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Minisooli aerosooligeneraator sõidukite tulekaitseks

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Minisooli aerosooligeneraator sõidukite tulekaitseks

novembril 15, 2017

Sõidukid on mobiilsed masinad, mis transpordivad inimesi või lasti ühest kohast teise, typical vehicles include wagons, jalgrattad, mootorsõidukid, rööbassõidukid, veesõidukid, aircraft, and spacecraft.
Motor vehicles include motorcycles, autod, veoautod, and buses.
Railed vehicles include trains and trams.
Watercraft include Boats, Laevad, and yachts.
So obviously vehicle engines include wagon engines, bicycle engines, motorcycle engines, autode mootorid, veoautode mootorid, busside mootorid, train engines, trams engines, boat engines, ship engines, and more we can imagine.

some vehicles have small engines and some have larger engines, kuid olenemata sellest, kui suur on sõiduki mootor, it is not suitable to install a conventional fire suppression system or conventional fire extinguisher device in the engines, kuna need on mootoritesse paigaldamiseks liiga suured, ja mitte ruumi säästa.

I am always looking for the right fire suppression products for our Das auto motor cars, aga tundub raske leida!”, a Das auto company purchasing manager says in Shanghai.
We are going to find a small size of fire extinguisher which can be installed in our special purpose vehicle engines for fire protection, can you recommend one? Jason”, ütleb eriotstarbeliste sõidukite tehase direktor.
My heavy-duty trucks always suffer from a fire and we lost much from a fire that occurred in our heavy-duty engines, ma pean installima hea fire extinguishing system in my heavy-duty equipment“, räägib meile Nigeeria kaevanduse omanik.

Vastavalt meie klientide tagasisidele ja turu-uuringutele, in China or abroad many vehicles will easily get fire in their engines, and because of their long-time running/operating, work under high temperatures.

No matter your mind or not, one true thing is that we must make a good fire protection solution for protecting our vehicles and vehicle engines.

So what we can do? hereby we strongly recommend a revolutionary vehicle fire suppression product Aerosol Fire Generator, see on:

  • 1. small size and favorable to install in small spaces like electrical cabinets, and vehicle engines.
  • 2. Compact and space-saving.
  • 3. Keskkonnasõbralik, not damage to human people and vehicle accessories.
  • 4. High efficiency and cost-effective, small aerosol compounds cover large volumes.
  • 5. Kuluefektiivne.
sõidukite tulekustutussüsteemid aerosooltulekustuti auto

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