.
    • pakett: We wrap every product in pearl cotton, and then we put it into a white color box, finally, we put it in a double corrugation brown carton box.
    • Fumigation wooden case: Valikuline.

    Aerosol Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems

    The Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems have focused features below:

    • Aerosol generators normally are used in closed spaces, which is suitable for bank vaults.
    • After spraying it leaves little residue, nii et seda on lihtne kokku pühkida.
    • Our aerosol has an IP67 test report, which proves it is waterproof and dustproof, so even in the wet environment of the underground bank vault, it can work as normal.
    • Selle disain on kompaktne, sellel on väike suurus, saab olema lihtne paigaldada.
    • Selle tulekahju kustutamise efektiivsus on väga kõrge, iga 100 grams can cover 1 cubic meter of space.
    • It will not cause any damage to the banknotes, kullast, or silver stored in the bank vault.
    • It is a clean product that is a halon replacement and hydrofluorocarbon alternative.

    Aerosol systems not only be able to apply in bank vaults but also in the following:

    • Elektrikapid.
    • Tuule turbiin.
    • Masinatööstus.
    • Toitesüsteem.
    • Mäetööstus.
    • Tootmistööstus.
    • Ehitus ja ehitus.
    • Sõidukid ja transport.
    • Meretööstus.
    • Energia salvestamine.
    • Elektrigeneraator.
    • Lift.
    • Elektritootmine-aurujõuturbiin.
    • Termoelektriline generaator.
    • Callide elektrijaam.
    • Generaatorikomplekti ruum ja korpus.

    The products have been installed in many financial institutes around the world:

    • China Construction Bank.
    • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
    • Hiina Pank.
    • Hiina põllumajanduspank.
    • Agrani Bank in Bangladesh.
    • Šveitsi liidu pank.
    • Banco Santander Brasil Brasiilias.
    • Bank Negara Indonesia.
    • Vietnami põllumajanduse ja maaelu arengu pank.
    • Siami kommertspank Tais.

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