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Fotogalvaaniline elektritootmissüsteem või fotogalvaaniline elektritootmissüsteem koosneb fotogalvaanilistest inverteritest, intelligentsed kombineerimiskastid, DC jaotuskapid, energiasalvestussüsteemid, seiresüsteemid, ja trafosüsteemid.
Need komponendid ja harusüsteemid ei ole mõõtmetelt kuigi suured, we would better adopt a compact style of fire suppression device and its system as a fire suppression solution for the PV inverter protection.
PV power Systems generate electricity power for people but at the same under a high risk of causing fire, because their branch components or branch systems are running every day for 24 hours and are exposed to the sun.
Nii kaugel, populaarsed SOLAR INVERTERi kaubamärgid on järgmised:
The application of PV inverterid in distributed power generation systems has advantages such as reliability, tõhusust, väike suurus, waterproof design, and low losses.
The combiner box is divided into an AC combiner box and a DC combiner box, it is lighting-proof and can detect radiation intensity, temperatuuri, tuule kiirus, and humidity, it can match with a PV inverter and DC distributing cabinet to form a complete PV power system.
The Energy Storage Converter is also reliable and effective and has a perfect monitoring function.
The distribution cabinet is divided into a power distribution cabinet, a lighting distribution cabinet, and a measuring cabinet, and the DC distribution cabinet is an end equipment for the power distribution system.
The above components and branch systems form a complete PV power system but the above components and branch systems are easy to catch fire.
Different PV inverter protection requires different fire extinguishing products.
sisse Euroopa, Põhja-Ameerika, and Asia, many countries like to install PV power generation systems as this power system is environmentally friendly and sustainable.
But photovoltaic solar power generation systems are very expensive, and if any of their components or branch systems catch fire, we will suffer even more losses.
Hea võimalus on kasutada valvurina eelnevalt projekteeritud tulekustutussüsteemi või -seadet.
If you are in this field and your system requires a fire suppression solution for PV Inverter Protection, feel free to discuss it with us and we are the solver.