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Miniaerosool tulekaitsesüsteem elektrijaotusruumi jaoks

» Tooted » Minisol aerosool tulekustuti » Miniaerosool tulekaitsesüsteem elektrijaotusruumi jaoks
  • Miniaerosool tulekaitsesüsteem elektrijaotusruumi jaoks

    Minisol aerosool tulekustuti, Tooted

    Elektrijaotusruum, Elektritootmise tuba, Jaotusseadmed, and Substations are places where easy to catch fire, because a lot of electrical cabinets and control panels are over there, it is necessary to have an aerosol extinguishing system installed in these fire-prone areas.

    • Tehnilised andmed
    • Special Features
    • Rakendus
    • Rohkem informatsiooni

    You can have complete confidence in our min aerosol fire protection system Because it adopts innovative nano suppression technology and has now been widely applied in many industries, such as the transportation industry, meretööstus, oil and gas industry, mäetööstus, tootmistööstus, lennundustööstus, uus energiatööstus, jne.

    We have many international cases of its application in elektrijaotusruumid and corresponding electrical cabinets.

    Distribution Room Fire Extinguishing System

    Here we recommend a 750 grams electrically activated aerosol fire protection system, its basic technical data are as follows:

    • Mudel: 750E (AW-QH-750E)
    • Product Measurement: 167 mm läbimõõduga, ja 204 mm kõrgused.
    • Kustutusmaht: 7.5 kuupmeetrit.
    • Tulekustutusaeg: 14 juurde 15 sekundit.
    • Weight of Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Agent: 750 grammi.
    • Starting Method: Elektriline aktiveerimine, elektroonika, elektritoiteallikas, DC 3-24 volti, ja AC 3-220 volti.
    • The Aerosol Agent Color is brown.
    • Cylinder Color and Material: 304 roostevaba teras hõbevalge värviga.
    • Weight of the Fire Extinguishing Generator: 5400 grammi.
    • Toote eluiga: 10 juurde 15 aastat.
    • Fire Extinguishing Ability Class: A klass, B klass, C klass, Klass E ja klass F.

    When installing this product in a power distribution room, please have the installer wear anti-static clothing to avoid the product being activated by static electricity.

    Lisaks, be sure to install the product without power on!

    Please use the correct wiring method. Lisateabe saamiseks, palun vaadake meie installation guide.

    Because all distribution rooms have electrical cabinets or control cabinets, we recommend installing an aerosol fire protection system on these electrical cabinets. The suitable model is a 150-gram thermally activated aerosol extinguisher.

    miniaerosool tulekustutussüsteem

    This product has many special features:

    • The power distribution room normally is not able to install a suur tulekustutussüsteem, like an FM200 system, Novec1230 süsteem, or foam system, while a mini aerosol system is an alternative.
    • Elektrijaotusruumis on palju elektrikilpe või juhtpulte, so aerosol cannot only be installed inside the room but also can be installed in the cabinet.
    • Aerosol is a clean agent, after release, it leaves little residue and is very easy to sweep up.
    • It is non-conductive and very friendly to power distribution equipment.
    • DIY paigaldamiseks, just only need a small bracket and several small screws to install, or just use several small magnets together with a 3M brand of glue to install it.
    • Keskkonnasõbralik, won't damage the ecosystem.
    • Instantaneous fire extinguishing takes only a few seconds to extinguish the fire.
    • Hoolduskulud on ülimadalad.
    • The life span is 10 aastat, while other kinds of fire suppression systems are no more than 5 aastat, nagu näiteks ABC kuivkeemiline tulekustutusseade on 5 years only.

    This mini aerosol fire protection system has below applications:

    1. Lülitusseadmete jaoks.
    2. Elektrijaama jaoks.
    3. Trafojaamade jaoks.
    4. Elektrialajaam.
    5. Alajaama baas
    6. The kitchen hood.
    7. Muuseumide koht, Arhiivid, and Library.
    8. Kompressor.
    9. Andmekeskus.
    10. transport ja sõidukid.
    11. Põllumajandustehnika.
    12. Merelaev.
    13. Kaablialus ja tunnel.
    14. The Server Rooms protection.

    See toode on populaarne paljudes riikides, Käesolevaga loetleme allpool meie mõned kuumad rahvusvahelised turud:

    • Lõuna-Aafrika Vabariik.
    • Nigeeria Liitvabariik.
    • The Republic of Cameroon.
    • Ghana Vabariik.
    • Togo Vabariik.
    • Egiptuse Araabia Vabariik.
    • Brasiilia Liitvabariik.
    • Argentina Vabariik.
    • Taani Kuningriik.
    • Hollandi Kuningriik.
    • United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland.
    • The Kingdom of Sweden.
    • Malaisia.
    • Indoneesia Vabariik.
    • Filipiinide Vabariik.
    • Vietnami Sotsialistlik Vabariik.
    • Myanmari liidu vabariik.

    Päringuvorm ( võtame teiega esimesel võimalusel tagasi )


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