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Minisooli aerosooltulekustuti kokkupanek ja paigaldamine

» Tehnoloogia tugi » Minisool-aerosooltulekustuti kokkupanemine ja paigaldamine

Minisooli aerosooltulekustuti kokkupanek ja paigaldamine

detsember 3, 2023

Minisol on spetsiaalne aerosooltulekustuti, mille on turule toonud meie ettevõte, ja on avalikkuse poolt laialdaselt tunnustatud.

Selle väliskesta materjal on tippkvaliteediga 304 roostevabast terasest toru, mis on väga vastupidav. Toote kuju on nagu ümmargune tünn, ainulaadne on ka sellise silindrilise toote kokkupanek ja paigaldusmeetod.

meie MINISOOL aerosols are renowned for being small and space-saving, It is becoming a standard configuration for extinguishing fires in small enclosed spaces.

Some customers have given us feedback that they do not know how to assemble the bracket and screws, and do not know how to install the aerosol generator.

In theory, technicians can install according to the instructions in the manual, but in practice, installation personnel often make mistakes.

Aga tegelikult, the installation and assembly of this fire suppression product is also very simple, tahaksime seda probleemi siin konkreetselt kirjeldada ja selgitada.

Configuration of assembly and installation personnel

The installation or assembly personnel must be of the following types:

  • Skilled professional installation personnel.
  • Mature technical personnel who understand the working principle and installation matters.
  • Specially trained workers who understand circuits, and know how to do assembly and installation jobs.

Märge: If you do not know how to install this aerosol-based minisol fire extinguisher, you can outsource to a professional installation company to help install it.

Kuidas selle aerosooltulekustuti kronsteini ja kruvisid kokku panna

Esiteks, let’s list the specific material:

  • Minisoolaerosool tulekustuti korpus.
  • Pistik või pistikühendus.
  • Traat või termojuhe.
  • Klamber.
  • Non-standard self-locking screws.
  • “L” Kuju või “U” Kuju paigaldusklamber.
  • Lame padi.
  • Vedrupadi.
  • Kuusnurksed kruvid.
  • Starting components: aviation plugs, thermo glass bulbs external thermal cords, jne.

Teiseks, Kokkupaneku etapid on järgmised:

  • Samm 1: Kontrollige, kas montaažitarvikud on komplekteeritud.
  • Samm 2: Asetage rõngasklamber aerosooltulekustutusseadmele ja paigaldage mittestandardsed kruvid.
  • Samm 3: Ühendage L- või U-kujuline klamber kruvide ja mutritega klambriga.

Kolmandaks, the Selection of screw and bracket materials:

  • The bracket and screw material should have an anti-corrosion function.
  • The thickness of the bracket should be at least 2 millimeetrit.
  • Screws should preferably have anti-vibration and anti-detachment functions.
  • Should be able to carry a weight of over 100 kilogrammi.
  • The surface needs to be passivated to avoid injury.

Täpsemad tarvikute joonised ja paigaldusjuhised, palun vaadake minisooli aerosooli kasutusjuhend.

Neljandaks, kasutades ülalkirjeldatud materjale, monteerige kronstein samm-sammult kokku vastavalt järgmises videos olevatele juhistele:

Minisooli aerosooltulekustuti paigaldamine

Aerosoolkustutite paigaldamise meetod on väga lihtne, lihtsalt kasutage tööriistu, et kinnitada see paigalduskoha seinale või lakke. Põhilised installietapid on järgmised:

  • Leidke sobiv paigalduskoht külgseintel või laes.
  • Paigaldusava asukoha määramiseks kasutage elektritrelli ja loodi.
  • Fix the product with a mounting bracket on the inner side or ceiling.
  • Reguleerige toote otsiku suunda ja suunda, ja korraldage soojus- ja vooluringid korralikult.
  • Kui see on paigaldatud 3M liimi või magnetiga, sulgusid ja kruvisid pole vaja. Lihtsalt kleepige toode lae siseküljele või ülaosale.

The minisol aerosol fire extinguisher has different capacities, a capacity of 30 juurde 500 grams with L shape support and, a capacity of 750 juurde 5700 grams with U shape support.
Choose different capacities and different modes, palun vaadake seda lehte Minisol aerosool tulekustuti.

Solution for Missing Accessories During Assembly or Installation

If accessories are missing during product assembly or installation, the solution is as follows:

  • Esiteks, check if your company has spare parts for the missing parts, or if it is possible to purchase them directly from the local market.
  • If not, check the accessory models of aerosol fire extinguishers first, and then report to the local distributor or manufacturer, the manufacturer or distributor will provide the missing installation accessories free of charge.

Different fire extinguishing agent components correspond to different clamp models. Our clamp models are as follows:

Minisol Aerosol Generator Capacity Clamps Model
20 juurde 30 grammi 52-56
60 juurde 100 grammi 74-79
150 juurde 200 grammi 98-103
250 juurde 500 grammi 122-130
750 juurde 1000 grammi 162-174
1500 juurde 5700 grammi 214-226

The MINISOL with different fire extinguishing capabilities have different bracket lengths, please refer to the following list:

Minisol Capacity Bracket Length
20 juurde 60 grammi 120 CM
100 juurde 500 grammi 165 CM
750 grammi kuni 5700 grammi 220 CM


aerosool väike tulekustuti

It should be emphasized that the length of the bracket can be customized specifically, Customers can provide us with drawings, and our production workers and technicians can strictly design and manufacture according to the drawings.

Installation Under Special Circumstances: Magnet With 3M Double-Sided Tape Installation

In some special enclosed areas, such as iron distribution cabinets, the installation of this product can be done without brackets and screws, instead using magnets and 3M double-sided adhesive, as shown in the following figure:

This installation method is simpler, just stick the product onto the iron plate. (Märge: This installation method is only suitable for aerosol fire extinguishers with the extinguishing capacity of no more than 500 grammi. Larger fire extinguishers are prone to falling off the wall after installation).

tavaliselt, do not use magnets+3M adhesive for installation, but use clamps and brackets for installation, Because the clamps and brackets are more secure.

Precautions During Assembly and Installation

  • Unpacking inspection before assembly and installation work, Check if the accessories are complete, a complete list of accessories includes: instruction manual, certificate of conformity, label, aerosol product body, electric starter aviation plug, termojuhe, termoklaasist pirn, installation bracket and screw.
  • When assembling brackets, klambrid, ja kruvid, pay attention to the assembly sequence and position of each component and do not install them incorrectly.
  • Paigaldamise ajal, ensure that the wall or ceiling is sturdy and secure to prevent the aerosol fire extinguishing device from loosening and falling off.
  • Please do not turn on the power during installation, do not ignite the thermal wire, and do not break the thermo glass bulb.
  • Assembly and installation work should preferably be carried out by skilled personnel.
  • Paigaldamise ajal, installation personnel need to be equipped with professional installation tools and wear gloves.
  • Pärast paigaldamist, check again whether the product is firmly installed.
  • Enne paigaldamist, Please read the manual and understand the precautions carefully.
  • If some components require special processing by customers, they need to make specific requirements or provide drawings. We can further process the components according to the special requirements and drawings.

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