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Nanoaerosool fikseeritud tulekustuti generaator

» Tooted » Minisol aerosool tulekustuti » Nano Aerosol Fixed Fire Extinguisher Generator
  • Nanoaerosool fikseeritud tulekustuti generaator

    Minisol aerosool tulekustuti, Tooted

    The power supply panel room, relay room, and computer room are members of the railway signal system, all these rooms always suffer from a high risk of fire our new generation of nano aerosol fire extinguisher generator can help.

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    60-gram nano aerosol fixed fire extinguisher generator can protect an enclosure space of 0.6 kuupmeetrit.

    This product can protect the electrical cabinet, electronic control panel, lithium battery cabinets, and energy storage packs.

    The basic components of this product are the aerosol fire extinguisher body, aviation plug connector, klambrid, ja kruvid.

    The aerosol body contains the extinguishing agent, the coolant, and the base plate.

    The connecting piece of the aviation plug is used to energize the start-up current through which it reaches the agent.

    Clamps and screws are used to secure and install automated fixed aerosol fire extinguisher agents.

    Here we introduce the 60g aerosol fire extinguisher.

    aerosol fixed fire extinguisher

    Specific Parameters of Aerosol Fixed Fire Extinguisher

    The following are the specific parameter designs for this 60g electric starter product:

    • Marking Type: 60E.
    • Suurus: ø75*104 mm.
    • Kaitseala: 0.60 kuupmeetrit.
    • Mass of Aerosol Agent: 60 grammi.
    • Aktivaator: Elektriline start.
    • Silindri materjal: 304 stainless steel with artwork of polishing and coating.
    • Brutokaal: 840 grammi.
    • Neto kaal: 60 grammi.
    • Tühjenemise aeg: umbes 8 sekundit.
    • Service Period: 10 years from the production date.
    • Fire Extinguishing Level: A, B, C, E.
    • Tarne aeg: For samples and small quantities of orders it is about 3 juurde 15 päevadel, for big orders is about 15 juurde 30 päevadel.

    auto aerosool tulekustutusseade termoliiniga

    Aerosols are available in different volumes, ranging from 0.1 cubic meters to 30 kuupmeetrit. This 60g aerosol fire extinguishing agent is the classic one.

    In terms of specific design, our engineering designers will choose different product models based on the specific size of the fire extinguishing space.

    You can request our assistance in calculating the aerosol system dose for your project.

    Lisaks, if there is an enclosed space with a geographic area of 0.3 cubic meters that requires an aerosol fire extinguisher, we recommend installing our 20-g automaatne aerosooltulekustuti in this smaller distribution cabinet.

    miniaerosool tulekustutussüsteem

    Üldiselt, this product has many advantages:

    • It is a green product, ECO friendly with zero ozone-depleting value and zero global warming potential.
    • Lihtsalt kohandatav teie kustutussignalisatsioonisüsteemiga.
    • Cost-effective and suppresses fire rapidly.
    • DIY tee seda ise paigaldamiseks.
    • Töötamiseks pole vaja torujuhtmevõrku.
    • Ärge vajage survestatud silindreid ja mahuteid.
    • See on puhaste ainete ja haloonide alternatiiv.
    • Mittetoksiline.
    • Mittejuhtiv.
    • Corrosion-free.
    • Pärast pihustamist on vähe jääke.
    • Hooldusvaba.
    • Certificated and supports
    • 10-year lifetime.
    • 2-year warranty after sale.

    This new generation of nano aerosol generator is not only for the railway signal rooms but also can be used in the following places:

    • Arvuti andmetöötlusruum.
    • Elektrikapid.
    • Releekasti ruum.
    • Telekommunikatsiooni ruum.
    • UPS-i ja EPS-süsteemide ruum.
    • Juhtpaneeli ruum.
    • Elektrigeneraatori ruum.
    • Arhiivid, raamatukogu, and museums.
    • CNC-masinad ja tööpingid.
    • Hotell, restoran, and kitchen.
    • Kõrghoone elektrijaoturi ruum.
    • Põllumajandusmasin mootorid.
    • Auto mootorite kamber.
    • Avamere platvorm.

    The railway is a very important public place that many people come and go to every day.

    In a railway signaling system, tavaliselt on signalisatsiooniruumid, a small power distribution room, a train control center, a GSM-R mobile switching center, a wireless base station, raadioploki keskus seal.

    These basic facilities would require different models of aerosol fire extinguishing systems to help, a big capacity of aerosol for big spaces, and a small capacity of aerosol for small spaces.

    Päringuvorm ( võtame teiega esimesel võimalusel tagasi )


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