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- Tehnoloogia tugi (18)
The big space of a stereoscopic warehouse is made up of a high-rise storage rack, starker, konvektor, automaatjuhtimisseade, information transmission device, and computer, it is a technology that combines modern building technology with high-value cargo, nii et tulekahju korral kannatab stereoskoopiline ladu tohutu kahju ja kaotuse all, oluline on teha sellele tulekaitse.
Tavaline veega tulekustutussüsteem ei sobi stereoskoopilise lao jaoks, ja nende tulekustutusefekt ei ole ideaalne, because the use water fire suppression system will make the variety of cargo suffer from damage and you will have a secondary loss.
Viimastel aastatel, peatatud ülipeen kuivkeemiline tulekustutus system device has been widely applied in a variety of warehouses, ning see on kasutajate ja tuletõrjeosakonna poolt tunnustatud ja heaks kiidetud; the super-fine dry chemical fire extinguishing agent is one of the highest efficiency fire extinguishing agents, see on osoonikihti kahandava potentsiaalivaba, vaba globaalse soojenemise potentsiaalist, madal eluiga atmosfääris,mittejuhtiv, mittetoksiline, korrosioonivaba ja pärast tühjendamist on lihtne puhastada, agens on kombineeritud keemilise tulekustutusmeetodi ja füüsilise tulekustutusmeetodiga koos, see peatab tule leegi; agendi tulekustutusvõime on 8 juurde 10 korda tugevam kui tavaline tulekustutusaine.
In the stereoscopic warehouse, there are the following advantages of using the suspension-type chemical fire suppression system device:
It can be a local application on every floor of the cargo rack and where there is fire, seejärel kustutades selle tulekahju koha eraldi, it is with a thermo bulb as an activator and also electrical activation together. see on tulekahju kustutamiseks paindlik.
Meie kogemuse järgi, the suspended super-fine dry chemical fire extinguisher is not only for stereoscopic warehouses but also for other types of warehouses, such as factory warehouses, logistics company warehouses, and department store warehouses.
Tavaliselt, there are very few people in the warehouse, most of them are products and goods, so when we activate the fire extinguishing system, personnel are safe.
Kuivtulekustutit saab kasutada punkt-punkti kustutamiseks, so it will not cause waste of the fire extinguishing system; Näiteks, kui mingis laoosas puhkeb tulekahju, käivitatakse ainult üks üleval asuv tulekustutusseade, millest piisab esialgse tulekahju kustutamiseks.
Üldiselt, warehouses should maintain ventilation and dryness to avoid damaging goods. Sel juhul, muud tulekustutussüsteemid ei ole üldjuhul saadaval, and only the dry powder fire extinguishing system is available because the sprayed dry powder will not only wet the goods but also achieve the purpose of fire fighting.
Seetõttu, dry powder can protect various warehouse facilities, including this three-dimensional warehouse.