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DCP ülipeen tulekustutusseade arhiivihoidlas

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DCP ülipeen tulekustutusseade arhiivihoidlas

septembril 6, 2018

The First World War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939-1945) burned many cultural relics and archives, after the Second World War, the archival undertaking developed and grew stronger and stronger, and many archival repository buildings were built, kuid kuigi sõda on juba möödas, arhiivihoidlas on endiselt kerge tuld saada, seega on oluline, kuidas teha arhiivihoidlatele tulekaitse, kuidas täiustada tulekustutustehnoloogiat arhiivihoidla (arhiivid) on meie ees uus väljakutse.

Superfine ABC dry chemical powder fire extinguishing device is a good fire extinguishing agent that can suspended in the air and can bypass obstacles to spread to all corners, to extinguish the fire by total flooding or local application, arendada kuivkeemilist pulberkustutustehnoloogiat automaatseks tulekahju kustutamiseks, it is a coalition of nanotechnology and dry chemical technology, see tähistab kõrgeimat kuivkeemilist pulberkustutustaset ja selle arengusuunda.

Fire Protection Technology Requirement for Archival Repository and Its Application

Archival repositories have requirements for fire extinguishing technology, the requirements are as below:

  • A. have a special requirement for a fire extinguishing agent, sellel ei tohiks olla korrosiooni, be non-toxic, puhas aine, and be eco-friendly, such as the fire extinguishing agent should have no corrosion to file carrier like paper, mikro kangas, film, lint, ketas jne, should not affect these file carriers.
  • B. has a special requirement for fire extinguishing methods, it requires the suppression of the fire at its early stage and quickly put out, et arhiivihoidla ei saaks suuremaid kahjustusi, so requires all the fire suppression devices to be sensitive and reliable.

Halon-based fire suppression agents have been popular since the 1970s, because of their excellent fire performance, after halon fire extinguishing agents have been forbidden to be put into use since then the following fire suppression system can be suggested to put into use for archival repository applications.

Arhiivihoidla tulekustutustehnoloogia rakendusolukord

  • 1. Tulekustutussüsteem FM200 (hfc-227ea agent), its working principle is just similar to the halon fire extinguishing systems, belongs to the chemical fire suppression range, and it has a little corrosion to the skin, paber, glass, and precision instrument.
  • 2. The carbon dioxide fire suppression system (CO2 süsteem), belongs to the physical fire suppression range, its fire extinguishing efficiency is low and not be able to extinguish early-stage fires, it requires a cylinder storage room also need many cylinders with a pipeline, and also needs high pressure to work, on ka asfiksia oht.
  • 3. Aerosool tulekustutussüsteem (Strontsiumnitraadi või kaaliumnitraadi baasil), The aerosol fire suppression system is similar to the ABC dry chemical powder fire suppression system and fits for archival repository very well.
  • 4. Inertgaasi tulekustutussüsteem (IG541, IG01, IG100, IG55), its disadvantages are noise when it is discharging, high pressure and very dangerous also easy to get leakage, vajavad ka torustikuvõrku ja tule kustutamist aeglaselt, paigaldamise ja müügijärgse hoolduse kõrge hind.
  • 5. Veeudu tulekustutussüsteem (kõrge või madal rõhk), which belongs to the physical fire suppression concept, uses water as a fire extinguishing agent to suppress the fire, see niisutab paberit ja riiet ning muudab ja kahjustab arhiive ja toimikuid.
  • 6. Superfine ABC kuivkeemiline pulberkustutussüsteem, the superfine ABC dry chemical powder fire extinguishing agent has an average particle diameter of no more than 20μm, this extinguishing agent is a clean agent and is an advanced fire suppression technology in the world, globaalse soojenemise potentsiaali väärtuses on see null, osoonikihi kahanemise potentsiaali väärtus null, non-irritating to human body skin, no corrosion and non-toxic to the protection objectives, also easy to clean up after discharge.

Product Recommendations

From the above description of different suppression systems, we strongly suggest installing a SUPERFINE ABC KUIV KEEMILINE PULBERKUTSUTUSSEADE and its system in archival repositories (arhiivid), raamatukogud, muuseumid, and any other important places.

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