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Rippuv ülipeen kuivkeemiline tulekustuti

» Tooted » Kuivkeemilised tulekustutussüsteemid » Rippuv ülipeen kuivkeemiline tulekustuti
  • Rippuv ülipeen kuivkeemiline tulekustuti

    Kuivkeemilised tulekustutussüsteemid, Tooted

    See ülipeen kuivkeemiline tulekustuti is a fire protection weapon for enclosure or semi-enclosure spaces. nagu näiteks:

    • electromagnetic equipment room
    • Main central control room.
    • And other electronic equipment.
    • Tehnilised andmed
    • Funktsioonid
    • Rakendus
    • Rohkem informatsiooni

    If we need to explain the feasibility of a Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher Device for a central control room, then we must start with the definition and function of the central control room itself.

    The central control room is not only the center for centralized control of electrical equipment in power plants and substations but also the command center for electricity production and scheduling in the entire plant. It is also a place for human-machine information exchange in monitoring systems.

    There are many of electrical equipment in the central control room, nagu generaatorid, trafod, DC screens, jne., so the central control room is an area with a high risk of fire.

    From the perspective of fire protection requirements, it is necessary to configure the correct fire extinguisher device and alarm devices in the central control room.

    Hetkel, many systems can be used in the central control room, including water spray systems, gas suppression systems, aerosol systems, and dry powder fire extinguishing systems. Today we recommend a superfine dry chemical fire extinguisher device.

    Hanging Type Ball-shape Dry Chemical Suppression Equipment

    Specific Parameters of This Super-fine Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher

    The specific parameters and description of the product are as follows:

    • tootenimi: Ultrafine Pressurized ABC chemical fire extinguisher device.
    • Kuju: Spherical.
    • Surface Color: Punane.
    • Kesta materjal: Carton Dioxide or Stainless Steel.
    • Hook type: 0 ring.
    • Surve indeks: 1.2 juurde 1.5 Mpa.
    • Electric Starting Voltage: DC 3 juurde 24 volti.
    • Praeguse väärtuse algus: 1A.
    • Thermal Start Temperature Value: 175℃ või 300 ℃.
    • Starting sound: vähem kui 120 decibels.
    • Retardation Time: vähem kui 1 sekundit.
    • Tulekahju kustutamise aeg: vähem kui 5 sekundit.
    • Longest Product Lifecycle: 5 Aastaid.
    • More Details: As per the Kasutusjuhend.

    The FM200 fire extinguishing system can also be used in the central control room, but due to the complexity of the FM200 system, some engineering companies choose to install a chemical fire extinguisher instead of FM200 to simplify the installation process.


    Kaablikaevu kihtidevaheline tulekustutusseade

    This suspended Ultra-fine Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher Device has the following features and advantages:

    • Even discharging the fire extinguisher agent to the protected area.
    • tühjenemisel müravaba.
    • Low maintenance cost and production cost.
    • It can be applied in public places where full of people.
    • Fire extinguishing agents are environmentally friendly and non-toxic.
    • The installation bracket is an O-shaped hook, which is easy to install and assemble.
    • Extinguishing fire quickly and efficiently.
    • Many ways to activate the device, termojuhe, termopirn, or electrical actuator to start up the device.
    • It can be started automatically or manually.
    • It can be total flooding or be locally applied to protected areas.
    • It will not damage the electrical equipment in the central control room.

    Loendame selle rakendusala ükshaaval:

    • CNC masinaruum.
    • Lõikeruum.
    • Arvuti andmekeskuse ruum.
    • Main center control room.
    • Electromagnetic equipment.
    • UPS-i akuruum.
    • Supermarket warehouse.
    • Ekspordi kaupade laoruum.
    • Koosolekuruum.
    • Mõõtmisruum.
    • Bensiinijaam.
    • Jaotusseadmed.
    • Raamatukogu, arhiivid, muuseumid.
    • Haigla ja meditsiiniinstituut.
    • The commercial residential or industrial high-rise buildings or tower blocks.

    Superpeeneid ABC kuivkeemilisi tulekustutusseadmeid on kahte tüüpi, one is the pressurized type and another is a non-pressurized type.

    • The pressurized type fire extinguisher is filled with nitrogen gas as a pressure source to drive the fire extinguishing agent.
    • There is a gas-producing agent in the non-pressure storage tank, which is generally pressure-free. When the product is started, the gas-producing agent will push the fire-extinguishing agent out of the nozzle.

    Võtke meiega ühendust, selgitame nende erinevusi.

    Päringuvorm ( võtame teiega esimesel võimalusel tagasi )


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