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Veel kaks võimalust minisooli aerosooligeneraatorite paigaldamiseks

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Veel kaks võimalust minisooli aerosooligeneraatorite paigaldamiseks

juunini 6, 2019

Description of our Extinguishing nozzle on the Minisol aerosol generators

The extinguishing nozzles of Minisol are set in two locations, üks koht on aerosooligeneraatori põhjas, ja teine ​​asukoht on aerosooli seadme ülaosas, tavaliselt inimestele meeldib põhjas olev otsik, but some special projects require a magnet with 3m glue to install, siis tuleks kustutusotsik asetada ainult aerosooligeneraatori ülaosale.

Normally if the extinguishing nozzles are set on the bottom of the aerosol, then use an installation bracket to install it if the extinguishing nozzles are set on the top of the aerosol, seejärel kasutage paigaldamiseks magneteid koos 3M liimiga, but you also can choose to have installation bracket.

The first way to install Minisol aerosol generators – Kasutades paigaldusklambrit ja kruvisid

This is the best way to install meie aerosoolseade in many projects in the wind power room, generaatori ruum, mobiilne mootor, and machines, normally people purchase our product we use an installation bracket, the advantage of using an installation bracket is the aerosol generators can be firmly anywhere, et see pärast paigaldamist maha ei kukuks.

Nii et kui kustutusotsik on põhjas, kasutage parem seda paigaldusklambrit(kruvidega) paigaldama.

The installation bracket is made up of stainless steel iron and it is strong and anti-corrosion, by using it you do not worry about it getting corrosion.

Installation brackets includeU-shaped” ja “L-shaped” sulgudes, please see the photos showing:

  • Minisooli aerosooli generaator -1
  • Lennunduspistikud -2
  • Kaabel/juhe -3
  • Ümmargune rõngas -4
  • Klambri pistikud 1 -5
  • Klambri pistikud 2 -6
  • L-kujuline paigaldusklamber -7
  • Lame padi -8
  • Vedrupadi -9
  • Kuusnurksed kruvid -10
  • U-shape installation bracket -11

Normally for a small size of minisol aerosol, use an “L” kujundage üks paigaldusklamber, and for a medium or large size of minisol aerosol, then use a “U” kujundage üks paigaldusklamber.

The second way to install Minisol aerosol generators is by using magnets with 3M glue

This is the special way to install our aerosol generator in some projects that are not suitable to use the installation bracket to install, kuid sobib kasutamiseks magnetitega 3M liim paigaldama.

Kasutades 3M liimiga magneteid paigaldades tuleb aerosoolseadme kustutusdüüsid seada ülemisele küljele, and the protection object must be with the material of iron or stainless steel so that the magnetic and 3M glue can be adhered to it.

The advantages of using magnets with 3M glue is also easy to install, but not as firmly installed as by using an installation bracket, so if not for special projects, then use an installation bracket, but for some special projects better to use magnets and 3M glue to install, siis anname mõne erisoovituse.

Nowadays aerosol fire suppression device is recognized worldwide and many engineering and installation companies and firefighting enterprises think aerosol suppression is a good fire protection solution for them, so they like to design aerosol systems for their ongoing projects.

Different Installation Modes

The following industries or fields are places that require a Minisol fire suppression device with different installation modes:

  • Tuuleenergia tööstus, the wind turbine nacelle, juhtpaneel, ja elektrikilbid.
  • Transporditööstus, Buss, treenerid, veoautod, autod, and some other heavy-duty vehicles, näiteks, our car needs to install a fire suppression system, we suggest installing our aerosol suppressant generators inside the car engine, with the capacity of covering 1.5 juurde 2.5 kuupmeetrit.
  • Kommunikatsioonitööstus, in the communication industry there are many electrical equipment cabinets, control boards, and electronic boxes that need to be protected by a small fire suppression device, nagu aerosool.
  • Energiatööstus, The power industry includes wind power, power generators, voolujaotus, and many electrical cabinets are over there.
  • In public places and municipal facilities, nagu elektrijaotuskapid, tunnelid, sillad, gas supplies, water supplies, and power supplies, the electronic equipment also may require a small aerosol fire suppression system to protect it.
  • Offshore-platvormi tööstus, a transformer room in an offshore platform always needs such small fire suppression system to protect it, nagu see aerosool.
  • Akutööstus, Nowadays new energy is developing so fast, and people have great requirements for battery products, so now some companies have been researching to install a small fire suppression generator inside a battery space, ja meie aerosoolseadmed võivad.
  • Ehitustööstus, hoonete nõrkvoolu ja tugeva voolu juhtimisruumis on võimalik kaitseks paigaldada aerosooltuletõrjeseade.
  • teised, we can not be able to list all but we can imagine this small aerosol fire extinguishing device is be able to applied everywhere.

About Bracket Installation

So industries and fields better use Brackets to install, and some better use magnets and 3M brand glue.

Millise paigaldusviisi kasutamiseks küsige esmalt meie käest, and tell me some basic information about the following:

  • Projekti nimi, see on selleks, et teada saada, kuhu seade installida.
  • Mis funktsiooni sa tahad, automaatne, manuaal, or both of them?
  • Paigaldamine Nõutav keskkond ja ümbritseva õhu temperatuur.

After we get your inquiry we will ask you for the basic information and then will require you to give us more information, teavet, sealhulgas järgmist:

  • Project drawings in DWG format or PDF or in JPG format.
  • Projekti materjalide nõuete nimekirjad (Hinnapäring).
  • Mõõtmed ja spetsifikatsioonid.

After that we will send an inquiry to our design department in the company and the technician will work out a fire solution for your project.

We are an efficiency-oriented manufacturing company and we design, toota, engineer, and install a variety of our fire suppression systems and their devices: aerosool, FM200, ig541, CO2, kuiv keemiline pulber, TAG, jne.

We are an efficiency-oriented manufacturing company and we design, toota, engineer, and install a variety of fire suppression systems and their devices: aerosool, FM200, IG541, süsinikdioksiid, kuiv keemiline pulber, TAG, ja nii edasi.


  • GA499.1-2010, Aerosoolsed tulekustutussüsteemid – Kondenseeritud aerosool tulekustutusseade.
  • NFPA 2010, Fikseeritud aerosoolide tulekustutussüsteemide standard.
  • ISO 15779, Kondenseeritud aerosool tulekustutussüsteemid.
  • ANSI/UL 2775, Standard fikseeritud kondenseeritud aerosoolkustutussüsteemi üksustele.
  • CEN/TR 15276-1/2, Fikseeritud tulekustutussüsteemid – kondenseeritud aerosoolkustutussüsteemid.
  • KIWA-k23003 kuival aerosoolil põhinevad tulekustutussüsteemid.
automaatsed tulekustutussüsteemid alajaama elektrijaotusruumi lülititrafole

Uuenduslikud automaatsed tulekustutussüsteemid alajaama elektrijaotusruumi lülititrafole

Üksikasjade saamiseks lugege ja laadige alla PAIGALDAMISJUHEND kohta 304 roostevabast terasest fikseeritud aerosool.

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