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Pisike aerosoolide tulekustutusgeneraator bussidele

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Pisike aerosoolide tulekustutusgeneraator bussidele

oktoober 2, 2017

We all know that all buses and coach bus is belongs to transport vehicles, and have an engine compartment at the end of their body, palun vaadake foto all:

Tulekustutusseade aerosool paigaldatakse bussi mootorisse

Normally the city bus or the long travel coach bus is always full of passengers and so the safety of the passenger is very important.
On summer days a bus or coach bus is always at risk of catching fire because of the high temperature in the summer season.

The Advantages

Meil on pisike aerosooltuletõrjegeneraator, simply say is an “aerosooli generaator”, it has with advantages of the following:

  • Keskkonna- ja keskkonnasõbralik ning roheline toode.
  • Replaces unfriendly and inefficient agents so it is a halon alternative.
  • Mittetoksiline.
  • Mittesöövitav.
  • Osoonikihi nullimise tegur.
  • Null globaalse soojenemise potentsiaali.
  • Torujuhtmevõrk puudub, survestatud gaas puudub.
  • Täielik üleujutus või kohalik rakendus (kabinetis).
  • No harmful residue and Rapid fire suppression.
  • Laialdaselt kasutatav lõputute võimalustega.

Fire Suppression Generator and Automobiles

We have many models ranging from 30 grammi kuni 3000 grams and normally installed in bus engines or coach engines, me tavaliselt soovitada 150 grammi, 200 grammi, 250 grammi, ja 500 grammi, need sobivad pigem bussimootoritele, kuna katavad 1.5 kuupmeetrit, 2 kuupmeetrit, 2.5 kuupmeetrit iga seade, good size and good fire extinguishing ability for the autobus or coach engine.

A datasheet shows 1 otsas 1000 bussid ja bussid saavad teel olles tulekahjus kannatada, so how to protect the bus to avoid a fire is very important, Hiinas, there is not a good way to make the bus not catch any fire, ja mõistlikult, a pisike aerosool tulekustuti created by our company is a very good solution.

In China we have cooperated with many bus and coach manufacturers, mõned neist on:
1. Yu Tongi buss
2. King Longi autotööstus
3. Ankai buss

Ja maailmaturul meie koostööpartneri kaudu, our products also have been installed in Volvo buss, Mees, Hino ja palju muud.

We have sold and installed many of our products on buses or coaches and still, we are searching for more Chinese domestic and overseas business companies to cooperate with them.

By cooperating with bus manufacturers or relative companies we can help make the bus more safer, ja inimesed on reisimisel turvalisemad.

Fire Test Steps

Hereby below is a fire test to show our products for the bus engine room.

  • Esimene samm: Paigaldage aerosooligeneraator masinaruumi, and Light the fire in the bus engine room.
  • Teine samm: Start up the aerosol generator, ja generaator töötab praegu tulekahju kustutamiseks.
  • Kolmas samm: Aerosoolgaas pihustub kiiresti aerosooligeneraatori düüsist ja gaasiudu ujutab masinaruumi.
  • Samm 4: The engine room fire is extinguished successfully.

bussimootori tulekustutussüsteemid

bussi masinaruumi tulekustutuskatse

tulekahju kustutamine mootoriruumis

busside tuleohutuskaitse

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