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Server Room Fire Safety Aerosol Extinguishing Device

» Tooted » Minisol aerosool tulekustuti » Server Room Fire Safety Aerosol Extinguishing Device
  • Server Room Fire Safety Aerosol Extinguishing Device

    Minisol aerosool tulekustuti, Tooted

    Saame kasutada 304 stainless steel installation bracket and screws to install our aerosol extinguishing safety device in the server room.

    The installation location is side-wall or ceiling.

    • Tehnilised andmed
    • Primary Features
    • Peamised rakendused
    • Extra Information

    A green aerosol extinguishing device is a perfect fire suppression system for server room fire safety, We should make the most of it in the server room.

    The Server room is a special design room for a computer server, to make sure the computer server operates continuously, a data center normally has many server rooms over there.

    Server Room Fire Suppression System

    Product Main Parameters for Sever Room Fire Safety

    Nagu me kõik teame, a computer server is a high-value electrical equipment, So it is very necessary to provide them with fire protection measures.

    An eco-friendly aerosol fire extinguishing safety device is recommended, the main parameters are as follows:

    • Nimi: Aerosol extinguishing device.
    • Funktsioon: for server room fire safety.
    • Lot Number: 1500E
    • Mõõtmed või suurus: Φ218 * 204 millimeetrit.
    • Kaane maht: 15 m³.
    • Mass of Aerosol Chemicals: 1500 grammi.
    • Start-up Mode: Elektriline, elektrooniline, elektriline, and stand-alone systems.
    • Main Components: Aerosol compound and 304 roostevabast terasest silinder.
    • Paigaldamise tüüp: Paigaldusklamber ja kruvid, või magnetiline 3M liimiga.
    • G.W: 8.4 kilogrammi.
    • N.W: 1.5 kilogrammi.
    • Operation Time: 18 juurde 19 sekundit.
    • Eluaeg: 10 aastat.
    • Input Power Supply: AC 3 juurde 24 volti, DC 3 to 22o volts.

    There are hundreds of server racks over there in the server room, so it is required to install a smaller capacity of aerosoolide tule summutamine system in server racks, the recommended model is 150TH.

    Sequence Starter and Aerosol Generators

    The main features of the aerosol extinguishing device are described in the following:

    • Puhas aerosool tulekustutussegu, mis on keskkonnasõbralik, does not have a bad effect on the environment, human body, and animals.
    • Aerosoolaine kontsentratsioon on väga madal, selle disainitihedus on 100 grammi kuupmeetri kohta.
    • The cylinder is non-pressurized.
    • Certified by the IP67 test report, it is both waterproof and dustproof.
    • Ei vaja iga-aastast hooldust, see on minimaalne hooldus.
    • Väga lihtne paigaldada, isegi vanem või noorem saab selle installimiseks kasutada tööriistu.
    • Fast to extinguish the fire, kümnete sekundite jooksul saab aerosoolkustutusaine otsa, and the fire is off.
    • See ei kahjusta elektriseadmeid ega masinaid, see on seadmete jaoks ohutu.
    • Do not require any distribution piping, manifolds, or nozzles.
    • Kasutusiga on väga pikk, umbes 10 aastat.
    • Meet with requirements of international standards.

    Aerosol fire extinguishing safety devices have a wide range of applications that we are not able to count, meie miniaerosoolseadmeid saab paigaldada igasse suletud või poolsuletud ruumi:

    • Elektriruumid ja elektrikilp.
    • Andmetöötlusvahendid.
    • Toitesüsteemid, hõlmavad elektrijaotust, power generation, jne.
    • Lao- ja laoruumid.
    • Bank vault in the financial department, and ATMs.
    • Tootmis- ja CNC-masinad.
    • Kinds of vehicles include cars, veoautod, bussid, and heavy vehicles.
    • Telekommunikatsiooni ruumid.
    • The renewable energy industry, includes wind turbines, Energiasalvestid, UPS-i ruumid, jne.



    Please note that aerosol fire extinguishing devices should not be used in the following areas:

    • Chemicals that oxidize rapidly without air, nagu tselluloosnitraat, püssirohtu, and self-decomposing chemicals, like metal peroxide.
    • Elav metall, nagu kaalium, and sodium; metallhüdroksiid, nagu kaaliumhüdroksiid, and hydrogen sodium; Tugev oksüdeerija, nagu lämmastikoksiid, and fluorine; ja iseeneslikult süttiv aine, nagu fosfor.
    • Põlevate tahkete materjalide sügav tulekahju.

    Päringuvorm ( võtame teiega esimesel võimalusel tagasi )


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