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Kondenseeritud aerosooltulesüsteemi granaat

» Tooted » Minisol aerosool tulekustuti » Condensed aerosol fire system grenade
  • Kondenseeritud aerosooltulesüsteemi granaat

    Minisol aerosool tulekustuti, Tooted

    AW-QH-3000E is a strontium nitrate condensed aerosol extinguishing grenade, which is an ideal product to protect electronic computer equipment.


    • Tehnilised andmed
    • Funktsioonid
    • Rakendus
    • Rohkem informatsiooni

    The large capacity of condensed aerosol fire system grenades is a viable fire protection solution for electronic computer rooms.

    The electronic computer room is normally made up of the primary machine room, põhiline töötuba, first-category auxiliary room, second-category auxiliary room, jne.

    Electronic computer rooms should be set on the second or third floor of multistory buildings or high-rise buildings.

    We should choose a location as a computer room that keeps away from dust, harmful gas, and fire, eriti tulekahju vältimiseks, we should choose the most suitable fire suppression systems.

    After selective selection, we found that the condensed aerosol fire system and the alarm system were the optimal combination of solutions.

    Arvutiruumi tuletõrjesüsteem

    We recommend an aerosol grenade model 3000E to install in the electronic computer room, its basic specifications are as follows:

    • Specification and Model: 3000E.
    • Suurus: Φ218 * 294 millimeetrit.
    • Kaitseala: 30 kuupmeetrit.
    • Mass of Aerosol Agents: 3000 grammi.
    • Käivitusrežiim: Elektriline (electronic activation).
    • Silindri materjal: 304 roostevaba teras hõbevalge värviga.
    • Sealing Film Material: Aluminum foil.
    • Product Protection Grade: IP67.
    • Aerosol Agent Color: Pruun või kollane.
    • Gross Weight of Product: 12500 grammi.
    • Spraying Time of Fire Extinguishing Agent: 38 sekundit.
    • Eluring: 10 aastat.
    • Tuletõrje tüüp: A-klassi tulekahju, B tulekahju, C tulekahju, D fire, and F fire.
    • Other parameters: as per the User Manual

    aerosoolide tulekustutussüsteem elektrikilbi juhtpaneelile

    The computer room is a big place where not only needs to install electrically activated aerosol systems but also gaasi tulekahjusignalisatsioonisüsteemid.

    So after installing the aerosol fire extinguishing device, don’t forget to commission the fire suppression and alarm systems.

    Arvutitoa jaoks, there will be an electric control panel and switchgear over there, so we also suggest you install a 150-gram capacity termokäivitusega fikseeritud aerosool tulekustutussüsteem.

    erinevat tüüpi aerosooli automaatne tulekaitsesüsteem

    Condensed aerosol fire systems have unique advantages:

    • 3000 grammi aerosooligeneraator võib katta 30 cubic meters of each device, so it can be able to apply in a computer room as a total flooding fire suppression solution.
    • 304 roostevabast terasest silinder, so it is waterproof and dustproof, we have done an IP67 test report, which certifies that our aerosol extinguishing grenade is water and dust-proof.
    • The aerosol mass is compact and condensed, and the aerosol device is small in size, and to be installed in narrow spaces on the wall or on the ceiling.
    • The Aerosol compound is strontium nitrate, mis on maailma uusim aerosooltulekustutustehnoloogia, after release it causes little residue, so it will not damage the computer equipment in the protective room.
    • Aerosol devices not only can be installed in the room but also in server racks, and computer cabinets.

    Below is a relative place where these aerosol extinguishing units can also apply:

    • Andmetöötlusruum.
    • Serveriruum.
    • Telekommunikatsiooni ruum.
    • Andmekeskus.
    • Juhtpaneelid.
    • Elektrikapid.
    • Elektrigeneraatorite ruumid.
    • Elektrijaotusruumid.

    Transpordi kohta

    • 1. Each device is put into a white or color box with poly-foam or pearl cotton as protection.
    • 2. Every one or two or four inner cartons are put into a brown color double-layer corrugated box, ja erikaitseks, ühe kaubapartii jaoks, we usually also use a fumigation wooden case to take the load.


    • See toode on kompaktne ja survevaba.
    • See ei nõua iga-aastast kontrolli.
    • Madalad hoolduskulud.

    Päringuvorm ( võtame teiega esimesel võimalusel tagasi )


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